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Lord Comfort


Ava had been scarred by her past relationship and had sworn off men for two long years. However, her best friend convinced her to attend a masked party, where she met a mysterious stranger. They shared a night of passion, but Ava soon discovered that she was pregnant and had no clue who the father was. Despite her best efforts, Ava was unable to locate the man, and decided to raise the child alone. 2 years later, fate intervened, and Ava and the mysterious man were brought together once again. But their reunion was fraught with obstacles, including the disapproval of Ethan's wealthy and influential mother, who believed Ava was not good enough for her son. Would they be able to overcome their differences and build a life together, or would their relationship crumble under the intense pressure and scrutiny?

Chapter 1 The Masked party

Amelia paced back and forth in front of me, her eyes darting around the room. "Trust me, this masked party won't be like any other you've been to. You'll have a great time, I promise," she said, grabbing my hand.

I hesitated, still feeling raw and hurt from my recent break-up with Jonathan. I had no desire to go out and socialize, but Amelia was insistent. "I don't know, Amelia. I'm not really in the mood for a party right now," I said, trying to pull my hand away.

But Amelia wouldn't let me go. "Come on, you need to get out and have some fun. Don't let one bad guy ruin your whole life," she said, her expression softening.

I sighed, knowing she was right. I couldn't let Jonathan's betrayal consume me forever. "Okay, fine. I'll go," I said, reluctantly. "But what should I wear?"

Amelia's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! You won't regret it, I promise. And don't worry about the outfit, we'll find something perfect for you to wear."

Despite my reservations, I started to feel a flicker of excitement. Maybe Amelia was right - maybe I did need to let loose and have some fun. With a deep breath, I agreed to go to the party, wondering what the night would bring.

After several hours of trying on different outfits, I finally settled on a stunning dress that perfectly matched the color theme of the party. "I think I'll go with this one," I said, twirling around for Amelia to see.

She clapped her hands in approval. "You look gorgeous! Now, shall we?" she asked, offering her arm.

I couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated manners. "Yes, let's go," I said, linking my arm with hers.

As we made our way into the grand mansion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. It had been years since I had been to a masked party, and the memories of my past relationship still lingered.

Amelia, on the other hand, was in her element. She danced and mingled with ease, while I found solace at the bar, sipping on a drink and watching the partygoers from afar.

As the night progressed, I found myself feeling more at ease with the party's anonymity. The masks allowed me to forget about my past and embrace the mystery and intrigue of the night. But that all changed when I saw him - a tall, dark stranger, dressed in a black suit and mask. He stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

I quickly averted my gaze, pretending to be interested in my drink, but he approached me nonetheless. "Hey there, beautiful. May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice smooth and low.

I turned to face him, my eyes narrowed. "No," I replied firmly, taking a few steps away from him.

But he persisted, following me as I tried to make my escape. "Come on, it's just a dance," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I stopped in my tracks, turning to face him with a scowl. "And who might you be?" I asked, shunning him.

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling behind the mask. "Just a gentleman trying to take you off your boredom. Everyone here is having fun except for you, I bet," he said, his words laced with a challenge.

Despite my initial resistance, I couldn't ignore his valid point. I had been too consumed by my insecurities. I took a deep breath, decided to join him on the dance floor, and felt liberated.

"Haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" he said, smiling.

"No, I'm new here, it's been a long time since I clubbed though," I replied. "But I'm having a great time so far, my name is Ava."

"I can tell," he said, nodding toward the dance floor. "You're a great dancer."

I blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks, I love to dance. What about you?"

"I'm not bad," he said, chuckling. "But I have to admit, I'm more of a people-watcher. I like to see everyone having a good time."

Amidst the party's noise, we found solace in each other's company, dancing close and talking. Conversation flowed, and the drinks kept coming, but I was captivated by my charming companion.

As the night wore on, he leaned toward me and asked, "Do you want to get out of here? I was hesitant at first but later nodded eagerly, caught up in the moment's thrill.

In the washroom, our bodies were intertwined with undeniable chemistry, and his touch sent shivers of desire down my spine. It was the perfect escape from my recent breakup.

He lifted me onto the counter, undressed me, and we explored each other's bodies with passion then I unmasked him to have a better feel of his face while we kissed.

As he entered me, I held him close, urging him to go slow. I moaned in pleasure as he moved inside me, and I felt myself building toward a climax.

We climaxed after what felt like an hour and collapsed onto the floor out of breath but smiling. I couldn't recall our conversation or even his name the next morning, but it was the best time of my life.

I woke up to the sound of Amelia's excited voice, barging into my room. "Ava! You won't believe what happened!" she exclaimed.

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