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Ifthekharul Alam


This story about a girl named Dona. In whose life many supernatural things are over. Actually, she lost her father and mother very little age . After that many unexpected event happened in her life. She never stop her life from study she was thaught life is all about the next step. There are many accident co-incident event happened in her life. She had also a most interesting love story. I think if you read this book you can enjoy from this book also yo can learn many many thing......

Chapter 1 Dona's childhood


Once upon a time in Texas city was born a girl named Dona. She was very unlucky girl because before her born her father had die a road accident. Her father was a taxi driver and her mother was a housewife. Donass fathers name was William Son and her mother’s name was Anny Marry. After her father death her mother took a job in a News Prace center. Her mother was educated person she was also a writter. But her mother earned a little money. When Dona’s father death her mother started staying her mother’s home. When Dona grew up slowly their family expenses day by day increase. That time Dona’s mother return Donas father home and wanted Donas father’s property to Donas uncle but Dona’s Uncle was very bed man his name was brucely.He didn’t give them property. He also threats her mother for kill that’s why her mother return from there.

After few days Dona’s grandmother had die. She had a little property she was support them always. However, they started their life again her mother worked hard for Dona’s study and Dona’s good future. Dona was a very intelligent girl.She was very active for her study she was a first girl in her class. After few month Donas mother also get a very bed illness. Most of the timeDona was depressed because in this age she didn’t find a way how can she recover this situation she neened a lots of money for her mother’s treatment. She Stopped going to School. After few days her mother also die for good treatment. Dona was very shocked, now she is alone. In this situation he had no idea what to do. Most of the time she cried for her mom.

In this bed situation her neighbor came to help her. His name was John.He took Dona to her home .He had a nice family ,he had two child named Alex and Sofia a Alex was thirteen year’s old and Sofia was ten year old, Sofia and Alex became Dona’s friend very quickly. John was very happy to see their very good bonding and good behaviour. Day by day Dona became mantally healthy also she started to forget his mother slowly. John said her you have to go school again, She started to go to school now Dona became come in a regular life she is trying to herself improving day by day. Even she falling behind from another student but she trying. Alex and Sofia both help Dona. Dona also help Johns family’s member at different work. She was very gentile, polite and shy girl. A year passed like this. Now she is in class seven.

Now, a new problem create her life. John falling ill. He couldn’t go out from home for her illness. John is only earner in his family that’s why John’s housewife Era get worried .Now she take a step. She decided to go to village in her parent’s house . she want to leave Dona in a orphanage. In this situation Dona get break down. Again, she stopped to go to school. She is crying all day long. Tomorrow she have to go to a orphanage and Johns family is going to move in a village . Finally, today is on. Dona is going to orphanage with Era. Now she is crying for her another family there she get a shelter like her family she got a mom ,She got father like john also got brother and sister like Alex and Sofia. Era give him her village home’s address also gave her some money. Now, Era left from there. Again, Dona getting alone she is crying. Donas orphanage name was Memorial School and Collage.

After some days she started her life again. The principal of his school gave him a scholarship. Dona makes here so many friends. Now, she stay a school hostel. The hostel control school administration. Day by day Dona become attentive in her study. Now, she is the first girl in her class. She got highest mark in final examination and now she is in class eight. In this way she passed two years Memorial school and collage that was actually a orphanage.

Now she decided to go to Johns home she wrote the home address in her Dairy. She is very excited to go Era’s home there she will meet her brother Alex and her sister Sofia. Today Dona start going Era’s home after three hours she reached Era’s home. After looking Dona they surprised .After going there Dona see Alex, Sofia and Era. Dona asked to Sofia where is John? Sofia replied to Dona that John his father already death. Dona was very sorrow listen that she instant she prayed for john to her God. Dona also comforts Eras family. Era’s family were very glad to see Dona. About four years Dona and Era’s family didn’t meet. Especially, Alex and Sofia became very glad to see Dona. Dona said them she so much missed them also cried sometime for them. Alex and Sofia also so much missed Dona. Now, the lunch time is on they have to lunch. Dona was so much hungry . Era cooked some delicious food for Dona . After long time Dona find a family .After long long time she make a lunch to her family Dona was very happy also Era’s family was very happy. Era asked Dona to eat ,How long time your holiday? Dona replied to Era I have only seven days. Alex and Sofia both said that we have to make plan for seven days. Era said exactly , I wanted to say the same.

