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The CEO's Love Triangle!

The CEO's Love Triangle!

Moony AN


Suddenly, Celine Dion vanished, and the police concluded she was dead. Leonard Walker, refusing to accept such a grim fate, employed a private investigator only to discover Celine had flown to Italy, on a ticket provided by none other than Jasmine Wilson. Consequently, Leonard blackmailed Jasmine into marrying him. Of course, Leonard's motives were far from amorous. He sought to torment Jasmine, holding her responsible for the departure of Celine - the woman he deeply loved. Jasmine had no choice but to leave her first love of four years, Gregory Scott, to enter the stately home of the Walker family as a bride. As time passed under the same roof, Jasmine found herself silently falling for Leonard. However, fate had its own twisted sense of humor, as Celine Dion returned...

Chapter 1 Plane Crash And Unreasonable Blame!

The echo of a grave news bulletin reverberated through the ether. Flight BM 2955, taking its majestic journey from the city of Ivorywood to the enigmatic heart of Italy, had met with the relentless embrace of the sea.

Within the opulent walls of an extravagant mansion, the glow of a television flickered. Leonard Walker, his form silhouetted against the haunting images, absorbed the news with an initial stoicism. Yet, in the fleeting moments that followed, an eerie realization washed over him. His soon-to-be bride, Celine Dion, had only days prior whispered to him of her upcoming voyage to Italy...

In sheer panic, he reached for the phone, only to be met with the hollow silence of her unresponsive line: "Damn it, Celine! You...!" he rasped.

"Leon, ascertain immediately if Celine was aboard that ill-fated flight." he commanded, the weight of dread heavy in his voice.

Leon, his trusted secretary, although a young 25, was Leonard's stalwart right hand. With a nod of determination, he embarked on his dire quest.

Hours that felt like centuries passed, before Leon returned to Leonard's sumptuous chamber with the grim confirmation: Celine had indeed been aboard the doomed aircraft.

A tempest of rage brewed within Leonard. Clutching the investigation documents, a clue emerged; the ticket that sealed Celine's fate had been gifted by an 18-year-old damsel named Jasmine Wilson.


The Moonhaven Art University stood still amidst the swirling whispers.

"Jasmine! Disaster looms!" Gwen's voice, tinted with urgency, reached Jasmine outside the MQ classroom.

As Gwen relayed the haunting news, Jasmine felt her world crumble. It was she who had bestowed the ticket upon Celine. Had she inadvertently sealed her dear friend's fate?

Racing to the airport, the ticket inspector confirmed their worst fears. In the aftermath, Gwen gently led a distraught Jasmine away, seeking refuge from the burgeoning storm.

Yet, the dawn bore even graver omens. Jasmine awoke, ensnared in a shadowy chamber, bound tightly. As illumination pierced the darkness, a dashing figure emerged. His visage, handsome yet cold, was framed by shadows.

"You dared to doom my bride?" his voice dripped with venom.

"Your bride? I don't understand." she stammered.

As other lights blazed to life, the man's stunning features became clear. Approaching her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine, he grasped her delicate chin. The icy glint in his eyes paralyzed her with fear.

This was no ordinary gentleman. His attire spoke of nobility, but his demeanor was brutishly ferocious.

The vice-like grip on her chin drew blood. Yet, his relentless gaze bore into her.

"Sir, you're hurting her!" Leon, witnessing the scene, intervened, trying to soothe the tempest within his master.

However, Leonard's wrath only intensified. His grip on Jasmine tightened, eyes locked onto hers with an accusation that brooked no denial.

"You sought to take her place as the Lady of House Walker, didn't you?" he growled.

The tale, filled with drama, intrigue, and passion, was set into motion.

Jasmine was shocked, unable to understand why this man had accused her of something.

A moment later, it came back to her in vivid detail that she had met this man twice; once when he came to the school to pick up Celine, and a second time when he visited her house to dine with Celine.

