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Sold To Her Forbidden Alphaa

Sold To Her Forbidden Alphaa

Mother Nature


"Hello, brother." "Who... Nathan!" "I'm glad you still remember my name." "What do you want?" "I'm a little sad, you know. You are getting married today, and you did not want to invite me, your twin brother?" "Nathan, you have been in Paris for over a century and have sworn not to step foot into this country again, so why..." "Oh! I'm back here in L.A. Paris is a little boring, you know? I came to chill out." "When did you arrive?" "Over two weeks now. Roaming around the town, and just to add, this town has not changed a bit." "What do you want?" "It's sad to hear the news of my twin brother's marriage from another source. Not even our parents could call me to let me know. You have and still are the favorite child. Have you inherited the companies? You know, his legacies that he uses to gibe about? Who did you marry, ehnnn? Must be a nerd like you. How is..." "Enough already. Don't pretend like you care. If you want to know the answers to those questions, go home and ask our parents." "What if I show up right now at the party? Well, in fact, I'm in the event as we speak." "No." "Don't worry, twin brother, someone saw me, but I compelled them not to remember." "If you think you are..." "No, my fun will spoil anyway. For now, I'm going to survey in my werewolf form and look around what is happening. Do not tell Mum and Dad I'm in town." Charlotte's POV My dad's death led to false accusations, so I sought solace with my best friend Mia. A chance meeting at her workplace led to a wild night with a stranger – turns out, we're the destined alphas. Despite failing to gain my aunt's support, I'm forced into a contract marriage with a mysterious CEO. Trying to elope with my fiancé Derek, I found out he is cheating. I got married without seeing his face before the wedding due to his extremely busy schedule, just to realize he is the one I had my intense night. I still haven't turned yet and i have given up on fate that am part of those wolves who won't get a wolf.I realize my strength only bask whenever he is sad or in pain and the only condition to get my wolf permanently is if he dies. I entered his office unannounced one day and realized he has a twin brother; they both have been deceiving me all along. Who did I sleep with? Who am I destined not to meet?

Chapter 1 The Beginning of the End

Charlotte's POV

As I stand there in a daze, wondering, "What do I do? Where do I go? Nowhere! I don't have many friends."

"Aunt, please don't do this. I didn't kill him," I plead, banging on the door to be let in. I wait for over 30 minutes, but no response. The brutal cold begins to overshadow my body, my legs suddenly too heavy to carry, my brain yielding no idea of what to do next.

Slowly, I lift my heavy legs and pack my bags from the floor. I walk amidst the cold, crying my eyes out while the earth seems to cry alongside me. The denial from my aunt feels like a pain that pierces the earth.

I call a cab and head to the bar where my friend Mia works. I pay with the last bit of money on me, hoping that at least, I can spend the night with her.

Arriving at the bar, the neon lights flicker, casting a surreal glow on the streets. I push the door open, greeted by the warm hum of chatter and clinking glasses. Mia spots me, her eyes widening in concern.

"Mia, I... I don't know where else to go," I stammer, wiping away tears. She ushers me to a corner booth, her expression a mix of empathy.

"Tell me what's wrong, Cupcake." her expression filled with worry.

"Aunt Tyler kicked me out of the house, Mia. She was..." As I was about to usher the next word, tears burst from my eyes. The strength to utter the next word eludes me.

"Oh God, Charlotte! She did what? Don't tell me it's still because..." she asks as she walks away from me, putting her right hand on her forehead in concern.

"Yes. She still insists I killed my father, Mia. She threw me out, calling me a...a... murderer and a..."

"It's okay, Cupcake,Come here." My friend Mia interrupts as she opens her arms to hug me so tight.

I cried like a baby, unable to stop. She keeps patting me patiently.

As my tears subside, she gently pulls away, her eyes searching mine for answers.

"We need to prove your innocence to your aunt, Charlotte. We can't let this false accusation define you," Mia declares with determination.

"Thank you, BFF, but I don't want you to get involved with my business."

"Don't say that, Cupcake. Your business is my business. Come on," she says as she bends down to carry my bags for me.

"My shift ends in the next two hours, Mia, and I don't want to leave you alone at home at this state."

