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Unexpected Night Brought Me His Dotting Love

Chapter 4 Caroline's Fury And Agony

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 27/02/2024


esh and blood. How can you treat me as if I am a stranger?" Caroline's vo

r, Caroline's head snapping to the side

or two weeks, Caroline returned to the h

o longer a part of this family after the shameful act you committed." Daniel Clark's voice ra

nce you were a child. And now, to sleep with a stranger on your engagement night? No, my daughte

le sister?" Yasmine Clark, Caroline's older sister and the root of her

her childhood sweetheart, who was now her ex fian

oved ones, yet they looked at her

was almost as if he didn't know Caro

to deserve such cruelty? Was it her fault that her own family an

augh, filled with bitter irony. Their fa

? Is that why you mock me?" Caro

in such a grave situation? Did she not understand the seri

n shock. Even Tyler final

agnitude of your duplicity." Caroline seethed, her once teary eyes no

er as an outcast. These were the people who

ceitful mother? My duplicitous father? My nefarious and malicious elder sister? Or... my unworthy and unreliable fiancé?" Caroline s

, his gaze furious as he looked at his daughter

rk. What gives you the authority to do so?" Caro

orcefully shattered a vase on the floor,

re, but she had always been calm, composed, loving, and kind

a jarring sight for all, especially her ex

he had known since childhood? Why did she

y?" Her mother pleaded, afraid that Caroline might turn a

lm down and have a rational discussion." Daniel sa

earing the consequences

e beneficial to adopt a se

nce!!!" Caroline shrieke

her face. She felt utterly betrayed. Why? Why wa

but fulfill my duties as the kind an

there when you needed me. I even work at the company as a

licious sister. Yet, I never voiced any complaints. I even gave

N parents, along with my older sister, drugg

y innocence, my virginity, on the night of my

o be with my fiance. What a sickening joke!" Caro

ere to listen closely, one could hear th


speak, playing the role of the innocent victi

pine. If looks could kill, everyone present

ultimate plan? To devise this scheme and then manipula

for his affection. Instead, you resorted to these despicable tact

nd guilt for your actions? And yet, you still had the audac

I been a thorn in your side all these years? Why? Why must you utterly destroy my life?" Carol

Her emotions were so overwhelming that she had to releas

ve loved you since we were children. I have always bee

well. He- he only stayed by your side because you wanted him to. Isn't that right, Tyler?" Yasmine sp

ted towards Caroline, w

r truly loved her! He was only with her because she

ve what she was hearing. Was all of Tyler's love just a facade? If he did

Yasmine. But he chose to stay silent and pretend to

ehind all of his decei

efusal to make things right resulted in her parents and sister drugging her at her

ything she thought she knew and believed in just a fabrica

uestion, but he only looked bac

th agony and rage. Her heart was now bleeding from the deceit of this

s words aimed directly at Carolin

witnessed the confrontation. This was all she e

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