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Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle



Bermuda Triangle, a section of North Atlantic oceans in which more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said to have mysteriously disappeared in 19th Century. Some ships were discovered completely abandoned for no apparent reasons, others transmitted no distress signals and were never seen or heard from again. Several sources, over the years have come up with several theories however, initially it was considered as a result of paranormal activities. So whether we believe it to be paranormal or to be some scientific theory, ships and aircrafts did sink. Some may consider Astrology also as non-scientific method of prediction and horoscope reading based purely on superstition. However, Astrology is definitely a science which was discovered in ancient times but the discoveries of the same did not percolate to the next generations. I have some points to stress on a few of them are listed below: * Power of earth, may it be gravity or force or any other geographical phenomena , has definite role to play in vanishing ships or aeroplanes in Bermuda triangle. * If we consider the power of earth and its impact, shouldn't we consider the other planets which would have thousands times more power than earth and may have impact on lives? * In another 50 to 100 years if a child is born on Mars or Moon, wouldn't it have an impact of earth and its power as earth would appear in his or her birth chart. To conclude it, I would like to convey, I do consider Astrology as a science which is yet to be discovered and researched upon. It will evolve eventually and definitely.

Chapter 1 Science of Vedic Astrology

The science of Astrology has an immense space. It contains study of star-signs, Planetary positions, conjunctions and aspects of planets, constellation, Mahadasha, Antardashas, Divisional charts, current transits of the planets, degrees of the planets, Ashtakvarga scores, hundreds of yogas to name the few. • Since it has such a wide scope, not every astrologer is capable and competent of reading each aspect of the chart. As a result astrology has made falsifiable predictions and it has been falsified.

• Neither any natural benefic planet gives only good result nor every natural malefic planet give bad result every time. Hence every chart will always have its own strength and weakness. • Every astrologer should have some basic knowledge of psychology. If a mother is concerned about her child and seeking astrological advice then she deserves some positivity. When a perfect combination of astrology and psychology is applied, it works like a miracle and changes the life of the person. • The prediction should be made in consideration with current day situation. In ancient time mercury represented speech, communication, writing skills, academic studies but in current day and age, Mercury is technology, analytical skills, extra curriculum activities, social networking, business clients, business and commerce, communication through technological advancement, emails, all type of messaging services, global certifications etc. A capable astrologer can serve the society by pumping positivity and hope in the minds of the sufferer and help them live a better life.

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