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Hatred Kindles the Flames of Romance.

Chapter 3 Intertwining of Friendship and Secrets

Word Count: 5948    |    Released on: 02/03/2024

nd parking lot of a building, then ate something at the lig

ys ago, he specially told his secretary to arrange his work on Tuesday after

wall, but Tang Siya knows

only borrowed the photography studio on the eigh

n unusual friendship with her, otherwise, who woul

t that Shi Yuelun might have a good friendsh

ey had met twice and chatted, he knew almo

tered the building with the determination of "nothing ventured, nothing

ped at the door and felt

n the sofa inside. They seemed to snuggle intimately, and it i

g, the woman immediately

r, please?" She asked, he

ng Siya made a simple self-introduction. "She promised t

lit up and she look

The smile on her mouth deepened. "My name is Li Yuanming, and I am Yue Lun's junior, this-" she turned to the man

bright smile in his mouth, and an extraord

and the woman are husband and wife, so it is not surprising that h

." He said happily, "I hope

es. Obviously, he didn't understand what he had don

s contagious, and he just stayed a little a

e in and sit down! Yuelun should arrive soon. " Fan Xueyao look

Before long, Shi Yuelun appeared in front of everyone, followed by a youn

ang Siya and pointed to the young man behind him. "This is o

ya shook hands wit

dded at Tang Siya. "plz help yourself. sit or stand. If you are thi

all we not wait for h

" Shi Yuelun took out a stack of paper from the file in his hand and

at is

Yuelun simply finished, she turned around and walked to th

field with fascination until the drink

ll of lemon black tea and

r wife rehearse?" He as

big man loves his

I didn't know anything about drama before. Since Yua

lane script can actually become such a three-dimensional structure. Th

in the field had already finished the warm-up

in her early twenties, thin, with an angular fac

osity. Without speaking, she walked to the bathroom with her bag. When she came out again

." Fan Xueyao sa

er join the rehearsal until he came to his sen

to the sidelines and col

his beloved wife and went to the b

face at will and pic

ll go first, se

a cup of lemon black tea from Fan Xueyao's han

and Li Yuanming im

e? " Her eyes sparkled. "I'm really curious

le on Li Yuanming's face

moon last month and wants everyone to get

, my

promised Tang Siya to come to the rehear

He put down his big glass, turned to Shi Yuelun, and asked, "You s

gical, and Shi Yuelun h

terials in her hand, and Tang Siya pi

Senior. " Li Yuanmi

ctors?" Shi Yuelun asked as

y. "Li Yuanming's acting skills are quite good, his movements are beautiful, and her creativity is high; Xiumei has

uelun gave him an appreciative smil

's eyes sho

There should be quite a few y

ny young people pretend to be complacent in the literary and art circles. There are too many young people

cting as if it were

a play, and play is like life." Shi Yuelun's eyes glow wi

." Tang Siya looke

I talk about drama." Shi Yuelun sh

ved on the first floor,

or watching the play for three hours

hank you. This night snack should be trea

! Not long after I returned, I got into

isgraceful! Can't I even afford this little thing? No, no, no, you are a

ushing to pay the bill in Shandong dialect and Sichuan dialec

eing a troupe, you a

elun crooked her head to him. "Let's go! Mr. Tang, let's eat night snack. I'

Shi Yuelun's face was still ov

nothing to do with the success of the troupe's work, a

eling comes from, and... she

ng for almost three hours last night, Shi Yuel

that Tang Siya was a financial consultant of a large-scale consortium, and heard that he wa

eerful and sometimes domineering face,

Yuanming's greeting, put the handout file on her desk,

riting engraved her name, whi

r that had already been buried in her memory threatened

gs... must not b

lost contact for a long time, it must be an ad

Yuelun quickly tore open the envelope, but when she saw t

o neatly folde

sudden change of face, glanced at the two pieces of gh

s too much! Who is making such a boring joke? Senior, sit down fi

open her chair with her whole body, sat d

t. If she doesn't sit

in that she had never forgotten, more real and disgusti

n, is it? God bless, don

a prank by a boring element



ei's voice sounded at the door.

oice. Then, Mo Fei and Xiumei joined the discussion in angry voices. Finally, even Fan X

gnation: "Someone must be jealous of your talent, so

hi Yuelun said weakly, reluc

ssed, so she doesn't need to co

tle scared. It real

This kind of person should be caught in prison and repaired

useful to call the police." Fan Xueyao is the calmest one among all the people.

nside to the outside, and even picked up the

is no intimidation, no abuse or threats,

ou? Do you have any idea yourself?" Fan Xueyao asked

ale, and Li Yuanming quic

her have a rest first." She looked at Shi Yuelun with concern. "S

these unpleasant things. Besides, it is too unhealthy t

rough this evening's rehearsal, and as a res

it is onl

darkness and fear lingered like g

rsal, Shi Yuelun's face w

lay, and everyone cares about her. Fan Xueyao

tared at him i

yao simply said: "Drink it all. I w

eful look and sipped hot gin

he really feels much better. Moreover, knowing that a bruiser like Fan X

about her senior, so she got on the

act everyone's mind, but because everyone's heart

un's residence in silence. She ope

le is a little reluctant and a little depr

o parked his car on the side of

enough, and it is very late, which makes people feel uneasy. Besides,

adow. She instinctively regressed a few steps, and Fan

a said with some doubts: "What's going on? Yuelun, can't you reco

her whole body was weak, and her heart jumped rapidly bec

had come out at the right time and wanted t

y, so I came home late. Why are you tw

live aro

Siya curiously, and an idea q

tween this Tang Siya and her senior.

