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billionaire heir who is also the owner of her heart, but destiny has already decided that they need to continue that love story, and when they are face to face again, the long-dormant feeling returns to the surface with all its overwhelming force. A Contract with a Billionaire will tell the story of Bárbara Alves, a tourism professional who has just won an award, and Brian Hamilton Smith, a billionaire CEO at the head of a family business, in a reunion years after separating. Attention. This story is derived from the novel CEO's: The Dispute. So, wait to see a little more of Carolina and Samuel. Get ready to laugh and be moved by the beautiful story of these two. A thousand kisses and a great read. Carla Arine It was too perfect to be real. He was all cute, shy, and knew how to make a wonderful dinner... he had to have a flaw. I'm glad I found out in time, it would have been worse if we had made a public commitment or perhaps a marriage. Yes. Only Carol knew, and fuck if that other foreigner had knowledge. — It’s here, lady — the Uber driver tells me. I open the car door and head straight to my house. Today had everything to be a memorable night. It was Carolina's final test against Samuel, and it would clearly be tense. We still don't know who the next CEO will be, but the most surprising revelation of all had already happened and I still couldn't believe it: that Brian Smith, Samuel Wilson and his uncle, Oscar Wilson, came to Brazil with the most sordid plan of all. I can't deny that I was also enchanted by foreigners, but my best friend really fell in love, even with all the madness of hating and loving her biggest opponent. But now we know why this is all. A bid. They used the lucky foreigner's power of seduction to win over my friend and were celebrating the result, taking her out of the running. What they didn't expect was that Carol would put on a show in a jump. — Fuck them! — I exclaimed, in the bathroom looking at my white face in the mirror. My eyes are already red from trying so hard to avoid the tears that want to flow. Crap! Who would have thought the night would end like this? When I left, I was sure I would spend the night in Brian's arms, in a motel or in his apartment. I had even chosen some sexy lingerie, but now, just thinking about the unfortunate thing, I want to... argh. I go back to the room and grab one of the two beers I brought from the event from my bag, trying to console myself for having fallen in love with the wrong guy. I can not believe. Another liar to my list of disappointments. Again I go to sleep alone reflecting on my mistakes. Unemployed and with a Tourism college tuition that costs almost a kidney to pay

Chapter 1 romantic

bit. Mainly because of my almost ex, who has his photo flashing on my screen every 20 minutes as if nothing had happened. How mad I am of that hot foreigner! To tell the truth, I know that Carolina doesn't understand much English, but everything she said has to do with betting. Coming from Brian's mouth, it makes it more than clear that he is up to his neck in this story. Now, Carol has gone out to talk to her ex, and I'm at home eating chocolate ice cream while hoping that this feeling will go away soon.

I'm trying to avoid it, but Brian will join the list of unfortunate people who made me suffer and will win the first one... Ding Dong. I get up immediately and, imagining I'm Carol, I let myself in by opening the door, but I was disappointed the moment I saw who was coming. I can't believe it's him. The craziest thing is that my broken heart discovered it before my eyes. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him. He is white with black hair, light blue eyes, athletic build and a romantic personality that makes you want to put it in a jar. A kiss from this man takes me to the stars and when he takes me in his arms, I even forget my name. However, now I know that's not all he's made of. — Bárbara... As soon as I hear my name, every memory hits me. — Tell the truth, Brian — I demand in English. In fact, we only spoke in his language. With a few specific exceptions. — I know you know what I'm talking about. He hesitates and I immediately understand that Carolina was right. Why did he do it? - Go away from here! — I demand, pointing outside. — My love... — I won't hear any more lies from you, Brian! — I interrupt him, sending him away. — Get out of my house! — Bárbara, listen to me... — he tries again, but I don’t let him. Never again will a man lie to me like that. — I don't want to listen to you. Get out of my life, Brian. He goes back to his homeland and forgets me. — Honey, listen to me... — I don't want to hear you — I reply, nervous. — You're going to lie again, aren't you? — I accuse. “I didn't lie to you,” he declares. Immediately the fury blinds me. — Are you going to say that you and your friend didn't make the bet? —What bet are you talking about? Only now did I notice Samuel's presence. It was just what was missing. But you know what, maybe it would be good to throw some truths in this unfortunate person's face too. —Are you going to say that you didn't bet this one and your uncle that you would sleep with my friend? Samuel takes a nervous step back, but I don't believe a word of what I see. —What are you talking about, Barbara? I've never done that and I would never do something like that to any woman... — Lie! — I exclaim, outraged. How can men invent so much? — My friend heard your conversation. He's nothing more than a cheap conqueror who only used her. I explain everything I know, but then Samuel starts saying that it was Carolina's fault, and when my friend arrives with her ex, the tent is up. However, in the middle of their argument, I can only see how stupid I was to have fallen in love with a deceiver who only used me. After Carol leaves, he tries to convince me again, but it doesn't work. So I expel them both and speak the words that I will remember forever. “Forget I exist, Brian Smith. I won’t give you the chance to play with my feelings like your friend did with my friend.” So I slammed the door, allowing myself to cry about making the wrong choice once again. I let myself be carried away by love and again my heart was broken. The bags are ready. My passport with work visa and everything else necessary. Today I'm going to the most romantic city in the world, but I'm going alone. —Are there any more bags missing? — Sam asks me when carrying my third luggage. — No — I answer as I pick up my bag, taking a look at my house for the last time and remembering everything I've experienced here. Happy moments with my parents, birthdays I had, moments with Carol and even with some assholes who used me more than anything else. The most recent and still vivid in my head are the ones with Brian. It's been months since we've seen each other, and yet I still think about your lips on mine, your delicious smell, a unique mix of refined, clearly Sam's perfumes, and the aroma of the simple clothes you wear. — Babis? — Carol calls me, taking me out of my thoughts and then I hug her. — I'm going to miss you, my friend! — I declare, holding her in my arms, and the tears come. — We knew this day would come, remember? — she asks me, wiping her brown eyes and acting strong. — You will make your dream come true... I nod, excited. — Friend, you will win over those French people. Have no doubts. I hug her tightly and we both cry. We've been together since I joined Vision, and for years I've seen Carolina struggle to make her dreams come true; now she's done it, and as a bonus she's officially dating Samuel Wilson. How did the two brawlers get along? I'll tell you one day. — Are you crying? — Sam appears at the door, looking strange, and we both laugh as we leave. Finally, I pass the key into the door. [1] Samuel Wilson is a project of a man that many would drool over. He's blond, tall, strong, addicted to running in the park where he lives, blue eyes, and he looks a lot like that Norse god from the superhero movie, as Carolina herself says. — We were saying goodbye, Honey — she says, kissing him, and walks hand in hand with him to the Audi that will take me to the airport. I take a deep breath, smiling and looking forward to the next adventures to come. So, I say goodbye to my old home and hand over the keys to my best friend. —Only you can get me out of Paris, Carol! — I complain, talking to myself, sitting at the hottest wedding party Lapa has ever seen. Yes, those two lovers who were as opposite as oil and water got married. I confess, I always imagined that they would stay together and have several CEOs, in fact, I believe that this will happen. But I can't help but say how commendable it is to see how they understood each other after the enormous dispute they experienced. Anyone who sees

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