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Wrong marriage

Wrong marriage

Eniafe J.D


Her once sweet marriage suddenly turns sour, she tried all she could to make it work but then a deception led to her divorce. A suitable suitor comes up suddenly and is not willing to let her go. Find out what happens when her ex comes back begging but meets her suitor unexpectedly. Who is this new suitor?

Chapter 1 A better meal

The knock on the door startled Teni. She broke out of her reverie and dropped her six months old baby on the couch before running to get the door .

she opened the door and looked up only to meet a pair of cold eyes staring at her.

She shivered and staggered back in fear as he pushed her and walked past her. He took a quick glass at the sleeping child and walked upstairs without turning back.

Teni palmed her forehead and sighed before shutting the door close. She carried the child into her room and put her gently in her cradle before heading downstairs again.

She made her way into the kitchen and came out with plates, spoon and a cooler of food.

She quickly dished out the food and covered it with a foil paper as gently as she could before running upstairs to call her husband.

As she walked into their room, she heard the sound of a running tap. She sat on the bed and waited patiently for him to come out of the shower.

This had been her routine since she gave birth to their daughter. She had to turn into a full time housewife as soon as she got pregnant because Collins had told her to quit her job.

He was very excited about the news of her pregnancy that he made sure he provided all that she needed. But ever since she gave birth, his attitude changed towards her. She could have assumed it was because it was a female and not a male child but they had gone for scan during the pregnancy to check the baby's gender and Collins showed his satisfaction, infact he didn't care much about the gender, inasmuch as the child was safe and sound. She couldn't help but wonder what caused the whole change of attitude.

"Are you just going to sit there all day staring at nothing?" Collins said almost yelling. Teni jumped to her feet, she was startled,'when did he come out of the shower?, he was even dressed aready' she thought to herself before replying, "I... I...came to...to..." she lost all courage when her eyes met with his. She regretted looking up at him. Those eyes that once looked at her with love, care and affection were staring at her with pure hatred and disgust. Her lips trembled slightly but once she found her quavering voice, "your food is ready" she muttered and quickly dashed out of the room before he strangles her to death.

Her heart was beating loudly in her chest when she entered her child's room. Tears filled her eyes already as she began to ponder on where she had gone wrong in her marriage. She had gone for marriage counseling times without number but those counselling didn't work out for her marriage. What else can she do?, he had stopped loving her and that was barely her fault.

She already decided to resume back to her office but she needed his permission. How was she going to face him?, she had to... Her train of thoughts came to an abrupt end when she heard her name. She quickly rushed out of the room and proceeded down the stairs and there he was sitted on a chair in the dining room like a king in all his glory. A frown formed on his handsome face when he saw her approaching. "What's this?" he asked pointing to the plates on the dining table.

Teni looked at him in confusion, she bit her lips and stepped back in fear. "It's rice and stew" she answered simply while he scoffed." I'm not blind, I'm asking you what it's doing here? " he snapped at her angrily. " It's your dinner, it..." she didn't complete her statement when aloud slap landed on her face. The impact of that slap was so heavy that she not only fall on her butts but also went blind for almost ten seconds and when her eyesight returned, she was only seeing stars.

She managed to get upbut she dare not meet his gaze, that would be a death wish. She quickly wiped a single tear that had escaped from the shimmers of tears in her eyes despite her desperate efforts to hold back. " Is this what I deserve after a long and stressful day at work?"he asked again.

This time she raised her eyes to meet his, a look of surprise evident on her face as she answered him innocently," but you were the one who set the time table, I didn't..." another slap silenced her, her lips bursted and she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. The tears finally fell freely without any restraint. The tears she had been willing not to fall flowed freely down her cheek as she sobbed silently.

The man carried the plate of rice and emptied all it's contents on her head. " I'm giving you just thirty minutes to prepare me a better meal, you better don't keep me waiting, you ungrateful bitch!". Collins said and walked out of the dinning room angrily.

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Much love from your authoress, Eniafe cares.

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