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Prologue A hot girl Annieabella Baranov 14 joins the Crystal Highschool and turns into a hot topic. Although the Baranov family wasn't very popular here in America and were still settling in. They were quite famous in Russia and were considered super rich. Her life is completely changed as many entertainment companies wanna make her famous but she's dead set on only joining one. Golden Glory under the management of Anastatia a very good gold pattered and famous manager. But who would think that she'd catch the eye of Jericho Hunt. A senior student in Crystal Highschool. At the age of 17 in the year before senior level. The most popular and wanted guy in school.

Chapter 1 Making friends

**** Baranov Mansion ****

"Annie!" Her mother shouted stomping into her room.

"Mm, mum it's too early for this much noise." Annieabella said grumpily.

"Wake up, it's almost time for school." Mrs Baranov smiled.

"Nyet 'no'." She said in Russian.

Her mother gave a huge sigh and walked out of the room.

Annieabella curled herself in the bed and bobbed her head cutely.

Awhile later her mother stomped in again this time she didn't even bother shouting.

In a flash a full bucket of cold water was poured on her.

"What the!" Annieabella screamed as she jumped up.

"Are you getting up?" Her mother asked with a playful yet seductive and scary smirk.

"No, I am done!" Annieabella shouted running out of her bed to the bathroom.

She even forgot her towel.

Sometimes early in the morning she'd forget her mother's weird and crazy mannerism.

It was almost like she was not yet mature.

*1 hour later*

Annieabella runs down the stairs her fair jade like skin practically glowed in her mini-pink skirt and a white baggie tee.

Along with a pair of pink mushy shoes followed by her blonde hair jumping along with her as she jumped the stairs.

"You finally decided to get outta there?" Her third brother Nelson said with a smirk.

They'll be attending the same school although he was in his senior year.

"Mom, really poured the cold water on you?" Her second brother Paris asked.

"Yeah, she sure as raging h*ll did." Annieabella said with a cute pout.

"Don't curse it's still early morning." Paris said looking at her as though she was a disobedient six year old.

"I am sorry. Second elder brother." Annieabella said as she bounced into his arms giving him a cute big hug.

Paris didn't like her cursing at all. And still treated her like a kid.

Paris was a musician and was worldly known for his creativity in the music industry.

He was the one who grew the passion in Erica to become a popular actress, model or singer.

As she also had a heaven defying voice.

Annieabella knew she will remain his cute little Bella until she dies.

On the other hand Nelson was also overprotective but he acted childish and teased her.

Her first elder brother Andrew was taking care of the business in Russia and had his own company as well.

Her parents moved here to help her settle in while her dad would move back in awhile.

Her second elder brother would run the business here along with his singing career.

"Second elder brother forgives you." Paris said as he gave her a huge kiss on the forehead.

Annieabella looked up her big black eyes stared at him like a kid.

"You do right?" She asked as though she really wanted to be sure.

"I do." Paris said as he scooped her into his lap and began to feed her.

"Drink." He said gesturing to the milk.

Annieabella turned her head away.

She didn't like milk and her second elder brother always forced her to drink it.

"Drink it." Paris said as he held her nose forcing her to open her mouth and he force fed it down her throat. "Good kids grow faster if they drink three cups of milk a day."

Annieabella just pouted standing up and stomping into the car with Nelson.

Her parents had left for the company early.

***** Crystal Highschool *****

It was well known that only the rich and powerful could afford to study in this school.

Many people who were in this school were rich second generation heirs and heiresses.

The Baranov family moving here had already blown the charts on the news so of course as long as they said Baranov they were well known.

This family had conquered the Russian society and became the richest family in Russia. Also they had a mafia background which was of course led by Nelson.

They were second in command of the underworld around here.

Them getting into the upper society was a huge surprise for many.

And many businessman were fighting to do business with them.

So the Baranov family was well known amongst the students in Crystal High.

Annieabella got down from the car along with Nelson.

Annieabella's cute and princess like look made people wanna spoil her to death and her fellow classmates were no difference as they stared at her.

