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Veiled Love in Vice

Veiled Love in Vice

Khione Zayn


Amidst the glitz of a bustling city, Isla and Lucas find their hearts entangled in a clandestine romance. But as family expectations clash with their desires, their love is veiled in the shadows of betrayal and Vice threatening to unravel their forbidden affair.

Chapter 1 An exquisite evening gala

The day started much like any other, the familiar scent of coffee lingering in the air as I navigated the halls of our family home. Our house, once filled with laughter and bustling activity, now held a solemn echo—a constant reminder of the absence that loomed since Mom passed away 12 years ago.Dressed in the gown passed down from generations, its intricate lace holding memories of happier times, I fastened the necklace Grandma bestowed upon me, feeling her love encircle me like a protective embrace.

The gala tonight, a grand affair for a noble cause, was a stark contrast to the subdued routine of our everyday life. Arriving at the venue, the opulence overwhelmed me. The dazzling lights and tinkling of glasses mingled with polite laughter, a facade hiding whispered conversations and concealed agendas. Amidst the façade, I caught sight of him—Lucas—his presence commanding attention, an air of mystery shrouding him like a veil. Our eyes met, an unspoken understanding passing between us in an instant, a connection that transcended the elaborate setting. It felt as if ‘fate’ had orchestrated our encounter Amidst the buzz of the gala, Isla found herself weaving through the crowd, the elegance of her gown failing to shield her from the chaos of the event. Lost in the sea of murmuring voices and swirling gowns, she collided with a waiter carrying a tray of champagne, the liquid cascading onto her dress in an unfortunate accident. Her heart sank as she surveyed the now-stained fabric. Panic threatened to surface, but she composed herself, offering a polite apology to the startled waiter, he too was apologizing. she hurried to find solace in the sanctuary of the ladies' room, a sense of frustration gnawed at her—until she collided with someone else. Before she could stumble back, strong arms caught her, preventing a fall that would have worsened the state of her dress. Her eyes met Lucas's, surprise flashing across both their faces at the unexpected collision. "I'm terribly sorry," Isla stammered, flustered by the encounter and the state of her gown. Lucas, composed and unruffled, offered a small smile. "No harm done." He said as he let go of her so she could stand on her own

Despite the urgency to rectify the situation, Isla hesitated, her gaze flickering to the ruined dress. "I need to find a way to clean this up. "the ladies room is this way” Lucas offered, gesturing to the hallway leading to the restrooms. “I’ll wait outside, take your time” He said

as Isla disappeared into the ladies' room, Lucas lingered just outside, giving her the privacy she needed. a few minutes passed before she finally came out.

“All good?”Lucas asked

“Yes thank you” Isla said softening her dress as she offered a small smile

“You seem lost? Allow me to be your guide this evening” He said and offered his hand to her Isla’s eyes lit up as she held his hand “Yes I was a bit lost, I didn’t want to be here this evening you see”

“Aha, pretty obvious actually”Lucas grinned as they returned to the party

“It seems we missed something the dance is about to begin” Isla says

“Well then may I have this dance?”

“You are already holding my hand so of course”She said courteously.

they glided across the dance floor, the strains of a gentle melody enveloped them in a cocoon of elegance and grace. Lucas led with practiced ease, guiding Isla in the refined dance steps.

Breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them, Lucas arched an eyebrow playfully. "Tell me something interesting about yourself. A secret passion, perhaps?" Isla chuckled softly, the question catching her off guard. "Hmmm let me think of something… well you see I'm a bit of a sunset enthusiast, actually. There's something magical about watching the sky transform into a canvas of colors, each evening painting a unique masterpiece” she said Lucas stared down at her in awe seemingly impressed by her

“And moon gazing too, I love that It's like finding solace in the tranquility of the night." Lucas's gaze held a glint of fascination as he continued to listen intently

He finally spoke"Sunsets and moon gazing—sounds like a serene way to appreciate life's simple wonders." Their conversation continued to flow seamlessly, weaving between lighthearted anecdotes and shared interests. Amidst the ballroom's opulence, they found a sense of ease in each other's company, a rare comfort in their lives. As the dance came to an end, Isla found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigma that was Lucas—a man who seemed to appreciate the beauty in simplicity,his deep green eyes seemingly conveying something unknown to Isla and she was beyond amazed at the stark contrast to his facial structures , a slightly wavy dark brown hair and an athletic build. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of their shared moments. But for now the gala had ended and she had to go home.


The sleek black limo glided to a stop in front of the imposing mansion, its headlights casting a soft glow against the ornate gates. As the security team hurried to open the car door, Isabella stepped out, her heels clicking against the pavement with purpose. Her gown, adorned with intricate lace and shimmering sequins, spoke of the elegance she exuded effortlessly.

Storming into the grand foyer, Isabella's expression was a mix of determination and annoyance. She bypassed the lavish surroundings, her gaze fixed on one destination: her brother Nathan's office. The flickering candlelight from the hallway sconces danced across her features, accentuating the resolve etched in her features.

Pushing open the heavy oak door, Isabella found Nathan seated behind his mahogany desk, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Without preamble, she launched into her tirade, her voice laced with frustration.

"Another impromptu mission, Nathan? You know I have a schedule to maintain. I can't just drop everything at your whim," Isabella admonished, her tone sharp and unyielding.

Nathan leaned back in his chair, unfazed by his sister's outburst. "It was successful wasn't it?”he countered, his voice calm and composed.

Isabella huffed in exasperation, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, but that's not the point. This is the third time you have done this, and every time I know nothing about them"

Nathan's expression softened slightly, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "The last time I sent you on a mission like this was almost a year ago"

“You are missing the point of this” she said crossing her arms at him

“Look until you are fully into this business I will have to keep you in the dark Isla,three months left and you can get your answers, besides you don’t do much just dance around”

“Tonight was the only night I danced around! the last two clients I had to drug them”she said half yelling at him

“Okay Isla that’s enough, just three months left and you will know everything, also this one’s different I don’t know how long we are going to keep setting up your meetings”

“So it’s not just tonight?” She said sighing

Nathan nodded and took a sip of his drink before speaking

“I just need you to trust me, you know how it is, you know what we do”

Isabella's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but she knew better than to question her brother's motives. With a resigned sigh, she relented. "Fine, Nathan. But I expect some answers soon."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Isabella bid her brother goodnight and ascended the grand staircase to her room. As she settled into bed, thoughts of the enigmatic man from the gala swirled in her mind. Despite her reservations, she couldn't deny the gentlemanly demeanor he had exhibited. Yet, the mystery surrounding his identity only fueled her curiosity further.

He was too simple and innocent to be a target for her kinds of mission, since tha family business involves assassination and stuff just the basic mafia shit,the last two visibly screamed a red light, but he was just too different.

With a flick of her bedside lamp, Isabella allowed the gentle glow of the nightlight to envelop her, guiding her into a restful slumber. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and revelations, but for now, she found solace in the quiet of the night.

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