But how could he think that she wanted to harm her friend and steal her soon-to-be husband? She was dating Gregory Scott, after all, and they had even set a wedding date.

"You're Celine's fiancé, are you? I had no intention of this, you're mistaken!" she exclaimed.

Leonard gestured, and Leon immediately undid the ropes.

Grabbing her long, silky hair, Leonard pulled her towards his majestic bed and roughly threw the petite girl upon it.

"What are you doing?"

He grinned wickedly as he loosened his tie and unbuckled his belt, his words dripping with scorn.

"Isn't this what you wanted? To climb into my bed while pretending to be innocent?"

Leon stepped forward to intervene, feeling compassion for the girl, but Leonard's cold glance stopped him. He abandoned his intent to help.

Seeing Leon obediently leave, Leonard continued his brutal handling of her, leaning down to kiss her, only to be deterred by tears running down her flushed cheeks.

Losing interest, he was repulsed by her feigned innocence.

"Celine must truly be naïve to befriend a wicked girl like you." he sneered.

He stood up, put his coat on, and left, slamming the door with a loud bang.

The noise startled his father, Nolan Walker, in the library, causing him to put down his book and step into the hallway to investigate.

At 48 years old, Nolan was the chairman of Walker Corporation, a company specializing in electronic technology.

"What's the matter, Leon?" he asked, noticing his son's private secretary emerging from the last room down the corridor.

The flustered secretary pulled him back into the library, leaving him astonished and curious.

"Speak up, what outrageous thing has Leonard done now?" he demanded.

Before Leon could reply, Leonard entered, saying: "You handle this!"

Nolan glanced at the secretary's manner and his cold-hearted son, demanding: "Leonard, what have you done now? Celine is gone, and you're still raging. I've opposed this marriage from the beginning. It's fate!"

"Father, why do you still hold prejudice against Celine!"

Nolan had vehemently opposed the ill-fated marriage from the start, as Celine's father had possibly pushed his wife, pregnant with their second child, into the deep sea.

Leonard was only three years old at the time.

"Never mind, she's dead now, and I won't object anymore!"

"Father!" Leonard was furious at his father's words, growling before storming out.

Leonard drove to Walker Corporation, attending a meeting that lasted two grueling hours. Exhausted, he returned to his office and barely closed the door when a suave voice reached his ears.

"Leonard, are you well?"

In the lavish drawing room, his gaze lifted and caught the sight of Andrew Jones, nonchalantly propping his legs upon the guest sofa, his demeanor as carefree as one would expect in a decadent establishment, prompting a scowl that deepened the lines on his forehead. He swiftly approached with the intent of nearly breaking those leisurely legs belonging to the young heir of the Jones lineage.

Andrew Jones, the sole progeny of the Jones family, was the son of a real estate magnate who helmed the company named after him, earmarked to be Andrew's inheritance.

Leonard and Andrew were high school comrades.

"What do you want with me?"

"Leonard, I heard about the tragic accident involving your soon-to-be wife."

"And what business is it of yours?"

Andrew epitomized the classic bad boy image: his attire always a magnet for female attention. In contrast, Leonard exuded an icy, stern aura, never straying from the path of a righteous gentleman.

"I just opened a bar." Andrew drawled: "Drop by, support an old friend."

As he spoke, he laid a business card on the table, which Leonard promptly picked up to inspect.

Night's Folly Lounge.

"Darn it! Opened up some seedy place, did you?"

A smirk played on Andrew's lips: "Always the serious one, aren't you, Leonard? Just serving drinks and DJ beats."

"Get out of my sight and take this trash with you!"

"You might need it someday. Keep it!" With a devilish grin, Andrew tossed a pack of CONDOMS on the table.

A rush of anger surged through Leonard, darkening his eyes as they bore into the man before him.

"Why give me this?"

"Oh, Celine is gone. Surely your physical needs haven't vanished with her?"

Having delivered his final taunt, Andrew made his exit. Leonard promptly discarded what the playboy left behind into the bin.

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