Nelson's sports wear wasn't something that could make people stare at him but his face was more than enough to make girls fall for her immediately.

Nelson dragged annieabella's habd as he rushed her to the principal's office.

*1 hour later*

*Science class*

*Junior block*

Annieabella followed her new class teacher into the class with a bag hanging by her shoulder.

"Good morning class!" Her new class teacher shouted.

🗣️Good morning Mrs Clifford!

The students chorused.

"In this new year. There has been a new student into our new class. Annieabella introduce yourself." The teacher said.

"Hi, I am Annieabella Baranov from Russia." She said very simply.

At the sound of her name. The entire class looked at her in atonishment.

"Go take your seat." Mrs Clifford said pointing towards a seat surrounded by three boys and one girl.

She sat besides one of the boys.

"Hey." She said smiling.

"Hi, I am Peter." The boy said with a grin exposing his white cute teeth.

"Nice to meet you Peter I am Annieabella. But you can call me Annie if you like. What period is it again?"

"Haha, it's English. Don't worry Annie I got you covered." Peter said laughing.

"Me too." The other two boys said.

"Which girl won't cover such a cute girl?" The girl said with a smirk.

"Your one of those cute girl freaks, or lesbian?" Annieabella asked smiling back.

"Cute girl freak. As long as your hot I am your best friend for life." The girl said with a laugh.

"Interesting, what's your name?" Annieabella asked.

"Well ahem I am Bella the other half of your name." Bella giggled.

"My second elder brother would faint if he hears this." Annieabella laughed.

"And I am Tristan." The boy with a gold ring on his nose said.

"Well I am Patrick." The quiet boy amongst them said with a blush.

"How enticing. My other half how come you didn't fall for these hunks?

"Well I did fall for Patrick that was until he told me were to get off!" Bella whispered.

"Good morning class!" The English teacher walked in.

*Lunch time*

"Have anywhere you wanna go? Why don't you hang out with us?" Bella asked loving Annieabella for their last talk.

"Nyet, let's go." Annieabella said.

The four stared at her.

"I meant no. And stop staring. I know I am pretty but please! Please! Lemme breath." She said with a smirk.

"What do we call this again?" Peter asked.

"Self obsession?" Tristan said.

"I am not helping you out." Patrick said.

"It's called being a human!" Annieabella said she wasn't about to help the enemy.


The group of five sat at a corner as they were waiting for food to be served.

"Annieabella are you really a mafia daughter?" Bella asked her gaze serious.

"Yes." She said.

"Have you ever touched a gun?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, back in Russia when I was five I was sent to the military and only came back at age ten. So did my brothers Paris, Nelson and Andrew." She said.

"Paris, the famous musician!" Patrick asked looking up from his phone.

"Yeah." She said with a smile.

"Holy crap! Can I come to your house someday to meet him?" Patrick asked.

Patrick was a huge fan of Paris the singer.

"Sure, it's no rush as my parents want him to run the brach here until it's stable that's why I came." She grinned.

"Great! Will he still sing?" Patrick asked.

"He said so ,it's his passion." Annieabella said with a smile. "Enough about me tell me about you and Crystal High?"

"Well I am Peter Ash. My family is a medium sized co-operation." Peter said.

"I am Patrick Wood. My family is number five in the top ten of the richest family's." Patrick said.

"I am Bella Schmidt my family is number 10 in the top ten." Bella said with a smile.

"I am Tristan Hunt. My family is number 1 in the the top ten. And my brother is the most popular guy in school Jericho Hunt." Tristan said with a smirk.

"I guess me and Peter are on the same scale." Annieabella chuckled.

"No, my goddess your on a different level!" Peter said bowing funnily.

"Whatever." Annieabella smiled.

Suddenly five girls walked in.

"Oh, and those are our School's most popular girls. I suppose your already enemies cause none of them are on the same scale as you. " Peter said.

"Arizona will hate you even more because your hanging out with me. And she has always wanted to be my friend so she can get closer to Jericho." Tristan chuckled." She's their leader the girl in the skimpy red skirt. "

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