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Reunited Through Love

Reunited Through Love



The ruthless CEO of Harrison Dynamics forces his pregnant wife to donate a kidney for one of the company’s shareholder. It is only on the operating table, beside his wife’s lifeless body, that he discovers she had already donated her other kidney to him years before. The CEO, usually stoic, breaks down in tears over her corpse… She has been dead for three years, and he has been mad with grief for as long, finding all his wealth meaningless without her. Just then, he spots her leading a mini version of him…

Chapter 1 Unveiled Truths

The hospital room, stark and white, seems to magnify the silence—a silence heavy with unspoken farewells. Jack Harrison, a titan in the corporate world, finds himself grappling with a battle of a different kind, one that left him reeling between disbelief and a creeping sense of dread.

“Mr. Harrison,” comes the distant voice of the surgeon, pulling Jack from the depths of his turmoil “I’m sorry. Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t save her.”

Jack’s reply is a mix of a growl and a whisper, torn between despair and denial. “That’s impossible. You said it was a routine operation. She was healthy.”

The surgeon, no stranger to life’s fragile balance, faces Jack with a gravity reserved for such moments. “Indeed, your wife was in good health. But it seems she came into this with only one kidney, a detail she hadn’t shared.”

A suffocating silence follows.

“One kidney?” Jack’s confusion quickly turns to a sharp realization, a painful piece of the puzzle clicking into place. “But she never mentioned…”

“It appears,” the surgeon gently continues, “she donated her other kidney years ago. To you, Mr. Harrison.”

“This… this can’t be right. It was Victoria who donated the kidney to me,” he insists, his voice carrying a belief rooted deep in a story he has long accepted as truth. Memories of Victoria, whispering promises of loyalty and sacrifice as proof of her love, haunts him.

The surgeon offers a look of deep empathy. “The records don’t lie, Mr. Harrison. It was Emily, not Victoria. There seems to have been a misunderstanding.”

As Jack leaves the hospital, the truth weighs heavily on him, stirring a maelstrom of emotions. The gratitude he has held for Victoria, the choices he made under that gratitude’s shadow, all feels like a cruel joke now.

Victoria’s image, once that of a devoted confidante, begins to warp in his mind. The depth of her deceit was staggering, and with it came the realization of how profoundly he had misunderstood Emily’s love and sacrifice.

Collapsing into a chair, Jack’s usual composure shatters. Tears, foreign to him, make their silent journey down his face. “Emily,” he whispers into the emptiness, a mix of prayer and regret.

Emily, the one who had silently given him everything, expecting nothing in return.

Three days earlier.

At the top of the grand staircase in the Harrison home, Victoria positions herself deliberately in Emily’s path, her voice a mixture of faux concern and cutting insinuation. “Darling Emily, do you really believe Jack married you for love? It’s quite clear his heart has always been with me. You’re just living in the fantasy he’s created for you.”

Caught off guard at the staircase, Emily’s heart tightens. Despite occasional doubts, her love for Jack has always been her guiding light, her reason to stay, to fight.

“You are mistaken, Victoria,” Emily replies, her voice shaky yet determined. “Jack’s heart chose me. Whatever past you cling to, it’s just that—a past. I won’t let your delusions tarnish what we have.”

Victoria’s smile thins as she leans in, her words venomous. “Poor, naive Emily. You are a placeholder, nothing more. Jack will come to his senses eventually. You’ll see.”

As Victoria notices Jack’s imminent arrival, she makes a split-second decision. Her smile, previously laced with malice towards Emily, now shifts into a calculated expression of fear. With a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure Jack’s witness, she deliberately throws herself down the stairs, her body tumbling with flair.

The sound of her fall echoes through the foyer just as Jack steps inside. He rushes towards the crumpled figure of Victoria at the bottom of the stairs, panic and concern etching his features. Victoria, seizing the moment of maximum impact, gasps out her calculated lie between labored breaths, “Jack… please, don’t blame Emily. She didn’t… didn’t push me.”

The implication of her words, designed to seed doubt and manipulate, hits its mark. Jack turns his gaze towards Emily, who is standing stunned at the top of the stairs. The mixture of confusion, hurt, and accusation in his eyes speaks volumes.

“Emily, is this true? What did you do?” Jack’s question, heavy with disbelief and the beginnings of anger, hangs between them like a sword of Damocles.

Emily's heart is sinking, but she still tries to defend herself, “Jack, I didn’t do anything. Victoria fell down the stairs herself.” But her words, instead of clearing the air, seem to add fuel to the fire of Jack’s burgeoning doubt.

Jack’s face hardens, “How can you stand there and lie so convincingly, Emily? Victoria’s hurt because of you. Your jealousy, your malice—it’s all come to this.”

Emily’s eyes are brimmed with tears. The accusation in his eyes, the harsh set of his jaw, tells her that the man is lost to her.

“I’m not lying, Jack. Please, you have to believe me,” Emily pleads, her voice breaking under the weight of his unfounded accusations and her own crumbling heart.

Jack becomes a little hesitant when he sees Emily's look, and Victoria senses her hold on Jack weakening. With practiced vulnerability, she collapses into Jack’s arms, her voice a whisper of feigned fragility. “Jack, remember how weak I’ve been since the donation… and now this fall.”

Her words, carefully chosen, remind Jack of her supposed sacrifice, the kidney she claims to have given him, an act of love that now serves as a weapon against Emily. Victoria’s calculated weakness, her reminder of the past, pulls at Jack’s heartstrings, muddying the waters of his judgment.

