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CEO perfect love

CEO perfect love

carmen esparanola


impulsive. She had her plan mapped out, it was so simple: Finish college and get rid of her toxic father, Judge Carter. Everyone looked at her and saw her as daddy's princess. They just couldn't imagine what she had to go through to be the perfect daughter he so longed for. Everything was going well, even him. Aaron Seed. Since the day their destinies crossed, she imagined that everything would fall apart around her, she just didn't know if in a good or bad way. Aaron Seed After the death of his mother, he is forced, due to circumstances, to go live with Hanry, his father. Because he can no longer handle Aaron's rebellions, Hanry sends him to the Seed University dorm. Everything was going well, until the day he bumped into a girl. But she wasn't just any girl, she was totally different from the others. The intensity of her eyes attracted him, as he knew the darkness in them, and this only made him more curious to know who she was. However, unlike the others, the mysterious girl clearly said that she didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, especially someone like him. This only gave him reason to want to make her life a living hell, showing that, like the others, she was not immune to him. Something unexpected happens amid provocations, intimidation, discoveries and sexual tension. Aaron and Cadence find themselves completely lost in a feeling neither of them have ever had. Love. "Living life has never been so tempting and scary at the same time." Toxic Bad Boys Bad Boy Cruel Series - book I The other books in the series are completely independent, although some characters may appear throughout the stories. There will be a total of 4 books. Attention! This is a bully romance, you will find an enemies to lovers, and a relationship that is not healthy. It can cause discomfort for some people, as they approach them through provocation and intimidation. As the name suggests, there will be bullying. The author does not support this type of behavior. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF ROMANCE, DON'T READ IT!" WE WILL ALSO HAVE TRIGGER OF: Drug addiction, scenes of physical abuse, profanity, descriptive sex, dubious attitudes, illicit and legal drugs, bullying, psychological aggression, toxic parental relationship, maternal and paternal abandonment, relationships that may appear abusive and that can cause triggers. Work intended for people over 18 years of age. Welcome! This book will be a little different from the previous ones, I ask that everyone who reads it, keep an open mind to understand that everything that happens is not tolerable. We will have some themes that may become triggers for some, and that is why I ask you to read the NOTICE that was left. Again, DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. This will be my first Bully Romance and I hope to meet the expectations of all of you readers. I just have to thank you, for all your strength and motivation, and that's why I dedicate this book to you, my reader who always follows my growth, and to you who were interested in the story

Chapter 1 There is also something

. —Edgar Allan Poe I am afraid to live, But I'm scared of dying And if life is pain, then I buried mine a Long time ago But I'm still alive. Paralyzed, NF Cadence Archeron Relief. That's the word that defines me at this exact moment, as I arrive in front of the big iron gate at the entrance to Seed University. For some people, vacation is a great time of rest, and for me it should be, but it's a real hell. When you have an extremely toxic father that's what happens, anywhere is better than being in his presence. I've been going to law school for five years, this is my last year.