"No, it's fine, Mia, really!"

"No! listen to me." She says as she touches my face with her two hands so warm and comforting. That moment, I felt like the world is still on my side.

"You are going to go into the VIP room and stay there, I'm coming to come get you everything you need. In the meantime, Charl, wait for me." She says to me as she begins to move to the VIP's direction.

"No Mia, I'm..."

"Shhhhhhhh! Do not say anymore thing, Cupcake. It's fine really and if you are worried someone will find you in there, then be rest assured, my friend, it's closed for the day for VIP members, and for the worker's part? I'm the only worker on shift." Her eyes so affirming with confirmation and voice so melodiously.

I have no choice but to accept. She takes me to the big VIP room. So quiet and secluded. The chairs so long, big, and wide. As I moved closer to this vast room, I realize, this is exactly what I need. Ashley places my bags at the center of the room and leaves to be back in a jiffy. As I walk round the room, my eyes filled with satisfaction, the earth seems to have stopped crying for me as well. I like the aura of the room, and I already knew I would soon fall asleep.

My friend Mia comes in unnoticed,

"Here you go." She says as she drops the blanket, water, food, and a dry cloth she had brought.

I turned to look her,

"Change to the dry cloth before you catch a cold, Charl." She says to me, her eyes beaming those words too.

"Thank you, BFF." I told her with gratitude.

"Don't mention it. I have to go now, Cupcake. Do not hesitate to call me when you need anything, ok?"

"Yes." I barely heard what she has said, but I replied anyway.

She goes out.

Left alone in the room, I instantly changed into the dry cloth because I was beginning to shiver, after which, I laid on one of those soft sofas, ruminating on what had happened and how my aunt has chased me out of the house accusing me of killing my precious Dad, I still miss him, and I wished we hadn't fought the day he passed away.

I took my phone to check my messages, and I saw my annoying sister's message.

"Charlotte, I'm so sorry about you and Aunt Lysa, I know I shouldn't have."

"Please reply me, Charl, where are you?"

" Are you staying at Mia's place?"

"Please! Be safe sister." This was her last message. " So annoying." I thought to myself.

I left the chat without replying; it's best not to. But how best? She knows my only friend is Mia, and the probability of me being with her so high.

I sat up restlessly; the sight of the delicious delicacy in front of me makes me hungry. I opened the small container in front of me, which makes both my eyes and mout0h salivate. I lift my spoons bringing out a chunky portion to eat.

The food so sweet and tender in the mouth. It looks and tastes so meticulously cooked. The bite too good makes you want for more spoon. I took another spoon, lesser in quantity from the previous one and immediately, I lost my appetite. The situation makes my appetite elude me.

I lay down under the thick blanket, enjoying the solemn weather. I happened to doze off slightly.

Meanwhile, Ethan strides into the bar, eyes scanning, hunting for something in the shadows. His moves scream danger, a silent plea for solitude etched in every twitch, eyes daring anyone to challenge his desire for isolation.

As he enters, he goes into the counter with his full swagger, one of his hands in his expensive suits, while the other hand swaying gracefully beside him.

His jaw line perfectly drawn and visible, his perfectly pointed nose, His eyes sunk beautifully into his eyes. He is handsome, and everyone that set their eyes on him can't deny that.

"Hello sir." Mia says ushering him in and then Mia's eyes meets Ethan's gaze and he looks at Mia, with his drunk eyes "VIP room, sweetheart." His gaze, like burning embers, compels her to comply. She nods.

"Thank You, Love." He says as he gracefully walks down the hall. The air itself seems to bow to his presence, a testament to the unspoken dominance that accompanies his every move.

As he flung open the door, I woke up. The shock of someone entering has woken me up. Standing Terrifyingly and looking so worried, I put the blanket around me as if I was naked, and clouds of fear hovering around me as if I have done something wrong.

He looks at me with cold, drunk eyes, so cold I don't think I can ever forget. He begins to walk drunkly round the room. "Gosh! He's so handsome I thought."

He looks keenly at the room as if he was searching for something, I stood there.

He turns to me, his cold gaze intensifying as he takes in my presence. The air in the VIP room suddenly feels heavier, and my earlier sense of safety dissipates.

