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Her Memories

Loud cries, glass shattering and pains was all I experienced before finally passing out completely...A car just crashed into ours! And it's ghastly. I never thought my life would end this soon and that too without fulfilling my dreams...

Chapter 1 Shattered dreams

I whined silently as I struggled to set myself free from the tight grip of the rope.

And it ended in vain....again

My heart raced with unsettled questions.

My parent?

Could they possibly still think I'm at work?

It's been six hours now that I've been stuck in this place and there's no approaching request.

There should have been a call laid out to my parent.

Make them aware of my messy situation and seek ransom as they've always done.


Suddenly, the door creaked open and revealed two able-bodied men in masks.

The vein on my forehead wrinkled as my heart gave a throb.

It's like it's raining inside me. It pours down on me with a roar:deafening...like a shower of nails on my heart of ice.

"Let's go"

He said in a deep baritone making my heart race.

"What if I don't want to?"

"You have no choice. I'm here for you. Not even I have a choice"


I froze on spot.

He moved closer and untied the rope holding onto me all this while. I stood up in a swift making my way to the door but well, was obstructed by the other man. He moved towards me and I stepped backward, he took one more step and I recounted mine. He did again and I did and did but luck wasn't by me as I felt my wall caress my back. He threw me over to his shoulder roughly then took off at her top pace.

"Let go of me" I yelled whilst biting him hard on his shoulder but that didn't shriek him a bit.


Finally, we got out of the building.

It's night already and surely, my parents would be out there looking for their girl who's been captured by some weird men.

A car stopped right before us and I was smuggled in.

Sadness swept over my face.

Where am I being taken to?

Well, it's clear that I've been abducted but shouldn't they place a call to my parent?

I tilted my head sideways but was welcomed by a pair of cold-blooded eyes.

Whoa...he removed his masks already

But still..he couldn't be more strange.

"Where are you. taking... me?" I asked, struggling with the urge to stutter.

And when he ignored me and took out his phone, I unexpectedly mustered all courage and went forth

"I asked where you're taking me to...you should answer that at least" I noted.

I swear I could hear him scoff.

He ignored me once more.

"Who are you and why do you have me here!"


Fear arose in me once more and I felt my legs almost crumbling.

The car drive past a gate and the driver came to a stop before a tall building.

The door opened after which I walked down with the man.

We finally reached a residence...

The door to the room creaked open and two other men, bowed ushering us into the room.

One of them has me a pitiful glare which left me pondering on why he did.

Once we reached the room, my eyes immediately caught the sight of a man...

Sorry two men.

They were both wearing button-ups rolled at the sleeves. One of them wore a white shirt with a black tie while the other had a black shirt with a white tie.


"And... she's here" The former exclaimed smiling widely at me and making my mouth an "eww"

He had dark, roughly parted hair pushed up in the front.

The latter shifted his gaze to me. My eyes met with him for a brief secs before I lowered my gaze.

His footsteps drew closer making me flinch In fear.

He stopped once he was close to me and ran his eyes over my body. I saw his eyes glimmer.

"She's the perfect girl for the job" he concluded after a few minutes of assessing my body. "Then, she's yours" The man with the dirty hair said snickering

My eyes widened in shock!

The whole situation want me to curl up in a ball and cry.

I am already...as I felt tears drop down my cheek.

"Where did you get her MK...who gave her out?" His eyebrows furrowed.

MK, the man who brought me here spared me a glance before finally responding

"It was just someone " MK said flashing a big smile at me.

I felt the world go still at the mention of that. Who could that be?

I ransacked my head hoping for a perfect answer but none came. I have little circle of friend. It's always just me, them and my family. What could I have done to anyone

I blinked away the wave of threatening tears welling my in eyes

"So...what's your name?" He asked."Jeannie" I replied in a brisk

"Well, cool name " He said, his tone smooth and curious

He looked like the perfect illustration of bad guy as described by my mom.

"Okay...Let's go now" he stated, his voice cold as ever.

And then, it dawned upon me that I relaxed a little."You have a different future now...an entirely different from the one you planned" he muffled.

My jaw lowered, my mouth went agape, beads of sweat covered me and I had evolved pale.

I slapped my head stupidly, hoping this was just some nightmare but the thunderous voice I heard drove me back to reality.

"Follow me..you little!.." he yelled.

I walked..with shaky legs. I kept a considerable distance between us as I trailed after him.

We got out of the room and I was welcomed by the soft breeze. It was a beautiful night, one that I always would cherish back at home.

He hopped into a car and motioned me to do the same.

Then..the thought of escaping invaded my mind but soon died off soon as I saw two other guys behind me.

I entered the car and the buzzing noise of music filled my ears. It was my favorite song by The Weeknd

Maybe I'd flow with the lyrics if I were in the right frame of mind.

My family and all...

Would they still be out for me?

Tears dropped down my cheeks.

What else could I have wished for?

I have a family..a lovely one. I have everything I needed as a girl.

I have my dreams

My dreams

Could they be short-lived?

"You have a different future now" The man's words ring in my brain

What's that supposed to mean

I'm just sixteen.

What kind of job could a seventeen do?

I have no idea where I am currently

Everything everywhere looks strange.

"God...send help" I prayed silently not sure if the prayers can be answered.

Loud cries, glass shattering and pains were all I experienced before finally passing out completely...A car just crashed into ours!

And it's ghastly. I never thought my life would end this soon and that too without fulfilling my dreams...

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