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Hatred  Kindles the Flames of  Romance.

Hatred Kindles the Flames of Romance.



Ex-boyfriend ignites a profound hatred, yet unexpectedly kindles the flames of a passionate romance. The story will bring you a new perspective of Eastern love.

Chapter 1 Unexpected Encounter

The bus has been away for several minutes, but Shi Yuelun is still standing where She is, motionless.

  Clearly, she will be home after walking for another five minutes, but she just can't lift her strength.

  Probably tired!

  She just taught English to my students for three hours in the cram school... Of course, her salary is not bad, but teaching English in the cram school is really not her favorite way of making money.

  In fact, she had no choice. Language ability is the best skill she has to make a living, and it also gives her the greatest flexibility in her work.

  But now, her life is no longer as tight as it was when she first returned to her country, and she no longer needs to raise money so that her plays can be performed. Therefore, this kind of work for the sake of money makes her feel a little bored.

  Thought of here, Shi Yuelun smiled helplessly.

  Anyway, she have to do what you promise. What's more, you said you would teach for a full year! It's always good to make more money, though she doesn't have to worry about the cost of the troupe's next performance and where it will come from now.

  All this is thanks to the help of Li Yuanming, her junior, best friend and chief actress. She finally met Kang Ningxiang, Li Yuanming's brother-in-law and general manager of Xinfeng Company, in just one week after he returned home from Malaysia, and strived for this new enterprise as the patron of her small troupe.

  Shi Yuelun's smile deepened when she thought of her beloved drama.

  The green light came on, immersed in her own thoughts, and Shi Yuelun walked forward without squint. When she found a motorcycle riding towards her, it seemed too late!

  For a second or two, Shi Yuelun was so shocked that she couldn't make any response. Even the screams choked in her throat. Finally, the sharp brake sound of the motorcycle called her consciousness back. She jumped away with a white face.

  The wheels swept past her at a distance of about half a meter with harsh friction. Shi Yuelun stumbled back a few steps. After standing still, she immediately turned her head, stared at the motorcycle rider who almost made a big disaster with anger and fright. Unexpectedly, the other party's anger was even bigger than hers.

  "You want to fucking die!? Won't you flash when you see the car coming? Didn't you see my wife has a big belly? " The other party tore open his throat and cursed, and his anger became greater and greater, as if he couldn't wait to strangle Shi Yuelun on the spot.

  Shi Yuelun was so angry that his eyes almost came up with sparks. "Howl what? It was you who ran the red light! "


  The man was angry and raised his fist to approach Shi Yuelun.

  She clasped the handout in her arms and advanced instead of retreating. "What are you doing? Want to hit someone? Taiwan's traffic is ruined by people like you. Even if something happens, you can only say that you deserve it! "

  Shi Yuelun called louder and louder, making each other's face red and purple.

  "I warn you, don't think you are a woman, I dare not beat you! You fucking--"

  "Fu... Fu..." the man's wife called him, but he ignored him.

  "It is obvious that you don't have long eyes when you walk, and you dare to say that I ran a red light. Who saw it?"

  Shi Yuelun jumped with anger, but before she could say anything, a clear voice had been inserted from the side-

  "Nobody saw you running a red light? I don't think so! "

  Shi Yuelun turned his head, only to find that a young man wearing a sweatshirt and stepping on sneakers stood beside her.

  At the moment, he wiped the sweat with a towel around his neck, while staring at Fu with intense eyes.

  "This lady is right. This is how the traffic in Taiwan is ruined. You not only ran a red light, almost hit someone, but also wanted to hit someone. This gentleman, you are going too far!?"

  "What does it matter to you?" Fu said awkwardly, his arrogance was half short because the man had come to help her, especially at present, this young man was not only much stronger than him, but also had a strong Newfoundland dog circling around his feet. "Do you think you two can say white is black and change the truth? Hum! I... "

  "Fu!" The woman in the back seat of the motorcycle shouted again, and this time her voice rose a lot.


  Fu turned his head impatiently and saw his wife trembling slightly, and his face changed greatly with fear. No longer caring for the object of quarrel, he ran to his wife quickly.

  "Are you... are you going to have a baby?"

  Seeing that his wife's expression was distorted because of pain, he looked at the two young people beside him in a panic. Because of face problems, he couldn't pull down his face to ask for help, but his eyes unconsciously showed pleading because of panic.

  The man who just stood up for Shi Yuelun didn't even consider it, so he walked in the direction of Fu. Shi Yuelun hesitated for a moment and went to Fu's side.

  "What's going on? Is it going to be born? "

  Although this guy named Fu is annoying and unreasonable, and she is still angry at his intimidation, this matter has nothing to do with his wife, and she can't turn a blind eye to other people's help.

  On closer inspection, she found that Fu and his wife were very young, especially his wife, who seemed to be in her early twenties at most.

  "When is the due date?"

  Looking at Fu, who was already in a hurry, she dared to assert that this was definitely their first child!