Amidst the turmoil of emotions and accusations, an urgent call from Harrison Dynamics breaks through the tension. One of the company’s key shareholders, a cornerstone in the intricate architecture of Jack’s business empire, is gravely ill, facing a life-threatening situation without a timely kidney transplant.

Victoria, still feigning weakness, leans heavily against Jack. "Jack, if only... if only I hadn't already given... given one of my kidneys to you... I would offer my other to save the shareholder," she murmurs, her eyes locked on his, shimmering with unshed tears that seem to plead for understanding and forgiveness.

The weight of her words settles heavily on Jack, stirring a complex cocktail of emotions within him. Guilt, for the supposed sacrifice Victoria has made for him; gratitude, for her unwavering support; and a burgeoning sense of obligation.

Jack, caught in the web of Victoria's manipulation, feels a sense of responsibility towards her. "You've already done so much for me, Victoria. We'll find another way," he assures her, his voice firm yet gentle.

Just then, Emily’s voice cuts through the tension. “Victoria, enough with your deceit. It wasn’t you who donated the kidney to Jack; it was me. ”

Emily looks at Jack with tears brimming in her eyes: “Jack, please don’t blame Emily for her nonsense. She’s just too afraid of losing you, so she made up such a lie.”

Jack flys into a rage, “Lies, Emily, more lies! Is there no depth you won’t stoop to? First, the drugs to ensnare me into marriage, and now this?”

Emily stands immobilized, the weight of the accusation crashing into her with the force of a tangible assault. It suddenly makes sense, Jack had always been cold and distant towards her, yet everything shifted that unforgettable night.

By sheer accident, she wandered into the wrong room, and upon her entry, Jack pulled her into an embrace. His lips and tongue, ablaze with the heady mix of alcohol and his distinct musk, seized hers in a fervent claim. The kiss, authoritative and intense, overflowed with his longing, as if in his fervor, he sought to consume her entirely. His breath, searing against her skin, and the scalding caress of his lips wove an intoxicating spell, trailing fervent kisses across every inch of her.

Fear, panic, and nerves surged through her, yet a part of her recoiled from rejecting him, finding a strange joy in the moment. She believed the affection was mutual, oblivious to the insidious influence of drugs clouding the encounter…

However, she had no knowledge of any drugs, her intentions towards Jack always pure and filled with love. The realization that someone had drugged Jack to manipulate their union—and that Jack had believed her capable of such deceit—cuts deeper than any physical wound.

“It wasn’t me, Jack. I never knew about any drugs,” Emily protests, her voice trembling with the weight of the moment. The hurt in her eyes is palpable, a testament to the pain of being so gravely misunderstood by the one she loves most.

Victoria, sensing the tide of suspicion might turn towards her, interjects with feigned innocence, “Jack, surely you can see she’s lying. She’s always been obsessed with you. Who else would go to such lengths?”

Emily’s realization dawns. The memories, the fragmented pieces of past interactions with Victoria, suddenly align with a clarity that is both illuminating and chilling. Everything points to a truth: it was Victoria who had orchestrated the deceit from the shadows.

“Victoria, it was you all along,” Emily states, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. “You drugged Jack. You wanted to marry him by having sex with him, but you didn’t expect me to walk into that room, causing your plan to fail.”

Victoria’s mask of innocence falters for a moment, a flicker of panic in her eyes, but she quickly regains her composure. “That’s a serious accusation, Emily. Do you really think Jack would believe such a far-fetched story?” she retorts, her tone dripping with condescension. “You’re just trying to shift the blame because you know you’re losing him.”

She then turns to Jack with a look of wounded innocence, her eyes glistening as if on the verge of tears. “Jack, you know me,” she begins, her voice soft and imploring. “Yes, I won’t deny that I have feelings for you—feelings that go beyond mere professional admiration. But to stoop to such levels, to drug you? That’s not who I am. That’s not how I want your affection.”

She pauses, giving Jack a moment to absorb the implication of her confession and her denial. “Do you believe me, Jack?” she asks, her gaze locked onto his, filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope.

“I believe you, Victoria,” Jack responds with gentle voice. “I can’t imagine you doing such a thing.”

Victoria’s face lights up with a barely concealed smirk of triumph directed at Emily, her eyes glinting with the satisfaction of having Jack’s trust reaffirmed in front of her rival.

Emily, witnessing this silent exchange, feels a surge of frustration and desperation. “Jack, you are being deceived!” she exclaims.

Jack's emotions is now a tumultuous storm. He turns his gaze back to Emily, “I’m disappointed in you, Emily,” he says, “But, if you’re truly remorseful, there’s a way to make things right. The shareholder needs a kidney transplant. It would be a chance to prove your intentions are genuine.”

Emily’s heart sinks at Jack’s words, the suggestion that she donate a kidney to atone for sins she hasn’t committed feels like a cruel twist of fate. She looks into Jack’s eyes, searching for a glimmer of the man she loves, hoping to find some understanding, some remnant of their bond. “Jack, I can’t… I only have one kidney… And there’s something else—I’m pregnant.”

“So, the child is a result of drugging me?” Jack scoffs.

Tears well up in Emily’s eyes. “I didn’t drug you, Jack. I would never do something like that,” she insists, her voice breaking under the strain of her emotions and the pain of being so misunderstood by the one person she loves more than anything.

But Jack’s patience has already worn thin. “The surgery is in three days,” he states coldly, his tone leaving no room for discussion. “This is a notification, not a negotiation.”

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