As soon as I finish, I'll go for an internship to finally get out of this torment that is my life every time I return home Just a few months left now, we're finally back from break. If I can call it home! This word must mean a place where we feel good, at peace with everything and everyone, where we feel safe. However, this is not my case. There is no peace, much less security. All that's left is Carter's unhealthy control. Everything must be as he wants, nothing can be different. "Cadence, you can't get into a conversation that doesn't concern you!" "Cadence, don't socialize with anyone! Especially if it involves boys, they are cruel and you don't want to suffer, right?!" Everything he says or does is toxic, our parental relationship is toxic. Which just reminds me of why I have to focus as much as possible this last year, I can't afford distractions. Because, unlike most of the rich people who study here, I had to get the scholarship with many sleepless nights, I couldn't afford anything, and thanks to the scholarship I was even eligible for dormitory accommodation. Carter didn't initially support my decision, and with that, he said he wouldn't support me in anything. In other words, I should get the scholarship or I wouldn't study here, and I would go to a university that was worthy of Judge Archeron. Can you understand how incredible our relationship is?! It's an hour's plane ride from university to home, so it would be bad to have to go back every day. I live in Romania. I thank God it's far enough from here. After the third year, Carter decided to give in and began to accept my decision. He sends a small amount every month, nothing too extravagant, but in the first few years I had to make do, show how much I wanted this here. And I finally managed to get him to accept it, even though I always say that this university is a mistake. I thought that in the first year he would plan something to stop me, but after he saw my effort and the return in my grades, he became calmer. That was the only thing I could choose for myself. In fact, he allowed it! Thinking like this, it wasn't even my choice, it was his acceptance. The doorman Roman, a gray-haired, pot-bellied man in his seventies, allowed me entry. I look at the university, which is structured like an ancient castle. I remember that the first time I entered here I was enchanted, and I never tire of admiring it, even after so many years. The director always values ​​the image and never lets the effect of these columns fade. I head to the entrance on the left where the bedrooms are. The university is in two parts, and in the middle is the entrance to the classrooms, the cafeteria, among other things. I look at the email that was sent to my cell phone and see that I have been relocated to room number one hundred and three. We always receive a welcome email and I had read it before, but not so carefully, so I read it again to understand. Some renovations are taking place on the right side, and as there are always newcomers, the director moved me to another room this last semester, to adjust the wiring problems that appeared in the last days of the break, both in my old room and in others . I didn't mind this as all the rooms are the same. There are two corridors, so I head to the one with the sign that says there are rooms up to number two hundred, the corridor on the left. The entitlement is two hundred and one to three hundred. I go through the corridor, and at the end I get into the elevator that takes me to the fifth floor, which is where my room is, according to the email they sent me. When I get there, I go through some rooms and arrive in front of mine, place the card in the indicated place and the door unlocks immediately. I go in with my suitcase and study the place. The accommodation only has a small sofa in front of the TV on the wall, a small refrigerator, a stove, and a sink with a support underneath to place food, as well as an island that separates the small living room from the kitchen. I decided to buy a stove in case I didn't want to eat in the canteen, as this is optional. I t

people here who can be cruel when they want to, that is, make anyone's life difficult, and it is not my desire to make my life more difficult than it already is. I know my place well, I've always been the one excluded from everything, the odd one out in the class, and I prefer to stay that way to avoid problems. After lying down for a while, enjoying the silence and peace that the environment conveys to me, I decided to take a shower to get rid of the weight of the long journey. I pick up a black long-sleeved coat and gray loose-fitting sweatpants. Here in Ukraine, specifically in the east where I am located, in the city Kharkiv, the climate is colder. Therefore, we always see people well dressed, and there are heaters in the rooms, but apparently they forgot to leave them on for my arrival. There is also something inside the university. I go to the front of the door and press the green button that turns on the heater, grab the towel, the hygiene products, and go to the bathroom. When I arrive, I leave the toothbrush and toothpaste on the sink. When opening the deposit, at the bottom, I see some hygiene products. It's a bathroom with an electric shower, with a box that separates the bath area from the part where the sink and toilet are, enough for me. I take off my white t-shirt, pants, black combat boots, and underwear. I turn the shower on hot and let the water run down my body, making me relax. It may seem strange, but it feels good to remove all the remnants of hours ago from that place I never considered home. I leave the bathroom already dressed, heading towards the bed, combing my straight brown hair. It seems sad to know, but here at US I can be myself, do things I want, without anyone judging the way I act, what I wear or what I do. However, I have faith that all this will soon be over, and it will be nothing more than a bad memory. I lie in bed thinking about everything I've been through all these years, and I end up falling asleep. I pass by the large garden of the family mansion, where Judge Carter's party is taking place. Almost twenty years in this profession, and now he has just turned fifty. "Congratulations, for the respectful and honest judge that your father is!" That's what everyone said to me all night, little do they know how toxic he can be when he wants to be. I miss having a mother's lap. She left me, if you

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