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Mr. Ceo Wants Her Back After Divorce

Mr. Ceo Wants Her Back After Divorce



Emerald Sterling's perfect life crumbles when her husband of two years, Liam Westmore blindsides her with divorce request. Devastated but determined to move on, she lets him go. But a week later, she is rocked to her core when she discovers her husband has replaced her with none other than Victoria Quinn, his best friend's ex-wife. — Now, as a heiress at the helm of a prestigious designer jewelry empire, Emerald returns to her hometown after two years and her ex-husband appears at her doorstep saying, “I want you back,” while wielding concrete evidence that they were never legally divorced.

Chapter 1 Failing Marriage

Liam Westmore, her husband of two years, had forgotten completely that it was their second wedding anniversary.

Emerald's doll-like green eyes welled up with tears but she fought them back with clenched fists.

She had meticulously fitted her slim figure in a velvet sapphire gown and styled her long blonde hair into an intricate chignon at the bottom of her nape, all in an effort to present herself at her absolute best. Yet, the man she had exerted so much effort to impress barely glanced at her.

The expansive glass window loomed before like a colossal painting, showcasing the vibrant nightlife of Ashtone City.

Yet, despite the romantic ambiance and the mesmerizing backdrop of a sky adorned with shimmering stars, none of it managed to salvage her desolate mood.

Emerald inhaled deeply to steady her nerves. She couldn't let the hurt consume her entirely; she needed to confront her husband. She smoothed the wrinkles from her dress and opened her lips.

“Liam, do you remember what today is?”

He finally lifted his head from his phone, his piercing blue eyes locking with hers briefly before they flitted away to something else.

“Uh, Sunday?”

Emerald's heart sank.

She had hoped for a moment he would remember but he was completely clueless. This wasn't the first time he had forgotten something important, but on their anniversary, it stung even more.

“No, Liam. It's our second wedding anniversary.”

A flicker of realization crossed his dashing countenance before it faded, replaced by a vacant expression.

“I’m sorry. I've been so busy with work and stuff, it slipped my mind.”

Anger welled up inside her, ready to burst forth and disrupt the fragile peace she had struggled to maintain.

Emerald had heard those words too many times before, and each excuse had chipped away at her fragile hopes for him to change.

She had always been the one to forgive, to mend the broken pieces in their relationship, but tonight something had shifted within her.

The years of neglect and emotional distance had finally taken their toll.

“I have given you numerous chances, Liam. I have remained loyal to you, stood by your side, and made efforts to be a devoted wife. But - but why!” She choked on her words. “Why have you persistently treated me like an outsider?”

Tears welled up in her eyes. She bit her lip, trying to hold them back. She was determined not to let her husband take pleasure in witnessing her vulnerability.

However, beneath the surface, she secretly longed for him to recognize the immense pain he had caused, hoping that it might soften his stone-cold heart.

“Please stop acting like an emotionally battered wife. You’re well aware that I had no love for you before we tied the knot. Mother's illness is what compelled me to marry you.”

“Do you think I wanted this either?” I am trapped in a family marriage tradition, and marrying you was the only way to prevent my adoptive father from disowning me!”

Emerald clenched her fists. “All I'm asking for is to be treated as your wife, to be shown respect, and for you to remember our anniversary. Is that too much to ask?”

Liam's sharp gaze pierced her.

“I refuse to pretend that everything is fine when it's clearly not. If you're willing to pretend that our marriage is happy, that's your choice, but I will not partake in that charade.”

Emerald fought back his gaze with equal ferocity.

“So, that's why you're seeing someone else behind my back?” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could even register them.

She couldn't ignore the evidence that had been piling up - the lipstick stains on his shirt collar and the lingering scent of a woman's perfume on his skin each time he went home. All signs pointed towards him having a mistress, and it was tearing her apart inside.

He didn't even look surprised nor did he make an effort to deny it.

“So what?” Liam sneered, lips curled in disdain.

His words felt like a slap to her face, stinging her already broken heart. She was his wife. How could he treat her like this? Anger bubbled up inside her, overshadowing the pain.

“So what?” she heaved. “Are you seriously asking me that? You've been cheating on me, and you have the audacity to act like it's no big deal?”

“I had made it clear to you before we got married that I will marry you but I will never be faithful," Liam clenched his jaw, “I thought you understood and accepted that.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I can't believe you," her lips trembled. "I gave you everything, and yet I'm still nothing for you?"

"You were never enough for me, and you never will be, Emerald.”

“Why? Is it because of Victoria?”

Liam's face tightened at the mention of Victoria's name and rose from his chair.

“Don’t drag her name into this.”

Emerald rose from her chair too, her chin thrust forward.

“Am I right? Is she the reason why you keep hurting me like this?" Her voice trembled pitifully. “I thought we had something going on, something worth battling for, at the very least…”

He let out a cold laugh, “You were nothing but a distraction, Emerald. A temporary amusement that I grew tired of. You were never meant to be anything more.”

Breath hitched in her throat, the pain of his words piercing through her like a blade. She had given her heart and soul to this man, believing one day he'll learn to love her a little. But now, his cruel words shattered any trace of hope she had left.

“How could you be so heartless, Liam? I deserved to be treated better than this

"Deserved? You don't even come close to deserving anything, Emerald," he snarled. "You were nothing but naive to believe that I could ever harbor any hint of love towards someone so utterly beneath me. It's entirely your fault that Victoria ended up marrying my best friend! If only you had the decency to call off our marriage, I would have had the opportunity to marry her — not you!”

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