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Emmaline is soft, innocent and all she wants is happiness. Shawn Martinez is the Violent, rugged and powerful Mafia King and all he wants is to taint Emmaline and make her his own. He would kill anyone who gets in between him and his angel. They are opposites but when Emmaline is sold to the cold hearted Mafia King, her life changes in an instant.

Chapter 1 The Day I Got Sold

Today was the day I got sold Into a contract marriage to a billionaire, but I don't know it yet, I am still asleep.


I felt the sharp slap on my back and I jumped from the my spot. I saw that it was my aunt, she was standing in front of me with a big smile on her face.

I was taken aback, it was unusual for Aunt Lein to smile at me. I wondered if I was still dreaming.

“What are you doing, you're still asleep, we have a guest, get ready!." Aunt Lein told me.

I was shocked. Normally, when my aunt had guests over she never lets me show my face because I am not needed at all, unless in doing chores and all the manual labour. I wondered why she wanted me to see a guest.

I climbed down from my bed.

" Get dressed!." Aunt Lein ordered before she left my bedroom.

I quickly obeyed, a long time ago I learnt that failure to obey would amount to dire consequences. I did not want to get into trouble today.

I ran into the bathroom and after a few minutes I had put on a dress that was guest worthy, a dress that would not embarrass my auntie in front of her visitor.

I climbed down the stair case that led to the living room. There were just three people sitting there, my aunt, my uncle and a man that I had never seen before, a man that would soon be declared to me as my husband.

If I were to describe him, handsome and ice cold would be the suitable words. He wore a very dark suit that matched the colour of his dark hair. His blue eyes held no emotions at all, he watched me with the intensity of an eagle.

“Go-good mor—ning." I stuttered as I greeted him. He payed no attention to my greetings, I wondered if he heard me at all.

" Emmaline," My aunt started. “You must have heard me talking about this a lot of times but, your parents owe money to a lot of people. Your parents are dead but they might be the biggest debtors to ever exist."

My aunt said and I felt a ta-thump, it was my heart tearing from my aunt's sharp Insult towards my dead parents.

“Those people are demanding the money from me, the interest is growing every day. They owe the bank and the bank is threatening to repossess this house." My uncle said.

I felt very ashamed, if there was any way that I could help clear the debt then I would.

"That is why we have sold you off to this man over here. His name is Shawn." My uncle said. I could not believe my ears but it was true, his name was Shawn... Oh, of course I could believe that my aunt and uncle had sold me off, his name was what I could not believe Sh-aw-n not Se-an.

"Thirty million dollars would clear some loans." My aunt said. They had given me off for thirty million dollars?!.

To be fair, I thought that I would be worth lesser than a million, why would any one in their right senses want to buy me for thirty million dollars?, I asked myself.

“I hope you're a virgin as your guardians promised." His deep voice tore the silence in the room and answered my questions at the same time. I was disgusted by his questions, but If I did not answer it, I would get into trouble.

I closed my eyes and took in breath. I could hear my heart beating like crazy in my chest, seriously... This is what I've become, a sex doll for a billionaire?.

I was at the verge of breaking down.

“Yes." I said and I looked down at my feet, he stood up, he towered at about six foot three, he had broad shoulders and a physique that belonged not to ordinary men.


“At least my husband is not a short ugly goblin." I said as I stood beside him at the altar.

Thankfully, My aunt and uncle were kind enough to find it in their greedy godforsaken hearts to give me off to someone with good looks.

Although there was something Mr Shawn had done that would serve as a red flag in the eyes of women who had a choice in marrying who so ever they wanted to, he was late to our wedding!.

He left me standing in the altar looking like a decorated joke for about half an hour. I was so thankful when the wedding ceremony was over.

A driver drove us to a mansion located very far from where I lived. Truth be told, I never knew such houses existed.

I walked in and my eyes went up to the high ceiling, I counted seven chandeliers in the grand living room and I touched stair case railings that were made from pure gold.

“Emmaline!." Mr Shawn said, his voice violently pulled me from my thoughts into the harsh reality.

“Yes sir, you called me?." I said to him as I walked over to where he was standing. My heart was doing a break dance in my chest.


He shifted his hand and stared at his diamond wrist watch.

“I need to attend a meeting. I'm leaving." He said to me and without another word he turned around and started heading out.

“When will you be back?." I asked him and he stopped abruptly. He turned back to me with a look that almost made me wet myself.

“What did you say?." He asked me, I was scared.

“Nothing, I was just wondering... I'm sorry sir." I apologized to him.

“Good. Keep it in mind that you're here for a reason, to question me is not part of it." He said and I watched him leave the house.

Silence was the only sound I heard. It wasn't until after taking a tour around the four storey mansion which held more than two dozen rooms that I understood that there was no single soul inhabiting the 'fancy graveyard' except from me, I was alone.



The sound of a zipper being undone.

I tore out of sleep as I was certain that there was someone else in the same with me but I couldn't see.

It was completely dark because it was night time and all the lights were turned off, even the blinds were covering the moonlight from passing through the window.

I screamed as I felt two strong hands take mine in a lock hold and pin me to the fluffy bed. It was definitely a man, his breaths were hard and I could smell a hint of alcohol as it crashed on my neck.

I kicked my legs trying to fight this strong man but he found a way to hold my legs down, I was immobile.

“Please, don't do this..." My voice came out weaker than I expected. Held by fear my voice became very faint, I had barely even heard myself.

“Emmaline!." The voice said and my eyes flew open in bewilderment and shock as I could recognize it's owner.

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