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 mafia's obsession

mafia's obsession



How can a simple woman change in an instant because because of the man who was taken with her, danger is always lurking with her just because of a man .. She is heaven shane monteverde, simple, beautiful, sexy, red like a rose lips, up to waist hair. Short a bit, Hard ... THE SIMPLE GIRL How can a mafia lord who is feared by everyone be fascinated by a simple woman because of her inherent beauty..his life has changed because of the sample woman ... He is kishezier montefalcon..gwapo.brutal.cold.kissable lips, perfect siya, the MAFIA LORD.

Chapter 1 1

Heaven p.o.v

My friend and I are here at the bar because kim (kimmy) is a babysitter because she drank because she was broken hahahaha ...

Waiter!. "Kim shouted ... 1 case of beer plss! .." she said when the waiter arrived

We just drank 5 beers and my other colleagues are already asleep ..

Kishezier p.o.v

I'm here now at the bar drinking, I just haven't been trained because ..while I was drinking, my eye caught a woman, she's just simple ... I saw how you went on stage because maybe it was the alcohol you drank ...

He finished dancing at the top of the stage, only screams were heard earlier when he danced ... I was just looking at him in which direction he was going ...

I saw him going in my direction ... when he got close he sat down and ordered at the bar tinder..because I was stationed here ..

I was just drinking with him when I felt him stand up, he would have walked when he suddenly fell well and I torched him with my arms ... we just stared when he suddenly kissed me I was surprised at first but finally responded I'm also in his passionate kiss ...

Let's continue this to my condo baby ... "I said with a grin on my lips

so we went out of the bar and went to my car..he was put in a crib and the car was pulled over immediately ....

I'm so horny now baby fvck .. ".


We rated my hotel so I quickly kicked him out of my car and entered the hotel

We are here in front of my condo so the pin code of my condo is tinype crib .... I let him in the crib as well as I was able to enter when we entered I immediately grabbed him with a kiss he responded I carried him to the bedroom while kissing ...

I stopped kissing first and threw him on the bed ..

Ugh ... "he moaned

I sat down with him and kissed him again and my kiss went to his neck

Ugh .. "he growled as I sucked his neck and put a kiss mark on it ..


we are both naked so I slowly inserted my manhood into his tunnel ..

Ugh wait fvck stop it ... it so hurt .. "he said that's why I smiled..I just ignored him and immediately grabbed my pet in his tunnel

Ughhhhhh ... "he shouted, growling because of me when I was full

Fvck your still a virgin baby ughh ... "i said

While I was changing her, my pet was my blood stain because I got her virginity ...

I was young when he growled and growled ... While I was getting dressed, I could hear his growl when I looked and he was asleep ..

I'm about to go out so I just decided to shoot my favorite inside him ...

After I left, I lay in bed with him. I hugged him first and hugged him

Baby your mine now..mine alone .. "I whispered and kissed him on the forehead and lips

End everything went black

Heaven p.o.v

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around and realized that it was not my room.

I would have gotten up and smiled with a heavy hug ..I looked at the man next to me who was very shocked to help ...

I looked at my bottom sh*t naked pucha the virginity is gone huhuhu ... "in my mind

I slowly lifted his heavy hand .... I would have come out in case my bag fell because I was told where because I was in a hurry to get out ... I picked up the crib that fell chaka left d crib I chinecked something left before that my bag fell because he might wake up ... I was ashamed of what we were going to do when he woke up ...

I went out of his condo as soon as I was able to get down, everyone was looking at me, how come I can walk ehh pis*e because that man just let me down and took a taxi ....


I got to my house, I mean the house I'm renting ... I'm the only one alive because mom and dad died because they were both run over ...

I went inside I looked at my watch whut the pak 9:20 in the morning I was late for school ... I went into the cr to do the morning routine ..

After I took a bath, I put on my uniform ... Fvck sh3t my fist day of school is still today..I went out of the house and it didn't lock, I was waiting for a taxi ....

I'm here in front of my school the (montefalcon university) .. I was about to enter when the guard suddenly stopped me

Miss I.D you..you can't come in without an i.d ehh ... "said the guard ... I looked in my bag to find the school's i.d ... but I couldn't find it

Just wait for me to look for the cup first .. "I said he nodded.

What's this .. "he said from behind

Good morning sir because he doesn't have an i.d he's still looking for because he can't be let in without an i.d .. "he gave a long explanation to the man and bowed.

I wondered why he acted like that ... "I wondered in my mind

Sayo bato miss .. "he said so he came back to his right mind..I looked at him st sh3t he yonv my boyfriend last night..I looked at the one he was holding i.d and mine ..

Ahh -ehh yes it's mine th-thank-yu-o ... "I said stuttering because I was embarrassed I took my i.d crib and looked at my guard ...

I entered as well as the man with me last night ...


We are still here in the room listening to the discussion of prof ...

