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The CEO's seduction

The CEO's seduction



Engr. Giovanni Martinez is portrayed as a playboy who enjoys flirting and has numerous flings. However, none of these relationships are serious for him. The concept of love is absent from his life until he meets Belinda, an extraordinary woman who captures his interest. The prologue describes a festive street dance in Concepcion, involving the Martinez family. Giovanni, initially bored, faces unexpected events during the celebration. The story unfolds with Giovanni's reluctant commitment to manage a new school. Frustrated, he escapes the crowd and encounters a messy encounter with a mysterious woman. This encounter marks the beginning of a unique and unexpected journey for Giovanni Martinez.

Chapter 1 1


Giovanni Martinez POV.

My eyebrows furrowed as I encountered the woman holding my grandfather's cane outside my car. She was bowed down, still gripping the glass of coconut juice she snatched from me earlier. I sighed before crossing my arms, looking at her.

"Why did you enter my car?" She remained silent, just staring at me without any intention to speak.

I sighed once again. "Why did you steal my grandfather's staff?" She continued to be speechless, just staring at me. "Don't you know how to speak?" I asked impatiently, rubbing the bottom of my chin as I looked at her.

"Are you mute? Can't you speak, or do you not understand me?" She shook her head in response. Not mute, but she wasn't talking. What the hell is her problem?

"Give back my grandfather's cane..." I extended my hand, but she stepped back, showing no intention of returning it. "That is my grandfather's thing; give it back to me!" She shook her head again, moving farther away from me.

I rubbed my face, frustrated with my loud voice. Our maid, Yaya Glor, appeared.

"Why are you shouting?" She stopped by my side, but I didn't respond, now looking at the woman with a dirty body, covered in soot on her face, and messy hair. I could hardly tell if she was beautiful or not.

"Is she asking for help? Why don't you give her some food inside?" Yaya Glor took hold of the woman to guide her inside. She's been taking care of me since my mom left. I couldn't help but recall what my mom did, leaving with another man. I don't trust any woman I meet; I don't take any of them seriously.

I don't trust them. They'll just use you and take your money, hurting your heart until you're broken.

Because of my surrogate parent, Yaya Glor, I couldn't refuse when she ushered in the woman, who seemed like she hadn't bathed for months.

Not finding them in the living room, I headed straight to the kitchen. I could hear the sounds of plates before entering and found the woman sitting on an empty chair, observing the entire kitchen.

I sighed, grimacing. Is she homeless? She doesn't seem to have any family or relatives. Maybe she has nowhere to live, explaining her filthiness.

Yaya placed pasta that she must have cooked earlier on the table. She turned momentarily to grab a fork, but I cursed as the woman unexpectedly grabbed the pasta with her bare hands, stuffing it in her mouth.

"Sh*t, Yaya Glor!" I called Yaya Glor loudly to make her turn to me. "What is she doing? Why does she eat like that? She's making a mess!"

"Josko, hija!" She approached the dirty woman. "That's not how you eat. Are you too hungry? Use utensils." The woman just stared at her, and I wasn't sure if she understood Yaya Glor's words because she didn't react.

Honestly, she looked like a lunatic.

"Yaya Glor, can we kick her out? She might be a bad person." Yaya frowned at me.

"What are you saying, child! Your grandfather helps a homeless woman like her. Why don't you follow his example?"

I wrinkled my nose. "She stole Grandpa's cane, the one she's holding!"

Yaya Glor looked at the girl again, who remained silent. Maybe I was right; she seemed mute and stole the cane thinking she could benefit from it. Did she think she could fool me?

"Did you really steal that cane?" The woman shook her head, but her long hair covered her face, making it hard to see if she was telling the truth or lying.

"If you didn't steal it, why is it in your hand?" She bowed her head, showing no intention of speaking or defending herself. But one thing was clear to me; she did steal the cane for her own gain.

I sighed. "I'll return her to where I found her. She might be a bad person." Yaya Glor took a deep breath.

"Where did you see her?"

"She was sitting on the back of my car. I came from an event with Grandpa. When I got home, she was already in my car." Yaya glanced at her. The woman had been silent the whole time, refusing to speak.

"Where do you live, child?" I raised an eyebrow at Yaya's question.

