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His my future

His my future



Mira-belle Silang is an er*tic writer. With regard to writing erotic literature, who would have thought that he has no experience with s **? In her 28 years of existence, she has never been touched, kissed, or been in a relationship. Since she was reared in an orphanage by a nun. How can a woman with no experience in s*x create literature -the ultimate man is obsessed with her work? Meet Amir Kantz, a man with a golden spoon in his mouth who hired a private detective to find out who wrote the er*tic book he's reading so he could get an autograph. after the detective found out the author of the book he immediately give this information to his boss and tell even the personal life of the Author. Amir Kantz was surprised after for what detective was said .He didn't even believe that the author of this er*tic book has an imagination like the contents of the story. Until he think the impossible thing in his mind ,this is how he can get Mira-belle Silang and own it.

Chapter 1 1

I'm feeling sticky and wet down there. I just remembered now that we didn't even clean gray eyes.

I smiled as I remembered what had happened. I groped my side and wondered why no one could.

Has he left yet?

"Mira-belle is awake child. You're just a child, Mother superior will scold you again if you don't pray on time"

I frowned when I heard Sister Clarita's voice. Someone slapped my ass and Sister Clarita's voice was heard again.

"Sister, isn't Mari-belle still waking up?"

"Not yet Mother Superior"

Teka superior mother?

I was thrown back into sleep and immediately Mother Superior's raised eyebrow greeted me. I looked at myself with manly eyes and felt the most.

"Sh*t!" I messed up my hair to realize that it was just wet dreams that I thought I really had a tickle.

"SUSMARYOSEP MARI-BELLE!" I looked up in shock. Mother superior's eyebrows were even higher, her nose was just about to smoke.

"You're a child of what you've learned. Hala, get dressed and pray the rosary and you have to go to church to confess. Is it clear Mari-belle?"

"Yes" I muttered. Why did I forget not to swear in front of mother superior. Seriously I had a scary sermon later, soaked up, to rinse more.

"Let's go Mari-belle!"

"Yes it is" I hurriedly fixed my messy hair. Kainis, I thought it was really true that I had sex with him. I was carried away by my wet dreams.

"Get up, Mari-belle, maybe later that day Mother superior will pray for you all day if you are late for morning prayers."

"Yes sister" Sister Clarita came out and closed the door of my room.

I looked around my small room, last night taking the image of my room in my dream. It's just that Kuyang gray eyes isn't true.

I put on my slippers and looked at the rest of my body as I felt fluid flow down one thigh.

I immediately ran to my small bathroom realizing that I was only wearing panties and my panties were wet sh*t!

I don't smell nauseous so it's impossible for me to urinate. Alas, it's the fault of my wet dream. Well, if that's true, I'll be even happier.

I took a quick shower and pulled on my long pants and a big t-shirt before going to the house to pray.

I arrived just in time and mother superior began to lead the prayer.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, Lord of us all. Incarnate. He was created by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, tortured by Pontius Pilate, crucified, died and buried, descended into hell, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father I believe in God the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Catholic Church, with the fellowship of the Saints, with the remission of sins, and with the resurrection of the dead. man, and have eternal life. "

I closed my eyes and joined in the rosary. In the 28 years I have been here in the orphanage, prayer has been my favorite boding of us all.

Where together we pray and give thanks for the new day and blessings given to us by our Lord.

I'm in the public library now, I just came to church to confess as Mother superior wanted.

After I subtract sin, I just add again. I continue to read erotic literature. I’m on the far side so I don’t get caught reading this genre.

It's also embarrassing, of course we're just flirting secretly. I enjoyed what I read, the amount I learned here about s*x. In the orphanage, we are taught what s*x means, that's all, not everyone.

Mother Superior just reminded us that intercourse was only done by two years of marriage and it is a sin for you to have intercourse with someone you are not married to.

I closed the book because I was done. I returned it to the self and then rubbed the ass. I walked out of the public library to go home. I just need to update on the book I published online.

Smiling walking towards the direction of the orphanage. The orphanage is also close to the public library so I often hang out here to read.

For 28 years my life revolved around the orphanage. I was able to graduate with the help of donations to the orphanage for those like me who have no family.

Mother superior baby said I was just left out of the orphanage. No one knows who my parents are and they never saw a letter mother superior so I was named Mari-belle.

I was actually the only one left in the orphanage with no shelter. When I turned ten, someone was planning to adopt me but suddenly the couple saw that the baby like me was found outside the orphanage.

I don't know, I don't have skin on my ass but I can't be adopted. Well, my life in the orphanage is just fine. My mother superior is already evicting me but I'm the one who doesn't want to.

"Hello sister!" I greet the nuns I meet.

"Good day to you too Mari-belle you're home right. Go to the kitchen and help there. We have a visitor coming today."

"Who is Hong's guest?"

"I don't know either but I heard they are rich bachelors" I nodded and immediately helped in the kitchen.

