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Word Count: 1055    |    Released on: 01/02/2024

veryone that works for ANTTOP CONSTRU

ng with The Engineer at the co

side "Greg come out you ar

elieve him especially after Justin's wife told the officers

reg "when last di

o our new supervisor, so I walked straight into the construction site

aid "you are still not

I need a lawyer I can't be kept in custody for a crime I did not commit

one answering your questions. I have been calm for days now, you all denied me access to see my


hat it won't bleed back to the cartel as they try all possible

o contact the Mafia but to no avail. "The boss will speak to you whenever he wants to and he told us to warn you

d his dress code, appearance, everything about him changed because if he allows himse

ore because he requested for a lawyer and it's his right too and he told Justin's wife that as thing

st Greg ignored speaking with her and reiterated th

the cell and speak with Lina Justin's

He felt pity for her but did not sho

world, you are the last person I expected to act this way. Despite all wha

lt she must have crossed the line by accusing Greg. Then she sa

at might make you think I am behind your husband's abduction but I'm

"I'm losing my mind. If you are not res

end "he now told Lina to contact his lawy

't entirely your fault. You have every reason to believe I was responsible. So no hard feelings." "W

charges were withdrawn. Greg was released and immediately the search for Justin co

to secretly plot a decoy so as for Justin's wife to pay for what she did to her husband even after Greg begged her

nd out what happened to The Engineer. To their surprise they saw something strange. When Engineer Farouq was trying to blindfold Justin before t

im and immediately they were on the hurt for Engineer Farouq before the police gets to him first, so as to cov

invade a high profiled politician's home that week but they had to call it off so as not to give out themselves on

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