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Feeling Loved Again...

Feeling Loved Again...



Her world turned upside down when she caught her fiancé cheating on her. She took a huge step and on their wedding day she did something really unexpected. Find out how she took her revenge.

Chapter 1 Marriage With A Stanger

Liz Mathews awoke in her bedroom to the sight of her fiancé, Daniel, sharing a passionate kiss with another woman who happened to be wearing Liz's own wedding dress. Daniel and Riley were locked in an embrace near the bedroom entrance. With his arms wrapped around Riley's waist, Daniel urged her to keep quiet and cease their playful antics to avoid waking Liz.

Unbeknownst to them, Liz had been awake for quite some time. Daniel suggested relocating to another room, but Riley insisted on staying, preferring to engage in their dalliance right in front of Liz, adorned in her wedding attire. Hastily unbuttoning Daniel's shirt, Riley's lips met his once more as Liz struggled to contain her tears, feeling them trickle down her cheeks. How could the man she was meant to marry the following day betray her so blatantly?

The kissing came to a halt as Daniel addressed Riley, advising her to act discreetly as Liz had supposedly fallen asleep. He suggested they continue their love in the bathroom, as that was Riley's loved location whenever they had S*x.

Riley: *humming* Okay, go fill up the tub.

Daniel: *responding slowly* Alright. Just keep it down.

Riley: *playfully pushing Daniel* Hurry up.

[After Daniel leaves, Riley tiptoes towards Liz's bed]

Riley leaning down to Liz's ear, whispering with a smile* Guess what? I'm not letting you and Daniel get married tomorrow. I'm pregnant, and he's all mine.

[Liz clenches her fists, her head spinning from Riley's revelation *whispering to herself* Pregnant... he's hers...

For what felt like an eternity, Liz's thoughts drown out the sounds of the couple in the bathroom as her world crumbles.]

Three years ago, Liz held the title of Top Model in New York City. She made the difficult decision to put her career on hold in order to be with Daniel, the owner of the studio. It was during this time that Riley stepped into Liz's shoes, and now she's determined to reclaim what she believes is rightfully hers - not just her career, but also the man of her dreams.

"No, no," Liz thought, attempting to halt her descent into despair. "This has to be a dream, a dreadful nightmare." But deep down, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that perhaps it wasn't just a figment of her imagination.

Next Day, Liz still arrived at the ceremony at City Hall at the scheduled time. She looked around for Daniel, but he was nowhere to be found, so she decided to give him a call.

Liz: Daniel, where are you?

Daniel: Hey, listen, something's come up. Riley had an accident and she needs me. Let's postpone the wedding until tomorrow, okay? I'll talk to you later. Bye.

[Daniel hangs up without waiting for Liz's response.]

Liz was *heartbroken* But there might not be a tomorrow for Liz...

[As Liz walks back to her car, tears stream down her face. She reaches into her bag for sunglasses to hide her emotions. Suddenly, a deep, commanding voice interrupts her thoughts. She looks up to see a handsome, well-dressed man.]

[The man is wearing a dark blue fitted suit with a wine-red handkerchief peeking out of his pocket. His polished shoes catch the sunlight. Despite wearing sunglasses, Liz notices his chiseled face and strong jawline. She recognizes him as Ricky Grey, the CEO of Harcourts Entertainment, whom she had met during her time as a top model.]

When Ricky spoke, an aura emanated from him as strong as that of a King's curiosity got the better of her, so Liz decided to eavesdrop.

Ricky, with authority: "If my fiancée can't make it to the wedding on time, then she shouldn't bother coming at all."

Luke, the assistant, interjected: "But, sir! Your father insists that you must be married today, regardless of who the bride is."

Ricky: "Then select someone else from my contacts. You have thirty minutes."

[Ricky Grey was among the most eligible bachelors in town, but he wasn't particularly interested in anyone. To him, this marriage was primarily about appeasing his father. Meanwhile, Liz saw this as an opportunity. Wiping away her tears with her dress sleeve, she confidently approached Ricky.]

Liz: "Mr. Grey, since your fiancée didn't show up and my fiancé left me, why don't we marry each other instead?"

[The assistant was taken aback by Liz's audacity. Ricky removed his sunglasses, revealing deep, dark eyes that shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. He intentionally gazed at Liz and wanted to see past through her thoughts.

One part of him was surprised by Liz's request and other part was secretly recalling the time he has met her and the feelings he developed. Oh!! His feelings that no one was aware of and the feelings he did not wanted to accept yet!!]

After assessing Liz, Ricky turned to his assistant with a hint of arrogance, hiding his real emotions. "Get me her information, now."

The assistant nodded curtly. "Understood." He swiftly retrieved Liz's data from his cell phone and presented it to his boss.

"Here she is, sir."

Two minutes later, Ricky's lips twitched imperceptibly as he uttered just one word.

"Okay, let's proceed."

In less than thirty minutes, the wedding unfolded like a blur. Liz found herself clutching her marriage certificate, now officially a wife with Ricky Grey as her husband. He was a man who didn't demand her love, as he was accustomed to ample attention from other women. Most importantly, marrying him would surely make Daniel regret his actions.

As the newlyweds leisurely strolled down the street, Liz pondered the new chapter of her life that had begun.

Liz looked nervously at her new husband. She tried to speak twice but failed. She smiled at the thought of her courageously asking “The Ricky Grey” for Marriage.

Collecting her thoughts, Liz expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for marrying me. If there's anything you require in return, please don't hesitate to ask. However, I do have a simple request."

With a weary gesture of unbuttoning his shirt collar, Ricky listened attentively as Liz spoke.

"Firstly, if circumstances demand, please refrain from disclosing our relationship to anyone for the time being," she began, her voice hesitant. "And secondly, I would appreciate it if you could respect my privacy. I want to assure you that I have no intention of pursuing a relationship with another man; I simply wish to keep my personal life undisturbed."

A bright smile graced Ricky's face, his powerful presence filling the car. "Okay," he replied with smiling eyes. "For now, I can promise you those two things. However, after a six-month trial period, I intend to publicly announce our marriage. Additionally, I believe a married couple should reside together. Take a few days to pack your belongings, and then I'd like you to move in with me. My assistant, Luke, will provide you with the address."

'Liz' agreed to her new husband's conditions and bid farewell, embarking on the next chapter of her life.

As Luke, Ricky's assistant, sat in the driver's seat, he glanced at his boss in the rearview mirror. He suggested returning to Ricky's family mansion to share the good news with their relatives. However, Ricky interrupted him, instructing him to tail Liz and report her movements. With this directive given, Ricky cast a glance at his newlywed wife.

Following closely behind Liz as she made her way to her car, Ricky, as the President of an international entertainment agency, recalled hearing about Liz. He remembered her as a former renowned model who, three years prior, had declined an offer from the leading entertainment agency, StarKing, in favor of signing with Sunset Pictures Entertainment. Rumors had later circulated within the industry regarding her relationship with Sunset's boss, Daniel Davis.

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