"That woman is surely mute. I've been talking to her, but she hasn't responded."

"Really? If that's the case, this poor girl is pitiable. Where will you return her?"

"To the streets, where I found her."

"What?" I gave Yaya a meaningful look at her reaction.

"Don't tell me she's staying here? Yaya, we don't even know her. We've helped many women like her, brought them in as maids, but they betrayed our trust. It should be a lesson for us." Yaya Glor took a deep breath. She looked at the woman again before nodding.

We've helped homeless women before, some as beggars, but they ended up stealing from us. My grandfather is the president of a charity group and helps various foundations for street children and the homeless.

Some of our staff here were picked up by Grandpa; he gave them jobs and even adopted some. Our house is like an orphanage too, as Grandpa is compassionate towards people like them. Being his only two grandsons, he wants more children around. I can't provide him with grandchildren now, as I'm not ready to get married. Despite my friends having children, I'm hesitant. I fear my future wife might be like my mom, who left us for another man.

Fvck those girls who cannot be satisfied with one man. so here I am too, one girl is not enough for me either, a woman for me is just a toy. A word womanizer is my hobby that relieves my boredom.

Just like my decision, I returned the beggar girl from where I got it. The trip took almost three hours, it was a little overcast on the way at three o'clock in the afternoon. He opened the door and signaled to get out, he got what I wanted to say so he got out of the car.

I stopped in a quiet park, right on the side of the road where we were facing the church. He looked around as if he saw the place where he came from. I sighed.

"Give me what you're holding." he hugged the cane while shaking his head. I was shocked because of what he did. "That's my grandfather's! He's looking for that cane and he can't sleep until it's next to him! So, just handed me back that dvmn thing!”

He shook his head a few times, I closed my eyes. That's just a stick giovanni, why don't you just leave it to a dirty woman like her! For sure, grandpa can buy a new walking stick.

"Fine! That's yours!" he bowed, even though I'm a bit harsh now he doesn't even speak. It's not like the others who will hurt you, but him? Dvmn. Why do i need to have a care? I should just leave her here and go home. What else? I'm building here!

"Take shelter there in the church, go back to what you were doing!" he really has no intention of talking to me, well. I'm done on her, she ruined my day. ”It looks like it's going to rain, if you want to get wet, go ahead!” I got in the car, I started the engine while seeing big drops on the windshield. I opened the wiper and immediately left, I turned to the side mirror. The woman was still there even though the heavy rain was falling and allowed herself to get wet.

"Tsk, let that girl go! I think it's Bal/iw!" I turned the steering wheel to the highway, along with the loud thunder was the heavy rain. "Fvck, why am I thinking about him! I'm not a cargo of conscience!"

I bite my lower lip, as long as I'm away, I'm thinking about your girl. I close my eyes tightly, almost washing my face while returning the car I was riding in where I left it.

As I expected, he just stood there. I think he was waiting for me to come back or maybe he just wanted to take a bath because he seemed eager for the water. Dvmn giovanni! This is crazy things, I should be at the site taking care of the workers, but here I am and stop in front of the woman while opening the door.

”Hop in craz/y woman!” he's looking at me again even though I'm already irritated by what he's doing. "Just get in before I fvcking change my mind!" he followed what I said, I don't know if he understood me or he was just scared by my shout.

But I don't have a fvcking care if she understands me, as of now. I myself am the one that I don't understand.

"I didn't send you back because I was going to help you, I just want you to return that cane to my grandfather yourself, is that clear!" he nodded, but he understood me. So, it's really just the beginning. He wants to return grandpa's cane himself, because he tortured me. Why didn't he just say it? Dvmn. I almost forgot, she's mute.

When we got back to the mansion at SIX o'clock in the evening, the guard opened the door for us because it was still raining heavily. A staff member who saw me gave me an umbrella after I got out, but the woman I was with was still locked in the car and apparently had no intention of getting out.

I was gasping for air, my head was hurting because of him. I gasped before walking over to him to open it, he got out and took shelter under my umbrella.

”Shi/t, you are wet! Why are you sticking to me! I'm going to get dirty!” he didn't even react because he was looking up at the mansion, I cursed again before leaving him where we were. It's up to him to read, I'm sick of him!