They decided that they will go tomorrow in the very beautiful hill beside across a nice river and they have to go jungle way with high and low road. Firstly Era was not appreciate this tour but Alex ,Sofia and Dona make her mom agreed about their tour. Finally Era also agreed with them she was worrid this jungle way because she have two adult girl but Alex was relax her mom Alex said her mom that my friend Tony also participate with me and also the car driver Mizan uncle will with be us .So you should relax now. You should think about tomorrow plan. Alex said her mom which which assential product we need make me a slip I have to managed it today. Finally, they are prepered for their tour. Alex, Sofia and Dona were very excited for their tour. At last today is on they are very excited for their tour. Mizan uncle came with the car. Everyone put all of the essential goods on the car. Everyone put new cloths. They were looking very nice. Before going out they took some picture the camera man was Alex friend Tony. Tony was also so excited for there tour because they had not gone tour. In between they had suffered different kinds of unexpected event that actually they didn’t want however, they all started their life again.

The tour is on they come out from their home in the car the music is on. Everyone was laughing because they became very glad. Era also so much happy to see happyness their face. The car across village and heading towards the city. They came out early in the morning they were decided to make their breakfast in the city hotel. They take hot bread and dal and vegetable and fried eggs. They have a healthy breakfast. Now Era order to Mizan that you have to start the car because we already let god know well when we feedback from the tour Era was a little worried about the tour because she was gurdian. Era was very gentle and clever woman. Meanwhile, the car across the city they were going their destination they entered the jungle by high and low road when they entered jungle they were listening birds chirping sounds. They were seeing beautiful trees that was fascinated them the road was very difficult there were no people there. They entered slowly deep jungle because there destination over the jungle. In the deep jungle they saw from inside the car different kinds of Animal that was they never seen. They were very enjoying .In the meantime car driver Mizan said to Era that infront the road is very dangerous because in this place often stay beast like tiger, lion in the meantime they saw the elephant group cross the road, car driver Mizan stop the car they all inside from car seeing how to cross the road. They start their car again. The road was very difficult high and law. They were feat too about beast but they enjoy this adventure tour.

Finally, they reached their destination. They reached near the hill. This is very beautiful place the river across the hill, around every where deep the green grass. As far as the eye goes nature fascinating them. Everyone became very happy. This is lunch time they have to lunch. That’s why they were take down their every necessary material that was need for their cook. Every one got up on the hill. From the top off the hill nature looked so much beautiful. Around so much birds were flying on the sky that was also fascinating them. In between Era told them to help her. They saw a nice place there the will cook. Mizan uncle was puddle a temporary stove there they will cook. Dona, Alex, Sofia and Alax’s friend Tony was helped to Era and Mizan uncle. Basically, Era and Mizan uncle took the responsibility of the cooking but everyone helped them. Finaly they start cooking. In the meantime Alex, Sofia, Dona and Tony decided that they will turn around the hill and after lunch everyone will turn around every place. Now Alex, Sofia, Dona and Tony turn around the hill. They were not to go in front of they were looking beautiful trees. They decided that they will take some photos for their memories and now they taking some photos. Here nature fascinating them because from here nature looking so much beautiful from behind. This place like a peace of heaven in the world.

They feed back from there because they were become hungry. When they feed back to their mom they looked that her mom cooked some delicious food like rice, meat, vegetable etc. They all ate that food full stomach.

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