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A spirited journalist finds herself entangled in the affairs of a nighttime courier known as "Mender." Posing as her clumsy assistant, he lurks in plain view as they unravel concealed secrets that connect their shared history. And their love life unravels.

Chapter 1 I

Within the vast expanse of a sizable and seemingly forsaken structure, the external facade hints at a state of neglect; yet, shrouded within this industrial vastness, an impeccably stylish and technologically advanced lair lies concealed, challenging the initial impressions with its sophisticated interior.

In a space embellished with opulent computers and state-of-the-art gadgets, the once seemingly abandoned site has been metamorphosed into an upscale bachelor pad. Amidst this cutting-edge haven, Jones Andrew, a youthful and athletically inclined individual, is immersed in a virtual tennis match, encountering a humbling defeat against his computer adversary.

Despite the incessant buzzing of his cell phone, Jones unwittingly attracts trouble; shortly thereafter, his intricately designed tennis game falls victim to a malevolent hack, and a playful animated squiggle mischievously infiltrates the digital landscape.

Amidst the tumultuous virtual chaos, a woman's voice emerges, a blend of laughter and admonishment, as she mockingly reproves "jojo" for ignoring her calls. In reply, Jones firmly instructs her to abstain from unauthorized access to his private digital domain.

Suddenly redirecting his attention, Jones becomes keenly alert as "Ajumma" presents the possibility of a new job, even though he maintains a skeptical stance toward her assurance that it's "really simple" - a phrase that, within Ajumma's vocabulary, has consistently concealed its actual complexity.

Undaunted by his skepticism, she confidently rebuts, stating that meeting a contact and managing a package is a straightforward task, casually adding an "easy-peasy" to underscore the simplicity. Despite his reservations, Jones finds himself reluctantly pulled into the intricacies of the assignment.

Pausing momentarily, Jones shifts his attention skyward to the expansive screen embellished with a mesmerizing depiction of a tranquil island, capturing his gaze with its breathtaking beauty.

In a contemplative narrative, he articulates his dreams, conveying the longing to eventually acquire a private island nestled along the shores of Panama, envisioning a secluded haven for himself.

Nevertheless, the current circumstances require his focus, prompting him to re-enter the domain of work for the time being.

Stationed discreetly in the subway station, Jones assumes a subtle posture, meticulously surveying his surroundings from the vantage point of the designated hand-off location.

Armed with an in-ear communication line linking him to his proficient hacker partner, Helen Efren, he meticulously observes the surveillance cameras within his field of vision. With expert precision, Helen skillfully penetrates the security system, diverting the footage to uphold the discreet nature of their operation.

Observing with effortless precision, Jones discerns numerous impeccably attired individuals strategically stationed across the platform, easily recognizable as potential obstacles in his path.

Deliberating the intricacies and the meager financial incentive, he ponders the idea of abandoning the task. Yet, Helen interjects, stressing the crucial need for funds and underscoring the saturated nature of their market. Reluctantly, Jones reverses his decision, exhaling a sigh as he readies himself to confront the impending challenges.

At first, their foremost concern revolves around uncovering the identities of the enigmatic individuals, leading Jones to cautiously approach a specific thug. Employing a clever distraction strategy, he captures the thug's attention by displaying enticing images of bikini-clad women on his phone.

Seizing the opportune moment, Jones deftly pilfers the unsuspecting goon's cell phone, promptly utilizing it to contact Helen. With agile finesse, he discreetly returns the phone, setting the stage for their next move.

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