We also prepared a lot such as suman,, puto and other dishes. The social in all my life just now prepared such an orphanage for the guest.

"Can't I help you anymore sister?" the nun who often cooked smiled at me.

"No more sisters. Rest first." I told the other nuns that I was going to go up to my room. They allowed me.

I immediately picked up my laptop and then wrote an erotic article. Fun because of the amount of followers of my work. Many people want me to have more fan meetings but I don't want Mother Superior to upset me.

It's not bad to write works but in the genre where my forte is, that's bad. Bad because the content is against what the nuns taught me.

Glad I finished a book again. Now I'm going to start with a story that I've been thinking about for a long time. I first looked for a picture that could be used as a book cover and then edited it.

In the middle of my editing there was a knock on my bedroom door. I quickly saved what was done and then opened the door.

"Why sis ---- Wait who are you?" I shouted as it quickly covered my mouth and then entered and locked the door of my room.

I forcefully remove the man's hand. How did there come to be a man here in the orphanage? We have almost no women here and only men are children.

"Shss don't make a noise" his husky voice is somehow familiar to me. I looked at the man's face and I was almost swayed by the closeness of his face to mine.

Pointed nose, check. Tall and dark, check, kissable lips check, thick eyebrows, check. Good jaw check and I was even more surprised to see his eye.

"I-it's color gray"

"Done checking me?" I lost my admiration when it bit me. I wish he was handsome but as tall as Mother Superior's eyebrow.

"Wait who are you? What are you doing here?" I put a distance between us because I don't know but I can read between my thighs.

He smelled, too manly but not painful to the nose. Balance her natural smell and her perfume.

Hesitantly I looked at him as he pulled out a marker and handed it to me. Wrinkled when I looked at the whole of him but it didn't look crazy

"Shall I pick it up? O-oyyy t-wait why are you undressing?" Confused I looked back and forth at the door and at the man suddenly undressing in front of me.

"Oyy I'm really going to scream!"

"Mari-belle! What's wrong with you there?" kabadonb I'm nervous to hear the voice of mother superior!

"Sh*t! Hide and get in there Cr!" I pushed the man into my little cr.

I immediately closed the door and then picked up his clothes on the floor and quickly placed them under my pillow.

"Mari-belle !!"


"What's going on with your kid you ah? Why are you crying?"

My heart was pounding as I opened the door. Our Father, who art in Heaven...

"Why are you pale? Is anything wrong with you?" I nodded quickly to mother superior. Concern immediately reflected on his face and he placed the back of his palm on his forehead as well as on my neck.

"You're not in pain. Wait, is your asthma attacking you again?" I nodded quickly and was even more nervous with a loud bang inside Cr.

"What is that?"

mother superior. "I apologize.

"Oh hey, rest first, alas, and the guests are here. I'm coming down" I followed mother superior's gaze as she walked down the hallway.

I rested deeply by this low. I quickly closed the door and locked it.

"You can come out. Hey*p you're going to ruin me" I sat on my bed and then closed my laptop.

I heard Cr's door open. I did not look up. I saw in front of me with a hairy thigh Teka ..

The eyes widened at what I saw. Sh*t! What the hell is this man doing on his life?

I would have screamed as fast as it covered my mouth again with the big palm.

"Shsss they might hear you. Shut your mouth. All I need is your autograph nothing more nothing less"

It removed the hand that was in my mouth. I am still dumbfounded by the anaconda being seen. God! I'm eyes is not a virgin anymore!

That's how the ar* ng man looks. The top will turn red like a mushroom. Then the body is fat like a baby's arm and still long.

"Baby, I know that my c*ck is pretty. Stop looking at him. Just sign this and you're done."

It handed me the Calvin Klein brief. Yes, brief please.

"What am I going to do here?" I asked while still looking at his ar*. My body was getting wet and the dangerous fire was slowly consuming my body.

"Sign. I'm your fan" that's when I looked at the man.

"My fan ?? How?"

I'm reading your erotic book and then I hired a private investigator to look for you. I thought my idol was a good woman "with a playful grin on his lips.

I was resting on my bed when he suddenly brought his face close to mine. I saw the sudden fire of his eyes as the gaze caressed my body.

"My autograph first before I let you touch my c*ck, Ms. Author" I took his Calvin Klein brief and right in the middle there I signed.

"Finally, I'm glad that I had your autograph now." Smiling, he stared at the brief I had signed while my eyes were focused on his al*ga as he stood up even more.

"Can I touch it?" none of my own say.

"Sure. I can even f*ck your brains out if you want, Ms. Author"

"Really?" I asked in shock. I sat down at what I heard and quickly grabbed her pet suspiciously approaching me to take a closer look.

"D*mn! Don't pull my c*ck. It hurts!"

I let go of his care and looked at the man with a sigh.

"I'm sorry. It's the size," I said. His emotion on his face changed again.

"Don't whatever you want. Thank you and idol you"

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