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The Billionaire's Broken Heart

The Billionaire's Broken Heart



I went to that place again. It felt great that it didn't change. Coming back made me feel the same way I felt before. It has been five years and I never heard anything about her since I left the place. It was not my intention to remember her again but I wanted to know if she still visits the place. They said that she never came back, not even visited the place once. I don't know why I felt disappointed though. The hate I have for her is still in my heart. I wanted her to know how it feels to be left with nothing. I wanted her to feel how painful it is to let go of someone you truly love. I wanted her to know how it feels to have a broken heart. I wanted her to feel the same way I felt because of her. I wanted to see her again. Not to be glad that we have met again but just to show her how good my life is right now. I wanted to show her how happily in love I am with someone else now. But why though I hate her, I still want to show her how good I became in playing the piano just like what I have promised her? Why do I want to know if she is alright? Why do I still care?

Chapter 1 1


If I let you go, it doesn't mean that I don't love you anymore. It means you are so important to me that I am willing to sacrifice my smiles for the sake of your happiness. - Army Taylor

I turned the page of the book I was reading when suddenly my cellphone rang. "Young lady, you have a call." Said Mr. Art, the most head of my bodyguards.

I ignored him and just continued reading. "Young lady," he called me again. I closed the book irritable and turned to face him. I picked up my cellphone still ringing and the name of the caller immediately appeared to me.

"Why?" I opened it to him after I answered the call.

"Renesmee, can you now? I mean, I really want to break up with her."

I immediately frowned. "But-"

"I can not take it anymore." he stopped what I was going to say. "Please?"

I closed my eyes tightly when I heard the word please from him. I was horrified by his begging. I looked at the bodyguards who were with me in the car. We are currently on our way home to the palace. They were closely guarded and it looked like it would be difficult for me to escape. I looked out of the car to observe the surroundings. I immediately got a crooked smile when the traffic light turned red.

"Alright, Liloree. Prepare my five thousand." I promised and then hung up. I smiled foolishly and looked at my bodyguards who were stupid, ignorant and ignorant. And just a few moments later...

"Young lady!" They shouted.

I quickly ran away from them. They immediately lowered the car and chased after me. I continued running and immediately crossed the other road. They couldn't chase me because of the speeding cars that blocked their path. I immediately hailed a taxi and as often happens, I escaped them.


I was currently walking towards Liloree's said place, where we were to meet, when I noticed that people around me were looking at me. I'm not even surprised by their reactions because I'm used to being confused by everyone. I am the one and only Renesmee Marie Alcantara Clarkson. Born to be admired, the dream of every man, and the heart breaker of the town.


I immediately stopped walking when I heard the shout of a man walking towards me. and here comes my twin brother, Liloree Cai Alcantara Clarkson.

"Are you wearing a wig?" He asked with a laugh.

I looked at him badly.

"Hey kidding." He took it back and then kissed my cheek. "You think this plan would work?"

"Trust me, this is my mantra." I answered with a smile.

"Alright.I trust you. Let's go." He said and we immediately started walking to the place where his girlfriend was.

We stopped in front of the Marsonville Coffee Shop and immediately went inside. When we entered, we immediately saw Paula Dominic, the famous woman in St. Anthony High School, a catholic school where nice people like me can't go. I got kicked out of that school just a week before the end of the school year. They are very considerate, aren't they?

We approached him and he immediately stood up when he saw Liloree. I feel sorry for her. Liloree and I planned to break her heart.

"Hey baby, what took you so long?" He opened his mouth and smiled widely at my twin.

I was surprised when Liloree suddenly put her arms around me. I immediately felt my blood boil. He's not supposed to touch me. Ugh.

Paula looked at me. "Oh, you're with someone. Who is she?"

Liloree suddenly pulled me closer to her. "She's my new girl. Let's break up."

"Your what? New girl? You're going to replace me with a weirdo like her? You got to be kidding me, Liloree." He couldn't believe his promise.

I immediately raised my eyebrows at his answer. Weird? I intend not to be hard to her but never mind. I'm going to break her heart. Really hard.

I smiled insultingly at him. "I may look weird to you but would you believe me if I said that your boyfriend slept with me last night? you can ask him for the confirmation." I promised with a smile.

His shock at what he heard was obvious. "W-What?!" He shouted in shock.

"You heard me. And oh! He was damn so good in bed. I really enjoyed every bit and pieces of him last night."

He was obviously shaking with anger. tears first fell on his cheeks.

"You're a b*tch!" He cried and cried.

"I know." I answered quickly. "And I don't care."

Huh! That's all he is. What a weak girl. I flipped my hair and raised an eyebrow at him. Lilo and I were about to leave but I was very surprised when she immediately hugged me. I turned to her to reciprocate and tweak her in return, but Lilo grabbed my hand.

"You don't have to hit her, Renesmee."

"What?! But she's already taking my wig off!"

"Huh?! Make a way! make a way!" He answered confused.

He was surprised when I pushed him away. "Start digging now, Liloree. I will bury your ex-girlfriend alive." I said annoyed and then faced Paula.

I immediately slapped and kicked him. I was not satisfied and I kicked him. I took a chair and pointed it at him. When the chair didn't break I threw it at him again until it broke.

He still hasn't stopped and continues to fight me. I took a vase near us and poured the contents on his face before hitting it on his head. He was slightly stunned, but he still didn't give up. Well, he's tough, isn't he?

