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WHISPERS IN THE DARK - Secrets unveils...

WHISPERS IN THE DARK - Secrets unveils...

Zainny M.Alpha


A beautiful teenage girl lost her memories in a car crash with her abductees after realizing her parents wanted her dead. She was confused and scared, not knowing who she was or where she came from. As she started rebuilding her life, she transformed into a different person, embracing her new identity. Along the way, she crossed paths with a cold-hearted billionaire who initially seemed unapproachable. But as they spent more time together, their connection grew stronger, and they fell deeply in love. Their love story was unique and filled with ups and downs, as they faced various challenges together. However, fate had something unexpected in store for her. One day, she unexpectedly encountered her supposed parents, and in that moment, her memories began to resurface. With her memories restored, she became desperate to seek justice and bring her parents to account for their actions. But her supposed parents were willing to go to extreme lengths to silence her forever. Now, with the help of an outsider who has joined their cause, the stakes are higher than ever. Will she be able to achieve her goal and find justice? Or will her parents succeed in their sinister plan to end her life?



I bidded my best friend a final goodbye.

"You sure you don't want a ride back home Mia?"

Alyssa,my best friend said right after she hopped into her car.

"Nah,I can manage"

I said back to her before heading to my house.

My driver canceled on me. He informed me he won't be able to take me home because he had an emergency at his house.

It's not a long distance to my house,so I should manage.

I plugged in my earphones to listen to a podcast.

The pathway was lonely and filled with few students of my grade. I took my eyes off them to avoid the pleasantries exchange.

Suddenly,I felt trails behind me. At first,I thought it was the students but when I turned,I was mistaken. I caught the sight of unfamiliar looking guys.

Well,maybe they are just going in the same direction. I tried to brush off the uneasy feeling that was creeping up on me.

As I continued walking, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were following me. Their presence seemed constant, and it was making me more suspicious by the second.

I decided to stop abruptly, and to my surprise, they stopped too, almost as if they were waiting for me to make a move.

It was that my instincts told me to run.l desperately sprinted through the street. The street was now left with me and these strangers. Everyone else has gone their own ways. My heart pounded in my chest, I could hear the heavy footsteps of my pursuers growing closer. Panic surged through my veins, urging me to run faster, but my legs felt like lead.

With each passing second, the gap between us narrowed. I could feel their presence looming behind me. their sinister intentions palpable in the air- to capture me. In a last-ditch effort to escape, I took a sharp turn into a narrow alley, hoping to lose them in the twisty streets.

But fate seemed to be against me. As I rounded the corner, I stumbled upon a dead-end.

My heart sank as I realized there was nowhere left to run to.

Fear coursed through my veins as one of the kidnappers approached, a sinister smile playing on his lips. In a swift motion, he brought out a cloth soaked in a pungent odor. My instincts screamed at me to fight back, but the element of surprise was against me.. Before I could react, the cloth was pressed against my face, and the sickly sweet smell of chloroform invaded my senses.

The world around me blurred and faded into darkness, My last conscious thought was a desperate plea for help.I felt myself lifted off the ground, carried away by my captors to an unknown fate.


I regained my consciousness and found myself in a dimly lit room.The effects of the chloroform still lingered, clouding my thoughts and making it difficult to focus. The room was filled with the stifled sobs and whispers of other captives, their faces etched with the same fear and confusion.

Where am I?

The first thought that came to my mind but It was immediately answered by flashes from my previous encounter.

I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. My mind raced with different questions.

Who are these captors and why had they targeted me?

My phone

I frantically checked myself immediately,my hands trembled as I realized my school bag, headset, and phone had all been taken from me.

My connection to the outside world had been severed. I immediately thought of my parents. They must have been sick and worried about me now.

But why haven't these people asked for my parent's contact and sought ransom and let me go.

Isn't that what they what do?

And almost immediately,I heard faint whisper from two captives

I heard from the guard that the newly brought in girl would be killed

Oh, that's so harsh. Why would a young girl like that be executed?

And they both sent me these pitiful eyes.

My heart pounded in my chest as their words echoed in my ears. They are planning to execute me??

