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Why can't everyone be rich and live a normal life? Where all wants can be acquired. A global question that keeps eluding most people's grasp. Unfortunately the reality is that, it is not possible because that's the circle of life. How then can you be among this elite? Where wealth keeps on calling and you answer. Keep abreast as this book (NUMEN OF WEALTH) unravels this mystery.


Justin a man well respected among his peers, known for his discipline, focus and great determination to attain his dreams and aspirations. Like most things we desperately want the quest for success continues to elude his grasp.

Justin went to the construction site where he works late that morning and met his boss waiting to penalize whoever came late to work. On arrival he saw him and greeted Engineer Farouq the new supervisor.

"Good morning sir, he continued by saying so sorry I'm late. Traffic and unforseen occurrence lead to me been late. Please pardon me it won't happen again." In reply his boss said "follow me to my office immediately. I have a pending issue with you that needs to be resolved."

At once Justin became more apprehensive he was so scared and began thinking of all possibilities as to why he was summoned including been fired from a job his life sorely depends on. On getting to his office Engineer Farouq who is from Iraq said to him "come in and shut the door. Why are you late to work? knowing fully well the task at hand." Unknown to Justin that this whole managerial changes was staged because the owner of the company was threatened to replace the previous supervisor with Engineer Farouq otherwise he will be killed. Engineer Farouq who is also called The engineer was sent by his cartel to come for Justin. Why they sent for Justin to be kidnapped remains to be seen.

This man works in a construction site. Engineer Farouq's cartel are very ruthless and smuggle drugs all over the city, various destination in Europe, selected destination in Asia where Farouq who is also called The Engineer spearheads. Justin dying of curiosity said to his boss "Sir what is it that made you summoned me?" Today is full of various activities I need to get back to work quickly.

Engineer Farouq replied "that's good to know, yet you came late". Before Justin could say anything else the engineer brought out a gun and said "not another word lets go for a ride." He blindfolded him and they left. None of Justin's colleague at the construction site knew his whereabout and he is very pivotal, without him all activities were paralyzes and the job was put on hold until he returns back to work or pending when they find an alternative. Days have passed still no sign of Justin.

Anxiety in the air. Justin's wife can't find her husband for days no trace of him anywhere. The search for him was too difficult because she is a nursing mother with a five year old child as well. They have two kids. Then Justin's wife Lina remembered the misunderstanding he had with his friend, a colleague of his at the construction site. She quickly remembered how his friend went as far as threatening Justin and telling him, ''is like you don't like this job right? Don't think you are the boss around here. I started working here before you were employed.'' Lina reported the issue to the police about his missing husband and told them her prime suspect is Greg. Later that day Greg was arrested.

One of the investigating officer asked, "Greg! Greg!! You think you are hard not to crack right? Tell us where you are hiding Justin otherwise you won't like what will hit you next." Greg replied. "I have no idea where he is. Yes we had an argument and I went overboard but that's it. I value my friendship with Justin and I can never do anything to hurt him. I am also worried about him as well." The police replied "you are worried right? If what you are telling me is true why did you not report the case days ago even before his wife did? Knowing fully well that she is a nursing mother and it will be difficult for her to cope." Greg was thrown back in the cell. You are not ready to cooperate, when we torture you, the truth will come out.

All effort to find the whereabout of Justin was futile the police department had all hands on deck to make sure he is found. Still no clue. He has been kidnapped by a professional who knows how well to cover his track. Justin was kept in a warehouse where drugs are been smuggled in and out. A place full of armed men where even the thoughts of trying to escape won't come through your mind. He began thinking of his family and started to ask himself questions 'so is this how my dreams will fade away? My family, my two kids does that mean I will never see them again? Because this people who kept me here has a code of eliminating anyone who has seen their faces. God I need your help make a way for me. I can't do this on my own. Ever since I was brought here, I have not seen Engineer Farouq. He has gone dark. All I see are armed men with guns who you can't even request anything from. "What do I do?" He said to himself in frustration.

Engineer Farouq has travelled to Belgrade to meet his boss a man who has live in the shadows for over twenty nine years. He has been on the FBI most wanted listed for decades but no one knew him or what he looks like.

"Why are you here he asked The engineer?" In reply he said "the task you asked me to execute is complete I just came to tell you the good news and also to know what's next."

The Mafia replied "shut up you fool there is no such thing as good news just yet. You successfully kidnapped him yes, what about the reason behind the kidnapped? Until that reason is fulfilled there is nothing to celebrate and don't you ever come to me with this kind of stories unless you have something vital to tell me. He continued by saying, do you know why until today I keep on living in the shadows? The authorities have used their best possible Intel to track me down but they all failed? That is because I'm the greatest of all time in the Mafia's world." Now leave my presence immediately. You will be contacted as soon as possible regarding your next task when it comes to Justin.

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