"What do we have here?" he grumbles, his voice low and intimidating. I stand frozen, feeling like prey under the scrutiny of a predator.

"I-I didn't mean to disturb you. Mia said I could stay here" I stammer, nervously clutching the blanket around me.

He smirks, his lips curling into a condescending grin. "Mia's generosity knows no bounds. But this room is reserved for VIPs, not strays seeking refuge."

His words send shivers down my spine, and I find myself at a loss for words. The room that once felt like a haven now becomes a battleground of tension and unease.

He begins to walk drunkely towards me with his cold eyes. I, being captivated and swayed with his egima stares profusely at him.

He begins to walk more towards me more and I start to walkwards back in fear. The more he walks the more my backwards walking intensifies.

I suddenly feel a big mighty obstacle at my back. I have hit the wall, no more places to go, no more hideout for me.

He's handsome figure followed me to the wall. He comes closer to me and bends to be able to reach my height. Just a breathe away from each other.

I could see the drunkness in him, his lips move closer to my mouth but I did not resist.

He planted his soft and enchanting lips on mine and I stood still, he begins to kiss me passionately, and I couldn't back off.

"Who am I anyway?" I thought to myself.

I begin to feel his hands on my blouse, making a little effort to remove my clothes as he keeps kissing me.

I backed off for a while in order to catch my breath. I removed my clothes and he removes his suit and unbuttons his shirts.

As i begin to help him unhook his trouser's belt, "Gosh this must worth a milestone." I thought to myself. I removed his trousers and he steps out of them, his legs so sexy and perfect.

He carries me gently to the sofa while he continues to kiss me. I know what is about to happen next but I don't mind anyway.

I still don't know why I'm willing to give myself to this handsome man who looks like a playboy. I am ready to give him my virginity without thinking twice.

He begins to kiss me from the neck to my stomach, to my clit. I kept enjoying every moment and it felt like heaven. After a while, he stops after both of us getting a tad tired.

He sits upright on the sofa, I stand up to check what's wrong. He looks at me with cold red eyes and says.

"So you are from the moonshadow clan?"

I come from a family of werewolf and our pack is the strongest, "the moonshadow." But what do I care? I just wanted to kiss him.

"Yes." I said.

"Your pack and mine have been mortal enemies from generation to generation."

"You are from the Luna pack?" I asked, my eyes filled with questions.

I have always heard of the disagreement between my pack and the Luna's Clan. Not like I know the cause though.

"Yes!" He says.

"A repercussion might must likely occur for what we have done."

"We did nothing. At least you didn't come in. It's not that serious ok?"

He stands up and begins to dress up, putting his expensive shirt on, while I sit there and covered myself with a blanket. He didn't look at me as he wears his clothes.

He finished dressing up and begins to walk towards the door.

"What is your name?" I need to at least know the name of the man I almost gave my virginity to. I thought to myself.

"No need to know. It's best we don't meet each other again." He says as he coldly sways the door without looking at me for the last time.

I sit there helplessly staring at the suddenly vast and lonely room.


After Mia's shift ended, she came to meet me. I was sitting, staring into space, already dressed when she came in.

"Are you ok, Cupcake?" She asked sensing something in the room.

"Why did you let a man in?"

"Which man is that?"

"What?" My eyes also beaming with the same question

"What are you talking about Charl?" She keeps asking me, her eyes looking so confused

"A man came in here Charl. He looks as if you let him in."

"What are you talking about? I didn't let anyone in, Charl ok?

I gave no reply but kept staring profusely.

"Never mind Mia. Let's go." I stand up to pick my bags, suddenly I hear something drop. It's a key chain, It must be mine, i bend down to pick it up. Oh! It's not mine. "Luna" written bodly on it. This must belong to the handsome man. He's pack's key chain.

Every member of the pack has a key chain that represents each pack and this must be his, so beautifully crafted. I moved it closely to my nose,

"Hmmmm" I thought. He's expensive perfume radiating on the key chain

"what's that?" Mia begins to walk towards me. To check what that is,

"it's nothing." I replied as I dipped it into my pocket.

"Shall we?" I bent to carry my bags. we both left the room, and I instantly feel some part of me is left in there.

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