  Fu stuttered in a hurry. "The due date... There are still twenty days due. How can this happen? What to do? What to do? "

  Shi Yuelun ignored Fu and turned to his wife. "When did the pain begin? The interval is not long... "

  Having said that, the pregnant woman suddenly gave out a sudden gasp, the whole back arched up, and then relaxed again for a long time.

  "This is... only the second time." She said faintly.

  "That's okay, don't be nervous." Shi Yuelun turned to Fu and asked.

  "Should I be sent to the hospital at once? What should I do? Originally, I was going to send her back to her mother's house in the countryside tomorrow, and I... "

  Fu wandered around his wife like a headless fly.

  "Don't be nervous first. It is normal to give birth two weeks before and after the expected date of delivery." The man put in firmly. "Besides, the first child usually takes a long time. I think you should send your wife to the hospital first, and then go back to help her pack what she needs."

  "Oh! Good. "

  Fu got on the motorcycle in a panic, but was caught by the man.

  "Are you going to take your wife to the hospital by motorcycle?" He asked in disbelief: "Aren't you afraid that she will be in pain on the road and can't catch you and fall off the car?"

  "Er... I..."

  Shi Yuelun sighed and suddenly sympathized with this annoying guy. It is obvious that he has panicked and has no idea at all.

  "Put the motorcycle here first, call a taxi to send your wife to the hospital for placement, and then come back to pick up the car. Isn't it down?"

  "Oh! Right. “ Fu said blankly, pushing the motorcycle aside and locking it, which was extremely clumsy.

  The young man held Alfred's wife and stood on the side of the road. After Alfred was busy, he waved and recruited a taxi and stuffed the husband and wife into the car together.

  The taxi drove away after chaos.

  Shi Yuelun shook his head ironically, looked back at the young man standing next to her, just as the other party was looking at her, and two people suddenly smiled at each other.

  "Thank you for your help." Shi Yuelun said with a smile, generously reaching out to shake hands with each other. "Fortunately, tonight's luck is not bad, and I met a noble person to help."

  The young man shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "It's nothing! It's just good neighborliness. "

  "Good neighbours?" Shi Yuelun repeated in astonishment, re-looking at the young man in front of him.

  He is about twenty-seven or eight years old, with big and bright eyes, a handsome nose and a bright smile on his face. He is a very attractive man.

  People like him should be easy to impress others, but why does he seem to know her when she has no idea of him at all?

  The blank color on her face did not escape the man's eyes. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Suddenly, the big dog under his feet barked twice, as if unwilling to be left out. He looked down and patted it on the head with a smile.

  "Well, I know I left you out. Come and say hello to our neighbors."

  The big dog seemed to really understand his master's words, so he really stood up, barked twice at Shi Yuelun, and held out a his paw to her.

  "What a beautiful dog."

  Shi Yuelun smiled and shook hands with it, praising it, but it was by no means a polite remark. This dog has a beautiful dog face, bright eyes, and bright fur, which shows that it is well taken care of.

  "What's its name?"

  "Tang big-dog.”

  "What!?” She thought she would hear a very Western dog name, such as Lucky, "Who gave this name? Why did you give it that name? "

  "I took it." The man's smile is very proud. "My surname is Tang, so the dog's surname is Tang! There is also a puppy at home, named Tang little-dog. "

  "Oh? Then what's your name? Tang Medium-dog? "

  Shi Yuelun didn't mean to be rude, but this man's cheerful and easygoing personality made her completely forget the distance she should keep from the people she met for the first time.

  The man laughed. "Sounds good, but when I was born, I didn't have the right to choose my name. Hello, my name is Tang Siya.

  Shi Yuelun smiled and had a deeper affection for this Tang Siya.

  “My name is Shi Yuelun."

  "Shi Yuelun? Shi Yuelun... "Tang Siya frowned thoughtfully." Strange! I seem to have heard this name somewhere! "

  "Is it? I thought my name was not so popular! " Shi Yuelun said with a smile, changing the handout held in his left hand to his right hand.

  Since the performance of Cui Yingying, her troupe has gained some fame, and she has been reported in the newspaper once or twice, but she doesn't consider herself a celebrity.

  Tang Siya grinned and noticed her change of hands to hold the handout.

  "Isn't this stack heavy? I'll get it for you. " He held out his hand towards her.

  Shi Yuelun smiled and shook his head. "No, thank you, I can carry it."

  After all, the two people just met, and Tang Siya didn't want his kindness to be regarded as harassment, so he didn't say anything more. However, he had already seen the words on the handout clearly.

  Suddenly, an unprovoked disappointment flowed through his heart, although it was slight, but it was real.

  "You're making up the TOEFL? Are you going to study abroad? "

  Shi Yuelun gave him a stunned look and couldn't help laughing.

  "Do I look like a student? You break my heart again. I thought I looked much more mature! " She patted the handout on her hand and answered the question expressed by his eyes. "I am a teacher."