I took a table and threw it at him but he was able to move and that's why the glass that serves as the wall of the coffee shop was hit and shattered. He makes my blood boil more. Liloree tried to hold me but I pushed her away.

after a few minutes I shook myself because of the dirt I got. I thought he was talking about something. I looked at Liloree who was gaping next to me. I closed his mouth. "Maybe a fly in." I promise.

He immediately returned to his person. "Damn, you're so sadistic."

"It's her fault. She pushed me to my boiling point."

he just shook his head and looked at Paula who was unconscious. "Ready for plan B?" I raised my eyebrows. Plan B? I never heard him mention anything about Plan B. I was just surprised when he held my hand and whispered to me.

"Let's run!" he whispered and suddenly he pulled me and joined me in running. He almost dragged me running. I looked behind us and I was very surprised coz a lot of guards are running after us. Ugh, dead!

We were about to get to his car when suddenly he ran ahead.

"L-Liloree. What are you going to do?" I asked nervously as he got into the car and started the engine.

"Sorry my princess, but it's my first! Love you kambs!" He shouted and then waved and drove the car away.

"Liloree! You bastard! Stop!" I screamed.

I was surprised when suddenly someone grabbed both of my arms.

"You're going to run away!"

"Ugh, what! Take your filthy hands off me!" I ordered annoyed.

"I'll put you in jail!" He shouted.

"Oh, I'm scared to death. And please, before you talk to me make sure you brush your teeth." I promised and tried to remove his hold on one of my arms.


"I'm here Ma'am to give our deepest apology for what our young lady, Miss Renesmee, have done to this shop. This is Attorney Buenafe, the Clarkson's lawyer, he's here to discuss our proposal about the damages." Said Mr. art, the head of my bodyguards, to the manager of the coffee shop I destroyed.

"Here is the agreement we would like you to sign." Our lawyer said and handed a folder and ballpoint pen to the shop manager. "This agreement concerns giving our young lady, Miss Renesmee, a week to pay the one million and five hundred thousand pesos damages of this shop. We hope you'd agree with this."

"Wait, what?! Did I hear you right?!" I asked in disbelief.

I will pay? Are they kidding?!

when we left the coffee shop I had a frown and couldn't paint my face. "Young lady, get on board." Said one of my bodyguards and then opened the car door for me.

I looked at them all evilly and before they could even get me into the car... "Young lady!" I ran very fast away from them and immediately hailed a taxi and quickly got on.

"Where are we?" asked the driver.

"Just take me around anywhere. I'll just pay you when I want to get off."

I looked up and closed my eyes. I was about to plan what to do with Liloree but I was very surprised when the taxi suddenly stopped and I almost fell down.

"Man, if you don't drive sober I'm going to break your windshield. Do you understand?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. There's a panicked person blocking our path." He answered and pointed to a car in front of us. The car obviously blocked the taxi I was riding.

"Man, blow your horn, you're easy!" I ordered, but before Manong could even honk the car, the two people inside got out.

I immediately fell in love with them. Wait, I always see people with beautiful faces ah? Why are they both so stunned? I just came back to my senses when the taxi door opened. I immediately looked at the man who bent down to talk to me but he seemed stunned to see me. I looked at him seriously and surprised.

"Sol, please." whispered the girl with him but I couldn't see because she was blocking it. He immediately turned to the woman behind him and then looked back at me. He looked at me with a frown and I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me down from the taxi. wait, he didn't just do that, did he?! The woman approached me but she was immediately stunned and stunned by my face. The expression on his face was obviously shocked...

"What?" I asked annoyed.

He blinked and seemed to come to his senses. Huh! Am I too beautiful for him to fall for me? "What is this?" he seemed to whisper to himself in shock.

He looked at the man with him. I also looked at the man and was surprised when I met his evil look at me. What the hell?! Where did he get the nerve to look at me like that? I looked back at the woman and she was still staring at me. "Now what?" I asked irritatedly. He frowned again and then looked back at the man with him. He seemed surprised and confused.

"Look, what's your problem and you blocked the taxi I was riding? do you need anything from me? Is there anything I can help you with?"

The woman faced me again and I immediately noticed the tears in her eyes. He bent down and laughed hard. Is she crazy or what? He turned his head again to look at me.

"May I borrow this taxi?" I was surprised by his question and I was stunned by his face. He was like an angel talking to me. I don't know what happened to me and I just nodded. He immediately got into the taxi and was about to close the door but the man immediately stopped him. "Wait, please." it promised him.

He just shook his head and closed the taxi door completely. The taxi I was riding in left immediately. And wait?! What did just happen?! I looked at the man next to me. He looked at me again. I also looked at him badly. what's wrong with him and he's been looking bad for a while?

He started walking towards me. I thought he would stop in front of me but he passed me. I looked at him and he immediately got into his car. Wait, he's going to leave me? I immediately ran to Kaiya.

"Wait! how about me? I don't have a car."

He looked at me with a frown and raised both of his shoulders as if to say 'I don't know'. I was stunned and was about to speak but I was shocked when his car suddenly sped away. I was stunned and kept looking at his car slowly disappearing from my sight.

The next thing I knew, suddenly there was a loud thunder that almost made my heart jump in shock, that bought me back to the present. I immediately looked at the sky. And wait! don't say...

No! Not now!

But if you are really looking at it...the rain started to fall. And here I am, standing in the middle of nowhere getting soaked in the rain.

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