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Chapter 5 Patrick's mother

Word Count: 921    |    Released on: 20/02/2024

h Mansi

along with his son Peter

car crash and his Dad a

months Mr ash marr

o had t

er's half brother Jason wh

y were the st

hile Randy was in the

Peter I heard he managed to get

nd anything that could help h


Annieabella for a few days how

silently eating his food as though

ue?" Mr A

. He knew he couldn'

" Rita aske

this step-son it was b

la." Peter

eat her like a gem and her brother's tre

really that clo

spends most of her times with you!"

help us meet her pa

lla and I aren't very close


buddies even the no.1 family but he doesn't bring any

n relationship between Pete

od Mans

his father's shout from downsta

s in thus house and he just

other for giving birth to

had turned abusive fo

taircase he knew better than to interfere

y let him beat

e cou

is Dad raised his fist to h

weak now and defend this

! Well if you want me to run your company into disaster in the future continue." Patric

his mother go a

iately changed as he rus

t week I'll be able to buy a small condo and pay for me and my sisters sc

hed you and your sister and I'll make sur

couldn't finis

l understand one da

existence he never abused her

ick was

day beat his

ything is gonna be just fi

anov Man

se!" Annieabella begged gi

s been big since young but i

e had gr

anted them round a

give me the moon right now I wou

arn how to ride a bike n

r since she was 11 but h

in the next month things would go smoothl

even Pari

lready he

ast 50-100 people what was

position and was about to stomp of when Paris gra

ngerous. One day when you're older you'll understand why we spoil

riding a car but at 17. Right now just focu

t her eyes were filled with te

that she really wanted to ride a bi

urt her doting sec

ssed her on the forehead a

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