  "Teacher?" He looked at the petite girl in front of him in disbelief. "Are you teaching TOEFL? No way! How old are you? Twenty-two or twenty-three? "

  His question is not very polite, of course he knows, but he is really surprised, God knows, if she hadn't claimed to be teaching TOEFL, he would have guessed that she was only twenty years old!

  "I'm twenty-eight." Shi Yuelun told him with a smile.

  She never cares about her age, because she always thinks that one's self-knowledge and self-confidence should not be affected by such external conditions.

  "I did it a few years ago and came back in September last year. Does this answer your question? "

  "Twenty-eight? So, I was only born two years before you... "

  Tang Siya's voice is only not much higher than talking to herself, and she still looks at Shi Yuelun with an incredible expression.

  She is not a stunning beauty, but she has a beautiful face. Besides her innocence, which is a little different from her actual age, she also has a very special temperament, which he can't describe.

  "So... What major did you study abroad? English teaching? "

  This is a very popular major in recent years, and her work makes him not make the second guess. Who knows that Shi Yuelun actually lost his smile because of such a problem?

  "No, I read drama."

  "Drama?" Tang Siya repeated in confusion, it is difficult to understand that someone will go abroad to study this unpopular subject. "But you... aren't you teaching TOEFL?"

  "What can I do? Taiwan's theatre industry is still a wilderness, and it is not easy to support myself with what I have learned, so of course I have to find another job that can make ends meet! "

  Shi Yuelun smiled and clapped the handout on his hands, and noticed that Tang Siya's face flashed a vague confusion and a little indifference.

  Between her eyes, she let out a chuckle and said without trace: "Besides, I have to try my best to save money before I can get the funds needed for the performance."

  "The show?" The last sentence called Tang Siya's attention back. "What performance?"

  "I organized a very small troupe." Shi Yuelun said faintly, patting Tang Big-dog’s head absently.

  The big dog seemed to get impatient with their incessant conversation, and wandered around them, trying to attract attention.

  "Tang Siya, are you interested in stage plays?"

  Tang Siya slightly tilted his head. "I study economics, and I am only interested in financial charts. I really have no concept of drama. To incite a professor’sentence , people like us … er … lack humanistic quality! "

  "I have also taught several students in the economics department, and their humanistic quality is very good!" Shi Yuelun looked at the man who talked well in front of him with grace.

  Tang Siya is a little proud to chest a stand, "Who said that business people must have a heavy smell of coin? You are so clever, how do you know that I am waiting for you to say this? "

  Seeing Shi Yuelun give him a ridiculous look, he smiled and touched his nose. "But to be honest, my humanistic quality lacks drama. Can you tell me..."

  "Woof, woof..." Before the words were finished, Tang Big-dog began to shout and use his nose to press his master's feet.

  Tang Siya patted it with a smile and glanced at his watch conveniently.

  "It's already more than eleven o'clock!" He was amazed and smiled apologetically at Shi Yuelun. "I'm sorry to delay you for so long. You have been in class all day. I'm afraid you are very tired. If you don't mind, I'll send you back, OK? "

  "Thank you, but don't bother. I live near here." She pointed to the alley in front of her. "Walk back and it will be there in a few minutes."

  "I also live in that alley!" Tang Siya smiled, revealing his white teeth, and Tang Big-dog happily circled around his feet.

  Shi Yuelun Zheng, then shook his head to himself.

  They lived so close that it was incredible that she had never said hello to this man before today!

  "Tonight is a lucky night, otherwise, I can't know my beautiful neighbor." Tang Siya's mouth rose slightly. "Unfortunately, it's really late. If you are free another day, I will ask you about the stage play, OK?"

  "Yes! As long as you don't get bored. " Shi Yuelun said briskly, taking out the key from the small bag around him to open the door. "Good night, Tang Siya, thank you again for your help today."

  "Good night." Tang Siya replied, watching the iron gate close gently before his eyes.

  He patted Tang Big-dog's head absently, and the dog narrowed its eyes comfortably.

  "You like her too, don't you?" Tang Siya whispered to the dog, walking home and reluctantly looking back at the apartment where Shi Yuelun lived.

  This girl, whom he had only known for a few hours, was a girl of great character and style, not only clever and brave, but also somewhat naughty.

  But... his affection for Shi Yuelun came too soon, didn't it? It really doesn't look like his personality.

  He once had many female friends, and although several of them quickly won his favor, no one gave him the idea of "taking a step closer".

  That kind of self-sustaining makes his buddies call him "super-rational animal", and even he believes that he is that kind of animal. How can this Shi Yuelun make him feel eager to get to know her more in such a short time?

  Is it because of the courage she showed when she met an accident?

  Is it because of her sense of humor when teasing others and herself?

  Is it because of the confidence in her speech?

  Or... just because of her big charming eyes when she laughed?

  It was not until Tang Big-dog barked again that Tang Siya found himself standing in front of his house for a long time.

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