Hey did you remember me? .. "The person next to me asked damn you.

No..i-i d-do-nt kn-o-ow w-ho a-are y-ou..and thi-s is our fi-rst me-et .. "

Tsk. Don't deny it ... "he said

So cute if you're blushing hahaha .. "he said again so my cheek got even hotter I just ignored him ...


My first day at school ended without an enemy ....

I was about to take a taxi when it suddenly stopped me and it was none other than kisherzier tsk ..

Where do you think you're going ..? "He said with cold tone.

Ehh ahhh I am going home .. "

No you've to come with me .. "he said with a cold tone agian huhu

Baby..you're mine now..and no one can take you alone from me .. "he said ... I just ignored him

We rated his house supposedly my there is a big gate..the gate opened and we entered..when we entered everyone in the house i mean monsion bowed when he arrived and

Welcome back lord ... "they said while bowing and this one with me just nodded and went straight inside the mansion .


Whe're here in the dinning table eating our dinner ... while we're eating, I look at my beloved even though one day he's with me..it looks like we've known each other for a long time ehh ...

We finished eating..heaven would have gone to the guest room to lie down so I could pull him to my room i mean our room hehehehe fvck it looks like I'll do it again with him ...


I was about to go to the guest room when he dragged me to my room. I looked at who he was and who Kishezier was ... I just looked at him and he suddenly smiled, I was nervous, maybe what will he do to me ...

Baby let's play .. "he said and my smirk on his lips

Did you say that?! .. "I asked this man confusedly..but he ignored me and pulled me towards him pucha really inclined to pull ehh..I told him to think

Baby you'll be happy i promise..I'll make you happy until you get tired of me too .. "he said tska grabbed me with a kiss..while I've been responding for a long time ...

He laid me on the bed and he turned to me while kissing me

We're naked now ... while I'm naked I'm covering my womanhood because I'm ashamed ...

Don't cover it first, I saw you all ... "he promised

I'm embarrassed because it's different because last night and now last night because I'm drunk and now I'm not ... "I gave him a long explanation

Tsk .. "that's all he promised..he would have grabbed me again if I had stopped him

Hep hep wait let's just turn off the light so I'm too smart .. "I said and pout for effective

Ok ok .. "he said that's why I smiled

He turned off the light and came back to hug me ...

Get ready baby .. "he said and entered his pet into my tunnel

Ugh be gentle it hurt ..! "I said in disgust

He did enter but slowly ... later on, his manhood also started ..


I woke up early to go to school..I went to cr to do my morning routine ..

A Couple minutes

I finished taking a bath and got dressed while I was getting dressed and entered the room when I looked around I saw kishezier ...

Why are you wearing that school baby dress?. "He asked me to come a little closer

Because we're still in ... "I promised

No .. D you're leaving here in the mansion here you need to rest !! .. "he said as if angry and walked out at the same time

Tsk..I woke up early and then I was just let in tsk .. "I whispered when I stumbled

I went down to eat .. I saw manang who was already cooking

But why can't I see kishezier ..- I said to myself

Who are you looking for ma'am ... "the old woman asked

Si kishezier-? ..

Manang isabella, and I'm looking for the lord, he's not here to leave, I know where eh .. "manang isabella gave a long explanation .. 'I just nodded, I would have gone up when he said

Eat first ma'am .. '

Ahh heaven, ma'am, don't be too formal and I'm also considered .. "I said to manang

Nako ma'am Because lord ma'am said to call you .. "he promised again

Don't worry, I'll take care of it as long as I want you to call me ma'am hehehehe .. "I told her with a smile

I went to the dinning table to eat and saw that manang was following me but I just let him go

I sat down with my plate of food. I first looked at the maids here in the mansion and smiled and said

Have you all eaten ...? "I asked them all ... no one answered at first they were just quiet when manang got sick

It's not ma'am heaven when you're done eating, we won't eat ... "said manang isabella

Please join me all because I'm used to being the only one eating so we can eat together ... "I told them all so they raised their heads and smiled and I smiled back at them.

Sit down ... "I told them with a smile

Thank you ma'am ... "they all promised

Heaven, ma'am, it's too formal ... "I said shyly

You are beautiful, heaven ... "the others stopped

Do you know ma'am este heaven just now when the woman came home lord .. "saad nobg a maid she is also beautiful

Why? .. "I asked confused

Because of his ex, he said he left here because his ex was going to study abroad .. "he said again .. 'and he really loved his ex gf when he left he became cold and strict with maids ... she wasn't like that before when her ex was still here .. "I said the other time .. 'while they were talking like mine I felt a tingle on my chest I just ignored it because manang isabella spoke

Pstt .. That's right, don't give it back, maybe the lord will hear you two, you're really the two of you talking .. "said manang as if angry because of the tone of his speech

So let's eat later, let's talk first .. "I promised to eat ..

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