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Surrender To The Night: The Vampire Bride

Surrender To The Night: The Vampire Bride



The Night my innocence was taken away from me is the same night I was bite and marked by a ruthless vampire. I was forced to a royal ball with the sole idea of impressing the crowned prince who is rumored to be the "Dark Lord '', but ended up having an erotic night with a masked stranger under the stars in the palace garden. Early the next day, the Dark Lord asked for my hand in marriage. Is this a dream come through or am I living my worst nightmare? Find out in this mysterious romance of the vampire and his human bride.

Chapter 1 Royal Invitation

"Edward, how do you think she is going to take the news"? An elderly woman in her late forties said. "She can take it however she pleases, but it still wouldn't change her fate. We were invited to the palace by the order of the queen herself just to find a suiting bride for his highness, the crowned prince. And I am certain our dear Madeline will definitely win his heart.

Imagine if she did Martha!!! we would be swimming in wealth and fame, it's an opportunity we definitely cannot allow to pass us by. Either she likes it or not, we must be there" Edward replied, ranting around. "But Edward…" Martha responded in fear. "No buts Martha, my decision stands, end of discussion!

Madeline's POV

Madeline!!, Madeline!!" Edward called out, already sounding pissed.

" Yes father, I'll be there in a second" I said before rushing down the stairwell of our middle-aged house

Your mum and I have something to tell you, sit down,"he said, pointing at the ragged stool in front of him.

I could already hear the uncertainty in his voice, and uncertainty meant one thing with him: "trouble"what's the problem mother, you're scaring me.

father? I turned to my stepfather with a questioning look "what your mother was trying to say is, you will go with us to the royal ball and get the attention of The crowned prince.

My stepfather said with a straight face "but to get the attention of the prince, I must be trained, besides we have nothing to qualify us for such a luxurious position." I responded with a confused look

"Madeline, his mother requested him to pick a bride or she will pick for him by herself. We are fortunate to be part of those invited to the ball. He has decided to pick one out of the many beautiful damsels in our kingdom, that is why we were given a royal invitation to the palace tomorrow for a grand ball and we are definitely attending so go pack your best garments we leave at dawn".

"Of course he would trade me for a few measly pieces of silver and gold and the fame that comes with being called the father-in-law of the royal family and a billionaire, that is all he sees" I said as tears rushed down my cheeks.

I walked sluggishly back to my room throwing myself on my bed, "there have been many rumors of the prince being ruthless and dangerous, so many rumors circulated round our village, some villagers even went as far as calling him a devil because of his bloodlust and how he never lost a deal he bargained even if it comes to using dirty measures. Some say they have lived for so long that no one knows the truth about them.

He was the "dark lord". Most people feared and hated him. The sound of his name brought shivers down their spine.

Most of the villagers became more afraid of him since he ascended the throne because of his cold attitude towards them. Now my parents want to give me to him in exchange for wealth and fame!!!! They did not even take my welfare and safety into consideration. What if all that has been said about him was true? What a way to end my miserable life.

There has been talks about people going into the palace and not returning. Some even said the royals bought slaves and drank their blood.

The dark Lord has been suspected to come from a long lost family of Vampires who feed on human blood. Thoughts of his Fangs and claws on my delicate skin sent shivers down my spine.

Were vampires real? One way I got rid of my fear was to disbelieve all the rumors, I considered them old wives folklore.

Who would have thought of all people to give me out for their selfish interest, my own parents would be among them?" I sobbed quietly to myself, packed up my garments before being lured to sleep by mother nature.

I woke up groggily from bed at the sound of my mother's voice telling me to come down for breakfast, I quickly freshened up and went downstairs with my luggage in hand prepared for our travel to the palace for the grand ball. The grand ball was to take place at "De lamina hotel", one of the many establishments of the royal family. It was a ball many wished they could attend but were not opportune to attend because it was not for commoners like us but for the upper class people in the kingdom such as dukes and duchess or close acquaintances of the Royal family, that was why it came as a surprise that my family was invited to the grand ball since in the village we were regarded as commoners. The invitation letter was in a cream-colored envelope decorated with blue shimmers, the royal blue that fit the description of their wealth.

As written in the invitation the ball begins at 8pm, it was also added that refreshments would be made available in surplus at the ball. My thoughts could not process the idea of stomaching any food. All I could think about was the fact that if my father was alive, I would not be sold for gold.

The journey to the palace would take five good hours, first we had to go to the city and then to the hotel. None of them, mother and stepfather wanted to be late, after all it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the family.

"Are you going to be alright?" Asked my mother as she pulled on the laces of my corset, I held my breath and nodded my head in response while I held onto my bed post, and my mother pulled the lace further so that I could have an even more accentuated body. I wore a striking red dress that fit perfectly. It was a half sleeved gown designed with blue edges with stone works around my chest, at the bottom of my skirt it had many ruffles. The striking red color of the gown really contrasted with my milky white skin tone. I had even applied make-up, something I never did.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and I looked nothing less than those noble ladies that hang around the castle all the time. I took a deep breath before heading outside to join my family in the carriage. The carriage was given to us by the Royal family as we did not have a private carriage of our own. The only time we have ever traveled with a carriage was to move from one village to another for trading, it was boring and tiresome unlike the feelings I was currently feeling now. I sat next to the window of the carriage and looked outside as the carriage passed by trees. The sky had turned dark two hours ago. "Do you think the prince is a good man?" If he was anything close to being a man!!!! I asked my mum while still looking out the window.

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