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Veiled Love in Vice

Veiled Love in Vice


Chapter 1 An exquisite evening gala

Word Count: 1389    |    Released on: 18/02/2024

and bustling activity, now held a solemn echo-a constant reminder of the absence that loomed since Mom passed away 12 years ago.Dressed in the gown passed down from gene

t as if 'fate' had orchestrated our encounter Amidst the buzz of the gala, Isla found herself weaving through the crowd, the elegance of her gown failing to shield her from the chaos of the event. Lost in the sea of murmuring voices and swirling gowns, she collided with a waiter carrying a tray of champagne, the liquid cascading onto her dress in an unfortunate accident. Her heart sank as she surveyed the now-stained fabric. Panic threatened to surface, but she composed herself, offering a polite apology to the startled waiter, he too was apologizing. she hurr

d dress. "I need to find a way to clean this up. "the ladies room is this way" Lucas offered,

gered just outside, giving her the privacy she neede


softening her dress as s

offered his hand to her Isla's eyes lit up as she held his hand "Y

ually"Lucas grinned as t

ething the dance is abo

may I have

ng my hand so of cours

ody enveloped them in a cocoon of elegance and grace. Lucas led

Isla chuckled softly, the question catching her off guard. "Hmmm let me think of something... well you see I'm a bit of a sunset enthusiast, actually. There's something mag

ce in the tranquility of the night." Lucas's gaze held a

se in each other's company, a rare comfort in their lives. As the dance came to an end, Isla found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigma that was Lucas-a man who seemed to appreciate the beauty in simplicity,his deep green eyes seemingly conveying something unknown t


ate gates. As the security team hurried to open the car door, Isabella stepped out, her heels clicking against the pavemen

the lavish surroundings, her gaze fixed on one destination: her brother Nathan's office. The flickering cand

his mahogany desk, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Without pre

edule to maintain. I can't just drop everything at your w

s sister's outburst. "It was successful wasn't

hest. "Yes, but that's not the point. This is the third time

mischief dancing in his eyes. "The last time I sen

int of this" she said c

keep you in the dark Isla,three months left and you can ge

round! the last two clients I had to d

will know everything, also this one's different I don't k

st tonight?" Sh

ook a sip of his dr

st me, you know how it

better than to question her brother's motives. With a resigned s

tled into bed, thoughts of the enigmatic man from the gala swirled in her mind. Despite her reservations, she couldn't de

tha family business involves assassination and stuff just the basic mafia sh

ht to envelop her, guiding her into a restful slumber. Tomorrow would bring new ch

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