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The Wife of the Mafia

The Wife of the Mafia



After the twist and turns of Ellinita’s life, can she be united with her one true love?

Chapter 1 1

Ellinita's POV:

After hearing all the hurtful words that Chadwick said, I realized where I stood. All I could do was turn to Lorcan for his confirmation.

"It's all true, Ellinita. Sorry if I didn't tell you earlier." Lorcan said sadly as he looked at me.

I angrily faced Chadwick and punched him. I respect him so much because he is my brother. But after what he said to Lorcan? All those hurtful words that I was the one who hurt for him, I never thought that would come out of my brother's mouth.

"Ellinita, don't fight with him. It's okay I understand–"

"You shut up Lorcan, stay there and I'll just talk to my brother." I said and faced Chadwick again.

"Brother, how dare you say all that? Don't judge people! You don't know him that much!" I couldn't stop screaming.

I was still panting and my chest was heaving slightly. If we weren't here in the meeting room, we'd probably be surrounded by nosy and gossipy employees.

"I'm your brother, I'm just concerned about you–"

"Concerned Chadwick? Wow, big word huh! I didn't know that the meaning of being concerned included being judgmental. I'll sue Merriam Webster for that!" I shouted angrily.

"Young lady, don't raise your voice at me. I'm just telling you that you won't get anything from that man! The one–"

"Wow huh? I didn't judge Arshani when you were together and she only finished vocational! I accepted her so you should accept Lorcan too–"

"Don't you dare involve her, Ellinita. She's fucking asleep now because we had an accident last week! I-I'm sorry for saying hurtful words, I'm j-just problematic right now." Chadwick said sadly and hit his forehead.

I turned my gaze to Lorcan. I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. He kissed me, sign that I should comfort my brother.

"You old wench, what happened?" I asked my brother and held him by the shoulder.

Even though we fight and yell at times, I am soft especially when it comes to family. Chadwick is also the same as Katty, mom and dad. Maybe it's just hereditary.

"Stop cursing you little brat, we had an accident when we were going to pick up the twins from school. It was raining back then, we collided and this is what happened. I'm here to cut my ties with Silvertian because of the work that is being done at mine from the Alekseevs. I just want to be with my twins and my wife, why is it so hard? Fuck it." Chadwick said so I hugged him.

I don't know what to advise because I don't know anything about married life. Even though someone intervened with Lorcan, we still don't have a label.

I thought about my twin nephews Sammy and Sebastian, they must be sad right now. Arshani is in the hospital and Chadwick is still here to finish his business, it is also hard for them especially since they are still young.

I said goodbye to Chadwick and kissed his cheek. He and Lorcan stared at each other, which made me nervous. The older brother approached him and whispered something before patting his shoulder and walking away.

"What did he tell you?" I asked Lorcan when I got close to him.

"He'll fucking pull my balls off if I hurt you." Lorcan said laughing and kissed me on the lips.

I hugged him, I was sad for him. He sacrificed everything, even his own education for his siblings and his animal mother and father. He's really a good man, I'm falling for him even more.

I looked Lorcan in the eye, his expression was now blank. It suddenly softened when he spoke.

"Will you still accept me even if I didn’t finish college? Would you still love me even if I have nothing to be proud of but you?" He asked lazily.

I just saw Lorcan like this. I last saw the worry and sadness in his eyes when we were with Lareina.

It was like something was tickling my heart. No matter how hard a person looks on the outside, they still have something soft inside.

"I don't care about those things, even though you finished elementary school. I don't give a fuck–"

"Stop cursing, it looks bad." He frowned when he said so I mouthed 'sorry'.

"Just come here." I said and pulled Lorcan for a hug.

After flirting in the meeting room, we both went out. Just in time, I caught up with Charlotte and Hailee who were outside.

"Oh my gosh! Reunion guys! You guys are so ugly, and you still don't have a husbands!" Hailee shouted and pulled me.

The three of us did a group hug and screamed. Other employees and agents here are looking at us but we don't care. Hailee and Emman are their bosses, they are our friends.

"We need to hang out before we go back to the Philippines! Reynaldo's sister was involved in a car accident, we also need to go home right away. I'll pick you up later in the limo, take your boyfriends with you!" Hailee said happily.

I turned to Lorcan waiting a sign of approval. He nodded so I jumped up and down with joy.

"Let's go bitches! Where are we going?" I asked.

"At our hotel here in Russia, we go swimming. We have an indoor swimming pool and jacuzzi so we can swim even when it's cold!" Hailee said happily.

The three of us chatted before saying goodbye to each other. Lorcan and I went straight to our room.

"Let's eat, I'll just prepare breakfast." Lorcan said when we entered the room.

"Okay then, go to breakfast. I'll just fix our clothes for later." I said goodbye and quickly bent down to give Lorcan a kiss on the lips.

I went to the room and prepared a big suitcase. We won't be there for long because we still have a mission, maybe in a day we will leave again for Germany.

I got some of Lorcan's t-shirts, track pants and a jacket. I took my winter clothes, short dresses and two pairs of swimsuits.

The swimsuit I took was a pink one-piece that covered the chest and under the butt, Lorcan might get angry again. I also got a blue two-piece solid bra and high-waist bikini.

I closed the luggage and arranged the Michael Kors bag I was going to bring. I put money, make-up, ornaments and other things in it.

"Ellinita, time to eat!" Lorcan shouted.

I stopped what I was doing and finished quickly. I immediately went out and went to the kitchen to eat.

The two plates were already ready here on the table counter so I sat down next to Lorcan. He also puy the fried rice on my plate and poured fresh milk into the glass. This one is so sweet, I can only smile while staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Lorcan asked innocently.

I laughed again because of his litany of 'what are you looking at'. If he said that to someone else, there might have been a fight.

"Nothing, is it bad?" I asked.

"No, I'm just asking." He said and followed me with a hot dog.

We both ate. This Lorcan can get married, he knows how to cook. He cooked fried rice, hotdogs and sunny side-up eggs. Their smell is so fragrant, it's good to eat.

I like it even more because of my mysterious grumpy counterpart, you'll just be sad.

After we ate we got dressed. Hailee texted that they were here, too excited. He said he also took our daughter Pandora with himso I rushed Lorcan to fix it, I missed that sweet child.

When we got off, I saw Charlotte in the lobby with a frown. I looked at her maliciously because Yami was next to her and was carrying their suitcase.

"Lorcan? Why the fuck are you here?" Hailee's husband Reynaldo asked Lorcan in shock.

"You don't give a fuck, fucker." Lorcan said and approached Reynaldo.

I was about to stop the two but I just stared when they shook hands. Are they friends? Why didn't Hailee inform us?

"Gays! I’m coming!"

Emman jumps into Silvertian with a picnic basket. The gay man of the year, wearing a pink winter jacket. It's your sister again.

"Let's go? Pandora is in the limousine, asleep." Reynaldo's said so we followed them.

Lorcan approached me and led me out. He held my waist and carried our suitcase.

We got into the limousine. Pandora was even sleeping when Hailee picked her up again. Charlotte and Yami are still not paying attention so Emman is teasing Yami.

I leaned on Lorcan's arm and closed my eyes. He put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

I'll take a nap for a while. I'm sure Hailee will drain my social energy later.

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