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Chapter 3 Fallen like the walls of Jericho

Word Count: 1499    |    Released on: 20/02/2024

anov Man

he next

stairs in a pair of boyfrien

it hurt from all the

m bum's how am I gonna seat today?" She said w

but nobody wanted to break the tensi

y a word about it because her h

neither would

m hurt any wor

ht?" Nelson asked

eabella who rolled her eyes at hi

ystal H

nce c

or bl

before classes began but all the stu

lf yesternight guess what he said?" Annieabella said la

m and spoil me to death of cou

uted to his hearts content. Then my mum cane down. I rece

ou say it?" Trista

nieabella said with a slight tw

ursted int

dare tell me your own brother that a pig came to still our

bring it home. After yester-night I don'

her mother out with a slip

a white nightgown was dr

his house and that's my ma

." She said su

burst into

night must have been very serious." The

as severe!" Annieabella

group laugh

a said approaching th

aw that she was alone then

g to you." Sh

ever. So I see no reason to obey your every

are considered my maid with your family's financial standin

es are too cheap for my expensive ha

of 500 million cover and any injuries whatsoever either caus

he 500 million. But if it's a human the company

ord it jail time if

Arizona's shoes that were only w

too degrad

to torture you here with all my connections." A

o tell me such stupid things?" An

w wait until I start taki

so boring. Please broaden my horizons with thi

so old class.

. Well what's old school in this entire class is that skirt of yours people used to wear

you even showing the mak

ing balloon on your stomach and a man's bum

allen like the walls of jericho and it's v

the ship to plastic surge

sort of voice surgery we don't know of

of Annieabella's h

hat big with what she was wear

e did she couldn't ge

as a balloon but

l that a person couldn't hear th

ause she didn't know if they wore

so many relationship of course

y with her tail between her l

an laughed very hard. " My b

the stretch marks from here."

as worn in the 1950's as a sci

story neither does she as a fellow science student it called psy

ng the colour of her bum?

y gonna be black." Annieabella

ll. But just how expensive a

u'll avoid even handshaking or

us?" Patrick w

h me being their only daughter and all

for her parents

teacher is coming." Bella sa

nce c

or bl

ith three boy

t science student. From Russia?"

ia daughter."

the junior cafeteria to dine today.

d she's looks good in whatever she wears and yesterday she was wearing something cute and she look

t unreasonable?" Casti

ister likes to bully girls that are

g that he knew all t

ut a woman's jealousy being a b

ow something." J

class as them or else they'd be dead


urs l

nnieabella munching on a corn not notici


m Jericho and

oon." Bella who was besides her said when sh

am done eating." Annieab

anyone who disturbe

l she wasn't

ir table causing the corn in Ann

suddenly rai

aring dagge

sturb my munchi

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