”Oh giovanni, you are late..” naya glor greeted me, she took the umbrella I was carrying and was about to ask a question when suddenly she saw the girl I was with again. He smiled before looking at me.

"There is no malice, yaya glor, I just want my grandfather walking stick back! He doesn't want to give it to me!"

"I'm not saying anything, son." I closed my eyes and stroked my forehead.

”Can you take this girl on the bath nanny, I've been disgusted by her smell. My head hurts."

"Alright, change your clothes. Your grandfather called me and asked about you, they're going home. They just passed by."

”Where did grandfather go again? When do you get old, then you become a walker? Why can't he stay at home?"

Nanny laughed. "He just visited your uncle, he has a new girlfriend.." I gasped, because grandpa has three children. And the eldest is daddy Ericson who is abroad, the second is aunt jennifer who is not married yet because her boyfriend will change. She's in her 40's but had a child with her first boyfriend so she's a single mom, but she's beautiful. The youngest, uncle Marvin, is almost a year younger than aunt Jennifer. He is still unmarried so grandfather only has two grandchildren.

”I don't care if he had a new girlfriend, they will just break up again..” I shook my head as I continued to pass the nanny, and before I went up the stairs. I looked at them first. "Watch that girl, nanny. Maybe that will save us!"


”Tsk, I really do hate my name. Just call me vanz, it's better for me..” I went up to the room, wondering why mommy named me this. Ofcourse my mommy is the boss over daddy ericson before, he was followed before. But naming my name after her boyfriend, that's what I can't accept. That's why my friends often tease me because of my name, this name remains my mom's cheating. Because she went back to her ex boyfriend, giovanni, dvmn name!

AFTER an hour, I came down from the living room to say hello to that girl. Sh/it? Hi, I'll just check. Yeah, I'm just going to check her if it's not spreading around the mansion, she's still acting like a monkey. She's wild, who is the girl who will suddenly grab the pasta?

Thank you

Maybe grandpa will scold me later because I brought home bal/iw. Fvck, why did I bring him back here? I should have just let him get wet in the rain! I pulled out my wet hair, because of that girl. I'm talking to myself!

When I entered the kitchen, nanny glor was still not there. So, I decided to check the maid's room. I saw only the five maids there who were already making the bed.

"Where is yaya glor?" I asked them.

"It's on the second floor, I think that's where the new housekeeper was accommodated." I raised my eyebrows, do they think the monkey girl is their new maid?

Tsk, she's never been hired here as a maid. I'll bring him back there tomorrow too! My head hurts from him.

I walked back to the living room, I saw a woman standing near the aquarium watching the fish swim. I took a deep breath before approaching him.

"Why are you here! Your fellow maids are getting ready! What else are you building there!" she looked at me as if it was nothing, I blinked a little because of the color of her eyes. My forehead was wrinkled, I stroked her body from head to toe and wondered if she was the girl who got into my car.

But, it's impossible..

"I've already dressed her.." Nanny Glor suddenly appeared at my side. I turned to her and quickly pointed to the woman who had now taken the cane that was on the floor earlier.

"W-is she the girl with me?"

"Yes, his dirt is bad. But the outcome is good, he looks like a human.."

I turned to look at her again, It's strange that she really changed now, her whole body is clean. Is he white? so, the monkey girl is beautiful?

Thank you

"Ah!" it pointed to the fish in the aquarium. I was surprised because suddenly he spoke. "Oh! Oh!” I frowned, is he really dumb? Why does she like this?

"What do you want?" It pointed to the fish causing the nanny to nod. "Are you hungry?" the woman nodded.

"I'll just prepare you some food." I shook my head, I sat on the long sofa while watching him. It follows the movement of the fish, and he just goes inside. But to my great surprise, it suddenly caught the fish there, I stood up while shouting nanny's name.

"Yaya glor sh/it!" The nanny came out almost in a hurry, even some maids were distracted so they are now in the living room. "The fish is in her hand!" Nanny approached the girl, as if she was wet again because of what she did. Yaya glor extended her hand to take his hand.

”You can't eat that yet, and it's not eaten.” he seemed to understand what nanny said, she did give him the fish but it looked dead because of the strong grip on it earlier.

I just cursed again.

"Feed that girl, nanny. I was stressed for a week with him..”

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