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Unexpected Night Brought Me His Dotting Love

Unexpected Night Brought Me His Dotting Love



"Tyler... I love you! Will you marry me in the future?" Caroline. "Car, I promise to love and marry only you!" Tyler. SEVEN YEARS LATER "Caroline, I've never loved you, much less marry you. The only person I've ever loved is your sister, Yasmine. And to add to that, you cheated on me on our engagement night!" Tyler exclaimed. "What a joke! I, Caroline Clark, vow to make you all pay for ruining my life!" Caroline seethed. Caroline's engagement night was a night orchestrated by her parents and older sister to drug her and have her sleep with a stranger, which led to her name being splashed all over the news as the unfaithful fiancee. The once cheerful and sweet Caroline turned resentful, swearing to make everyone involved pay for her misery. That is until she crossed paths with Jack Mickelson, the handsome, wealthy CEO of Glory Company, who pledged to love and marry only her. But Caroline looked into his eyes and declared, "You... Mr. Mickelson, do not deserve me or my heart. No one does!" *********** Jack Mickelson, the most handsome, rich, and famous CEO of Glory Company, ended up sleeping with the wrong girl the night his grandparents deceived and drugged him. "Little Jack! You are no longer my grandson if you don't find that girl and marry her!" Grandma Beth threatened. "She doesn't want me, grandma! She even called me a PIG!" Jack fumed. "What?" Will Caroline be able to heal and open her heart to love again? Will Jack be able to win her over, even after being insulted? What if Tyler decides he wants Caroline back? What about Caroline's unborn child with Mr. Stranger? Will Caroline finally find happiness? With whom? To find out, continue reading...

Chapter 1 Slept With The Wrong Person

"Please, stop! Don't do this to me!" Caroline's tearful voice rang out, as she pleaded with the burly man looming over her. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life - getting engaged to her childhood sweetheart and preparing for their wedding in just one month.

Little did she know that her own family, her biological parents, and sister, would drug her and force her to sleep with a stranger. The thought of losing her virginity was nothing compared to the betrayal she felt from her loved ones. What would Tyler think of her? She couldn't even imagine, but she knew he would despise her for cheating on him...

But it wasn't her fault. Her family, the ones who were supposed to love and protect her, had betrayed her in the worst way possible. And now, here she was, with a stranger on top of her, unable to even see his face through the haze of drugs.

"Oh Caroline, how the mighty have fallen," she bitterly thought to herself as the man ripped her clothes off and left a trail of kisses on her body. She was too weak from the drugs to even push him away. She felt helpless and hopeless. Indeed, she was bound to lose something precious to her this night.

"Why should I stop?" The man sneered. "My grandparents paid you for this, didn't they? So keep your mouth shut and let me do what you were paid for - sell your body to me."

He despised women like her, but he couldn't deny that she smelled amazing. But what did he care? He was going to have his way with her and make sure she never accepted any more of these offers from his family again.

Stop? What a joke! Does she think playing innocent will make him feel much better about her? No way!

Despite her weakened state, Caroline's mind was still working, trying to process what the man was saying. He seemed angry about something, but what did that have to do with her?

Wait... could he possibly have mistaken her for someone else? Panic surged through Caroline's body at the thought.

Desperate to defend herself, she struggled to push the man away, her words coming out incoherently. "Wait... you've got the wrong person. I'm not... I'm not the..." She trailed off, unable to continue as the drugs continued to take hold.

"I-I am not the person you are referring to. Please...please stop!" Caroline's desperate cry pierced the air. "Today is...is my engagement. I have no intention of doing anything scandalous to my fiancé. Please, just believe me!"

With a sense of desperation, she tried to push him away, but her efforts only seemed to encourage him.

"What a ridiculous joke! Stop spouting nonsense and let's get it over with," the man snapped, thrusting inside her without mercy.

Agony rippled through Caroline's body as she cried out in pain. Her lower abdomen and private area felt like they were on fire. The relentless pain caused more tears to stream down her face.

"Wait, what is this? Are you...are you a virgin?" The man's incredulous voice filled the air as he realized her inexperience.

Caroline could barely respond, her head nodding in confirmation. The pain was too intense for her to endure.

"Damn you, woman! Why would you sell your innocence for money or fame? Do you want to be my wife that badly that you would make such a decision?" The man scolded her in anger.

In the darkness of the room, Caroline could not see his face, but she knew he was seething. However, he made no move to withdraw from her.

"I'll deal with those old ladies later. But for now, I must deal with you. Since it's your first time, I promise to be gentle," the stranger declared, slowly pulling out before thrusting back into her.

However, surprisingly, or perhaps out of some shred of humanity within him, his movements were now gentle.

At first, Caroline despised what was happening to her. But as the stranger's strokes became increasingly tender, she began to find some enjoyment in the moment. She knew her engagement to Tyler was over the moment her parent and sister deuged her. Besides, he was also enjoying himself with Yasmine. So why not savor it? Caroline thought.

After what seemed like an eternity, the panting voices of two individuals could be heard in the darkness of the room.

After a while, the man withdrew and got up to use the bathroom.

Caroline lay there, emotionless. The reality of what had happened seeped into her brain, hitting her hard in the face.

"I just..."

Caroline wept in silent disbelief at her recent actions. She had just lost her virginity to a stranger, and now she was left to deal with the consequences. As if mocking her turmoil, the man reached for a wet towel and began to clean her.

Stranded in the dimness of the room, they both remained unfamiliar with each other's features, illuminated only by the flicker of moonlight through the window. Caroline couldn't help but be astonished by the man's unexpected devotion to cleaning her up.

But it wasn't just Caroline who was bewildered. Even the man himself couldn't fathom why he was going to such great lengths for a woman who had sold her purity for money.

Once he finished cleansing her, he returned to bed and Caroline couldn't help but flinch, fearing he would want more. To her surprise, he simply spoke softly.

"Don't worry, the drug in my body has worn off. I won't touch you again. Let's just sleep." He held her limp body close to him, and Caroline was left to process everything in silence. So he was also drugged. No wonder he had acted like a wild beast. Despite her guilt, Caroline found herself enjoying his companionship in that moment.

As the night drifted away, they both surrendered to exhaustion, entwined in each other's embrace as they fell asleep.


In the early hours of the morning, Caroline woke up and carefully extricated herself from the man's grasp. She quickly dressed and cast one last glance at him, fast asleep with his face buried in the pillow.

"I hope we never cross paths again," she muttered before quietly leaving the hotel room. Caroline didn't dare return to her home, where her family would surely judge her for their own mistakes.

The man, who had been pretending to be asleep, watched her leave and couldn't shake off the uneasiness that lingered. Something was off about the whole situation. Why would his grandparents send a virgin to him?

Furthermore, what motivated her to depart when his grandparents were determined to see him wed her, despite all that had transpired?

Was she simply uninterested in being his bride? If this were the case, why did she agree to abide by the foolish provisions laid out in his grandparents' contract?

As an abundance of questions swirled through his mind, the man surrendered to exhaustion and surrendered to a longer slumber. Surely, his grandparents would retrieve the girl and usher her to their home, awaiting his return.

He would need to confront his grandparents regarding their deceitful actions, drugging him and orchestrating for an innocent virgin to share his bed.

If only he had known that he had been intimate with the wrong woman.

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