I hurriedly moved closer to the two women, my hands still trembling from the shock

"What do you mean by I'm getting killed?!!!

I asked, my voice filled with a mix of fear and desperation.

One of the women looked at me with pity-filled eyes and spoke softly

"It was what I heard, I swear."

Her words sank deep into my mind, intensifying the gravity of the situation. The reality of my impending fate settled heavily upon me,

Thoughts raced through my mind, searching for answers.

Why would they want to harm me?

What have I done to deserve this?

My survival instincts stepped in again. I need to get out of this place. I can't just sit back and watch them kill me. Giving in to panic would only cloud my judgment and hinder my chances of escape.

I drew my strength from the stories of survivors I had read and the countless movies I had watched, and I started formulating a plan.

I observed my surroundings, taking mental notes of every detail. I noticed a loose floorboard near the corner of her room. It seemed like the perfect hiding spot for any tools or supplies I might need during my escape.

I moved to examine the door, searching for any weaknesses. To my relief, there is just a small gap between the door and its frame. It was just enough for me to slip a thin piece of wire through and attempt to pick the lock.

With newfound hope, I gathered the material I needed. I unraveled a thread from my torn dress, fashioning it into a makeshift lockpick. My plan would require patience and precision, but I am determined to set myself free.

As the night grew darker, I waited for the right moment to put my plan into action. I listened intently for any signs of movement outside the room, making sure the coast was clear.

The other captives were all fast asleep and I thought of waking them up so we could escape together.

But what if my plan fails? What if I only end up bringing them in much more danger? I immediately brush off the thought.

Finally, with trembling hands, I inserted the lockpick into the gap and began to manipulate the lock. It took several nerve-wracking attempts, but after what felt like an eternity, I heard a satisfying click. The door swung open, revealing a dimly lit corridor beyond.

I couldn't believe I just did that.

Taking a deep breath, I l stepped out into the unknown. I moved stealthily, like a shadow, careful not to make a sound.

But luck isn't always by my side.

I turned a corner and found myself face-to-face with a guard. My heart leaped into my throat as our eyes locked.

In that split second, My survival instincts kicked in again. Without hesitation, I pivoted on my heels and sprinted in the opposite direction. The guard's shouts filled the air, urging others to join the pursuit.

My heart pounded in my chest as il raced through the building.They were relentless in their pursuit, their footsteps growing louder with each passing moment.

I refused to give up. I pushed myself to my limits using every ounce of my strength. As I neared the perimeter of the compound, my determination soared. I could feel the sweet freedom that awaited me just beyond the walls. With one final burst of energy, I sprinted towards the edge, leaping over obstacles and ignoring the pain in my legs

And then, I found myself outside the building.

But their pursuit didn't stop.

I ran as fast as I could through the dark alley. The cold night air cut through my clothes, but the adrenaline kept me going. I could hear the footsteps of my kidnappers getting closer, their menacing voices echoing in the distance.

Suddenly, I saw a flicker of headlights approaching from the corner of my eye. Without thinking, I darted across the street, hoping to find safety on the other side. But in my panicked state, I didn't see the car speeding towards me.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The screeching of tires, the blinding headlights, and then the impact. I felt myself being thrown into the air, my body colliding with the metal of the car. Pain shot through every fiber of my being, and darkness threatened to consume me.

I found myself lying on the cold pavement barely clinging to life. I tried to move, but my body refused to cooperate.

Through the haze, I could vaguely hear the sound of phone ringing

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voices on the other end - my kidnappers. The words they spoke sent chills down my spine.

"Yes, Mr. Sinclair, your job is completed. She's dead," one of them said with a chilling tone. The name Sinclair echoed in my mind, and confusion washed over me. Sinclair was my parents' name, so how could they be involved?

The footsteps of my captors faded into the distance, leaving me alone with my racing thoughts. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon me, and as my eyes slowly closed, I couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the end.

But then again I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. A glimmer of hope flickered within me as I felt a gentle touch on my skin, and I mustered all my strength to open my eyes. I saw a vague image of a lady standing before darkness overwhelmed me completely.

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