alley and am a nei

hat's great! Knowing that the senior has a fri

it as not seeing it. "I'm telling you! Tang Siya, my senior received a very bad anonym

d in shock. "Which bastard

, my

eep the secret, why not j

t thing she needs now is to pull irrelevant outsiders

t happened today in detail: "So! When this happens, how can we rest assured that our

pression is very serious and concerned,

have any g

as if he had completely entrusted him with the

un was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet. She said in the se

pened to Yuelun is my business! " Tang Siya is eag

lun stare

st forgot his stro

; After becoming friends, it is certainly impos

e to be observed for a while. If it is just a sim

r hand, but the two men didn't notice Shi Yuelun's reaction-their

ank, it would be serious.


usband sometimes has no nerve to be angry. How ca


hile couldn't understand it. On the contrary, Tang Siy

mall letter can make you break up a whole set of spy stories. I think you should change your care

Lun, just pay more attention to her. I think if that person is really playing cat

a notepad and a pen

ueyao, Tang Siya copied down the telephone numbers

her development, would

ing under the street lamp, and at that tim

ous letter made her a weak, passive and powerless woman who had to r

ea made h

f the street lamp, obviously reaching some ki

Yuanming's waist and said, "Yuelun, go to bed early,

saw the newly married couple into the ca

ulder and said in an unassailable tone. Unexpe

l you?" She shouted angrily, "I'm not an incapacitated baby. Can't I take ca

had ever known, and she closed her lips in shock, turned to open the


o appease her, but only in e

ant, overbearing, self-righteous, excessive desire for protection... "Shi Yuelu

slowly turned around and walke

eceived such anonymo

o was the so-

nonymous letter

have any connection w

ke such conjectures out of air, after all, the

lling to tell him more, and she will

ait until she has

o steps, her heart beating wildly because of the rush,

to the room, sat in the corner of the bed, and hudd

ed feebly, curling

ctually brought back all the past you have experienced, and made yo

independent modern woman! In fact, you

nd, but he has been an

got up hard and walked to the

arby houses. The purring of her stomach reminded her that it w

ted and laughed with Tang Siya? At that time, she once believed

ness can't stand

okes her fear of love an

d his hand into a fist, and firmly

morrow, she will find her courage, and tomor

ars, and she refused to be bound by suc

if Tang Siya has bee

long time and looked bla

calm life fo

the anonymous letter never appeared again, w

ven away by

wryly, feeling a sorr

d herself that there are always gains and losses in life. After all, h

e two ghost papers were gradually forgotten, the second anonymous lette

Her first reaction was to throw the letter into the tr

a malicious letter, she should not hide it from Shi Yuelun. She doesn't want

scussion, the two decided to wait for Yue Lun

inished the rehearsal. After Mo Fei and Xiumei left one after anothe

nvelope, Shi Yuelun's fa

n be sure that this is definitely another anony

nonymous letter was obvi

anxiously: "If... if you feel very sad to

Shi Yuelun show a gentle smile, alth

u, I'd better do it m

in that letter, but this sentence is enou

ting for this day

bit his lower

Will this nigh

behind forever, and comforted herself on the eve of returning home. All t

ok her shoulder, and the other hand to

iends would ask when they read the letter. She a

and she naively thought that things would naturally be forgotten after going abroad; Another reason was that in her young and confused mind, she thought that she might

these reasons hav

f, and may even strengthen their resentment and determination to retaliate, but th

en slowly raised his head and accid

n had a moment of ab

scovered that the hand that had been pla

ueyu cal

yuan with his customers. When he received a phone call from Fan Xueyao, he didn't ev

but for Shi Yuelun's flustered heart,

hed out and laid her

yes, she said softly, "Thank you,

houlder increased its stren

or a long time before he lowered his h

ully: "In a short sentence, there is no bloody threat, and the evidence i

now who sent you t

said in a low voice, staring at her tightly twisted hands, not

the faint sound of breathing, as if after a ce

d then … because … because of perso

tinctively realizes that things are definitely not that simple, but they all choos

e, Shi Yuelun's vo

ior year, he graduated and was dist

elun's expression was stif

to hide her emotions, everyone

sent back news, he... he..." Shi Yuelun's voice was a

hout and rushed forward to hold Shi Yuelun'

ad? After all, she onc

r rational deliberation, it will take a long

. "After all, I broke up with him at that time. Although I was

iya's ears imme

younger brother admired him so much that after his death, his younger brother was so angry that he didn't beli

Yuanming couldn't help but retort: "His brot

, "So, his brother thinks he commit

e say that it was an accident caused by a gun fire,

utter to herself: "Suicide is not impossib

er words, with a strong sense of jealousy in his words. "Life is full of all kinds of frustrations.

es what a coward he is and proves that y

nd a grateful smile gradually appeared on her lips, which was

, and the meaning behind these

lling the guilt she had been saddled with for many years; And thank him … fo

warm, and she couldn't say anything for a whil

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