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serving as an escape valve from this world that has become increasingly crazy. I'm currently writing the Born into the Mafia series, but there are several other stories running around in my head. Stay up to date with the latest news by following me on Instagram: @lunaoliveiraautora Kisses! Important notices! A Babysitter for the Cowboy Triplets is a unique book, a light cliché romance, in which, unlike my Mafia Born series books, the main characters are not involved in any illicit activities. The dramas that you will find in the plot will be linked to a nanny going crazy in order to control three nine-year-old boys, whose mission in life is to scare away all the nannies who approached them, all caused by a complex of maternal emotional abandonment. It's a romantic comedy, very fun, with breathtaking hot scenes. It has erotic content, therefore, it is recommended for people over eighteen years of age. The secondary characters, Jonh and Emily, will get their own book in the future, but I don't have a date for that release yet, as there are still other stories that will be written first. You will see a little bit of Lucrécia, Nando and Natasha from the book Minha Mexicana, because although this book is not part of the mafia universe that I created, all my characters, good citizens or not, live in the same universe in general, meeting between books, occasionally. That's it, I hope you enjoy reading and fall in love with my cowboy. Kisses! Synopsis Clara Mancini is Brazilian, the youngest of ten siblings, and a veterinary medicine student. She gets an exchange scholarship to study in Austin, Texas, and moves there. During the summer holidays, needing a temporary job to pay her bills, she ends up offering to be a nanny for three little pests, children of the cowboy, owner of Fazenda Olhos D'água. Sam Mackenzie needed a nanny to take care of his three sons, Jason, Jacob and Joshua, and when the agency's last nanny runs out of his farm after the boys stuck gum in her hair, Clara presents herself as the solution. of your problems, at least during the summer holidays. The triplets don't make it easy for Clara, but what they didn't expect is that at the trick school they studied, Clara had already been expelled for knowing too much. Between one prank and another, in this delicious romantic comedy, Clara wins not only the hearts of the triplets, but also the heart of the cowboy

Chapter 1 take them to the animals

Last week he was fucking Aline behind the stage and everyone saw it, he doesn't care about commitment, his business is just to enjoy — said Carlos, who was none other than Leandro's best friend. — Don't say that kind of thing in front of her, idiot! — Davi slapped Carlos on the head. — Better for her to know once and for all from us, than to get her hopes up and let him break her heart. I rolled my eyes. — I wasn't chatting with Leandro, he just came to ask me something about Júlia. There was a collective sigh of relief.

— Is Julia single? — Hector wanted to know, who had been silent until now. Men were unbelievable. — Júlia is single, and I don't want to know about any of you making any moves on it. — Better one of us than Leandro — Diogo recalled, shrugging his shoulders. — Who is Leandro? — Dad arrived in the room in the middle of the conversation. — Carlos's friend, father. He was talking to Clarinha yesterday, at the club — he threw Diego into the circle again. — Daughter, you are not at the age to date, you need to graduate from college first, and then think about starting a family. More than shit. — Leave the girl alone, João. — Mom entered the room with a tray of dulce de leche that she made for dessert. — At her age I already had Apolo and Hector and you had already gotten me pregnant with our first twins. Dad blushed, Mom laughed, and my brothers sulked. — Can you stop this, please, I already said that Leandro doesn't want anything to do with me. Neither him, nor any other boy I know, since, to face all of you, I would need to know a Rambo clone. Another collective sigh of relief. I looked at my mother, but she was busy serving the sweets. — I signed up for an exchange program — I started as [1] someone who didn’t want anything. — UFMG will provide a scholarship for a student to attend the next period of the veterinary medicine course at a college in Austin, Texas, in the United States. The winner, in addition to the scholarship, will receive a stipend so they can support themselves there for the entire semester. —Austin? — Dad reflected. — You have to go by plane. — And it’s not just about buying the ticket, dad — Apolo intervened. — To enter the United States, you have to get a passport and get a visa. — It took me a while to get a visa to go to Europe on vacation last year, can you imagine getting a visa to go to the United States? — Hector asked, as if he were the one competing for the scholarship. — You don't need to worry about that, if I win the scholarship, the college will facilitate and pay for all the travel procedures. They looked at me and they all snorted, shaking their heads. — The question is not that you go, princess, but that one of us can accompany you. — I don't need company, I'm of legal age and fully capable. — I looked to my mother for help. — She has been studying English since she was seven years old and is old enough to know how to take care of herself. If she gets the scholarship, she will. Alone. I saw my father give her dirty looks, my brothers start an argument, and I slumped in my chair, head down. - He arrives! — Dad interrupted everyone. —Your mother is right. Clara is already a girl, and a very intelligent one at that. If she gets this scholarship, it will be because she is capable of facing the world — she turned to me — if you pass, you will, but to study and return as a doctor. No spending time there flirting with foreigners, okay? — You can leave it, father. My intention is just to make you proud. And, that night, I went to my room and started separating everything I was going to take on the trip, as I had already passed the selection process. Chapter 1 Sam Mackenzie “Let's take the pinky oath Join my pinky with your pinky So it's done, the deal's done Here there's no signature we seal it with a kiss” Pinky Oath Bro Walter — I would take them to my farm, man, but I'm really going to need to travel to be with my sister in New Haven. She just had a baby and is alone. I knew he was having trouble with his sister, who was abandoned by a loudmouth who got her pregnant and didn't want to take responsibility. And the difficulty of raising children alone is something I understood well. Damn! Jonh was my best friend and always helped me with my children, being an excellent godfather, so I couldn't refuse. — How many are we talking about, anyway? — There are only five students, the nerdiest in the class, they won't give you any trouble. — Okay, you can send them here, but I'll let you know that I don't have the patience to act like a teacher. I already have enough issues to deal with, I'm going to ask one of the farmhands to guide the tour and take them to the animals, but I'm not going to let any of them use them as experiments. They will just observe. He laughed. — And what's the point of a practical lesson if you're not even going to let them milk a cow? I snorted, and he continued: — Seriously, man. It's okay that my students are at the beginning of the course, but I'm not going to let them graduate without setting foot on a real farm. Most students nowadays prefer to stay in the city to take care of small animals, because it pays to open a pet shop and certainly a lot less work than spending a day at the farmyard. Nothing against the ladies' Yorkshire, but I miss seeing that sparkle in their eyes that I had when I graduated and visited all the farms in the region, offering my veterinary services for free just to gain experience. I want to give this experience to all my students to encourage them. You know my passion has always been horses. Unfortunately, the semester is coming to an end, I won't be back in time to guide this visit. I could understand how frustrating it must be for him, when he couldn't get any of his students to fall in love with the same major he was in. - Right. I'll wait for them here on Monday at 5 am if they want to participate in the milking — he said mockingly. — I'll owe you one, brother. — He shook my hand, got into his truck and drove away. I went to finish my duties and enjoy the calm while my children didn't come home from school. At 6pm they arrived at the nail, bringing the house down. — Daddy, Jacob made Leticia cry — Jason shouted. Who was Letícia? — I didn't, it was all Joshua's fault, who said more than he should have — Jacob defended himself and, as always, pushed the

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