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In a world where humans and werewolves live in uneasy co existence. a Forbidden Romance is brewing.The youngest son in the Prime Hounds Pack must choose a mate to continue his bloodline, but He found himself in crossroads. He's torn between his duty and his heart. He has always felt different from his pack, but now he must decide whether to follow tradition or follow his instincts. When he meets the human woman, everything changes. He feels the connection that he had never felt before, but he knows his love for her can have dire consequences.As the young werewolf grapples with his feelings, he is confronted by a rival for the woman's affections. The rival is a powerful, ruthless werewolf who will stop at nothing to win her. Meanwhile, the woman is conflicted as well, torn between her growing love for the werewolf and her loyalty to her own kind. She must decide if she is willing to risk everything for love, even if it means facing death itself. Will the young werewolf and the woman be able to find happiness, or will they be doomed by the forces that seek to destroy them?

Chapter 1 In to the woods

The rain was pouring down, drenching Fiesta to the bone under the moonlight. She was lost, cold, and exhausted, stumbling through the dark woods. The last thing she remembered was a fight with her family and then running out of the house, blindly fleeing into the stormy night. And now, here she was, soaked and shivering, her clothes clinging to her skin. She could hear the wind howling through the trees and the thunder rumbling in the distance. And then, she saw something in the shadows. Something that made her blood run cold.

Fiesta stumbled through the woods, her heart racing. She tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the thing she had seen in the shadows. It had been huge and terrifying, and it had looked at her with glowing red eyes. She tried to convince herself that it had been a figment of her imagination, but deep down, she knew that it was real. She shivered as she felt the creature's gaze on her. Where was it? Was it still following her?

Fiesta finally stumbled out of the woods, onto a muddy road. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, and the clouds were beginning to break apart, revealing a sliver full moon. She was miles from home, and her clothes were torn and muddy. She didn't know what to do, so she just stood there, shivering. And then she heard the sound of hooves. A horse and rider were approaching, and Fiesta felt a surge of hope. But as they got closer, she realized that this was no ordinary horse woman. The rider's cloak was black, and it billowed out behind her , making her look like a dark specter. The horse's eyes were red, and its hooves made no sound as they struck the ground. As the rider drew near, Fiesta saw that her face was shrouded by a hood. All she could see were her glowing, blue eyes. "What do you want?" she whispered, her voice trembling. The rider said nothing. She simply reached out a gloved hand and beckoned to her.Fiesta took a step back, her heart pounding in her chest. But as she tried to run, her legs felt heavy and unresponsive. The rider's eyes seemed to glow brighter, and suddenly, Fiesta couldn't move at all. She was frozen in place, trapped by an invisible force. The rider dismounted, her cloak billowing around her , and she slowly removed her hood. Her face was pale and beautiful, but her eyes were still glowing blue . She reached out a hand and touched Fiesta's cheek. She shivered at her touch, but she couldn't look away from her eyes.

"I am Luna."You have been chosen," the rider said, her voice soft and hypnotic. "You are special, and you have a great destiny ahead of you." Fiesta tried to speak, but no words would come out. She could only stare at the rider, transfixed. "You are the one who will bring about a new age," she continued. "You will change the world." Fiesta's mind was racing, but she couldn't break free from the rider's gaze. She felt herself slipping into a trance-like state. And then, the rider spoke a single word: "Sleep."And as the word echoed in Fiesta's mind, her eyes closed, and she slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. When she awoke, she was lying on a soft bed in a room that was draped in darkness. For a moment, she thought that it had all been a dream. But then, the door opened, and the rider stepped into the room. "You have rested," She said. "And now, we must begin your training." Luna looks deep into Fiesta's eyes, and her own eyes begin to glow with a silver light. "You are the moon child," she says. "The moon's power lies dormant within you, waiting to be awakened." She reaches out and touches her forehead, and she feels a surge of energy flow through her. "Close your eyes," she says. "Imagine yourself in a field of moonlight."You feel the power of the moon coursing through your veins. You can feel it in your heart, your mind, and your soul. It is a part of you, and it always has been. Now, reach out and take hold of that power. Make it your own." Fiesta does as she says, and she feels the power of the moon envelop her. It is both beautiful and terrifying, and she feels herself being transformed by it. "Open your eyes," Luna says. "You are the moon child, and your destiny is now in your hands." As Fiesta's powers continue to grow, she begins to realize that she is more than just a Luna - she is the embodiment of the moon itself. With this power, she can control the tides, the weather, and the hearts of all those around her. But there is a dark side to this power, and she begins to sense the corruption that lies within her. She must learn to control her power, or else it will consume her. Luna, the goddess, then teaches her the importance of balance and using her powers for good.

Alpine went back to his pack, but he couldn't stop thinking about the woman he saw in the woods .Alpine finds himself drawn to her scent, a musty smell a bit like old rain, the true scent of a wolf.

He later began to hunt for his mate. Following through her scent ,he reached a small town where Fiesta was staying, compelled by a force he couldn't understand. He had to see her again, but he couldn't risk revealing his true nature as he remembered that she was terrified seeing him . So he watched her from a distance, learning her every move, every habit, every breath. She was oblivious to his presence, but he knew that one day, their paths would cross again. And when they did, everything would change.

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