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Undercover lovwe

Undercover lovwe



Being the black ship of the family Jess did everything in her power to make her parents proud and at least notice her She finally got the opportunity to make them proud, she was given a chance to take the mission of going undercover and putting the most dangerous mob boss down. She feel in love during her mission and is now forced to pick between love and her parents What will she pick??

Chapter 1 Another day

Jess pov:

I woke up yet again to another day of my amazing life. My whole life was great I worked for the CIA they paid me good money, I mean I was 21 with a good paying job and an amazing job.

People would kill to live my life. I got up and made my way towards the bathroom freshened up, came out to put on my usual wear which was basically grey sweatpants and black baggy top.

Today was kind of my off day because well no job was assigned to me and I completed my last assignment earlier than expected.

I made my way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast and get some snack, because today was my lazy day and I had alot of series to catch up on like demon slayer which was recommended by a friend now I'm just addicted to it.

As finished up in the kitchen I made my way towards the living room with a tray filled with snacks and my breakfast. I gently placed my tray on my table and slumped on the couch getting ready to watch demon slayer.

Everything was set and ready all I had to do was start it but I could find the damn remote. I looked everywhere under the sofas, table, beside the TV still no sign of the remote.

I sighed angrily and decided to eat a little before going up to my room and getting the other remote. I looked at the tray to select what I wanted and it was then I saw the damn remote.

As I was about starting the movie a call interrupted me, it was Jason my boss. I immediately picked it up. "Good morning sir" I said while sighing deeply because his call means just one thing I have an assignment. "Good morning Jess, there's a very important assignment for you. I would have given it to someone else but you are well built for the job seeing as you're single" he said and hung up before I got the chance to reply, That bastard. Being single wasn't really a good thing in my organisation mainly because I'm sent to do those slotty jobs,other girls just use their husbands as excuses so I'm the best option.

I sighed heavily but still made my way towards my garage, decided to go with my white Ferrari. I didn't bother changing, I wasn't going to impress anyone plus if I go with this they would give me extra money to go shopping.

I started my engine and made my way towards the office. The drive was drama free for the first time, I got to the office and made my way in.

I made my way towards the security post, "good morning Jess" Joe said with a warm smile. "Good morning Joe, sorry I didn't get the usual today but I'll make it up to you later I promise" I said remembering I forgot about our usual donut and coffee, "it's ok Jess today was meant to be your free day anyways. Now I just need your ID to clear you" he said stretching his arm waiting for me to hand him my ID which I totally forgot about. "Jesus my ID I totally forgot" I said giving him a pleading look to let me in, he just sighed and cleared me.

I made my way in giving him a thankful smile. About entering the elevator my phone rang it was my boss again, I quickly answered the call while making my way in. "Jess I don't have all day" he said, "I'm on my--" he didn't even left me finish bastard.

His floor was on the 12th floor so I quickly picked 12th floor and the elevator opened, the elevator took me directly to his office without any disturbance. The elevator door finally opened and I quickly made my way towards his office, "good morning Ella" I greeted my bosses secretary while walking towards his office.

I finally made my way towards his office to see him sitting and waiting. "Good morning sir" I greeted while making my way towards his table. "Good morning, so your assignment" he said while getting up from his seat, "yes sir" I said waiting for him to tell me what my damn assignment is. "Your assignment is to date Adrien Hernández" he said, I don't even know who that is and I'm meant to know every bad guy or is he? "Who might that be?" I asked, "non of your business all your need to know is that you're just going to be in a relationship with him. Now get the hell out of my office" he said while pointing to the door indicating I leave and I did as he said and made my way for the door. "Ohh and your assignment starts tonight wear something nice, I'll pick you up personally and drop you off at the club" he said and with that I left.

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