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Sold to The Devil Mafia

Sold to The Devil Mafia

Author K.B


“I just wanted to dance.” She whispered as hot tear rolled down her cheeks. *** *** The last thing anyone wants is to be a dispensable member of the leading mafia family. But that’s exactly what Althea became. As a lowly born, Althea makes money by performing shows at the biggest clubs, she’s happy with what she does until Diaz watches her dance and offers a large amount of money in exchange for her life. Althea is terrified of essentially being sold off to a mafia boss, especially one as cruel as Diaz, but there’s no saying no in her world. She convinces herself that she’s going to escape. But from the moment she is drawn into Diaz’s world, it quickly becomes apparent he owns her—down to her every breath. And despite her reluctance at being there, she can’t help but like how it feels. Althea just might be falling for him, but is she just another prized possession “won” to a man who gets everything he wants…or is she more of a pawn in this dangerous game than she ever realized?

Chapter 1 Diaz Cartel

Sold to Diaz Cartel


Chapter 1: Diaz Cartel


The smell of alcohol is thick, dancing and intertwining with the smoke of the cigarettes being exhaled out of the mouths of lustful men.

Dull neon lights illuminate the surroundings, crating a haze inside the club and making the atmosphere seem a different world once stepped inside.

A group of men in expensive suits appear at the entrance, immediately greeted by the door girl in turn. The beautiful ginger leads them to the VIP section where only two of them sit comfortably and a third stands to the side while the rest bow and leave the club as fast as they came.

A waitress approaches the table with glasses and bottles of fine alcohol that she serves with a smile and a bow before escaping the heavy stares of the group.

The three men exude a dark aura but it is the man sitting in the middle who everyone tries to avoid.

The man has very handsome features that are obscured by a murderous stare perpetually lingering on his dark eyes, his hair is styled to the side leaving his forehead and his thick eyebrows exposed, and his neck sports intricate tattoos that might’ve looked cheap on anyone else but look elegant on his smooth skin.

However, it is the tattoo on his right hand which calls for the attention of everyone. A couple different tattoos cover his knuckles and fingers yet, it is only the crown on his index finger that matters.

It symbolises his position as leader of the biggest mafia group in Danson, and second in Sangrid only to the Montenegro family.

Everyone knows him or has heard about him, warned to fear his extreme mood changes.

Diaz Cartel.

The lights go out leaving the stage completely dark while the DJ announces the beginning of the show.

A group of men seating four tables down stand up and immediately run towards the sides of the extended stage trying to find the best place for the performance.

"Amateurs,” says Diaz with disgust. "All this low class men salivating for the dancers are exactly the reason why it is such a great idea to own clubs like this. They will pay anything to get a taste of this ragged up dolls.”

Lucius rolls his eyes at the comment but doesn’t say anything. No point in correcting him when he is right. “None of them up to your standards?” asks Lucius with a mocking smile. “I’ve heard that this one dancing next is special.”

Diaz huffs before saying: “Come on, Lucius, you should know better than to trust someone that comes in here on their own accord.”

“No, no, this next one has a big community of loyal followers that come to see her every performance and are willing to bid higher than anyone for her tonight.”

“Yeah? And why is that?”

“Two reasons,” Lucius says holding two fingers up. “She was a professional dancer before this,” he puts one finger down. “And she is a virgin who is only debuting tonight.”

Both men stay silent for a moment. Lucius looks at Diaz expectantly and the other can’t help but notice his mouth opened slightly.

“This is why we had to come tonight. I would never take you to a cheap place like this without guarantee.”

After a minute of silence and staring, Lucius sighs in defeat. His little brother is too stubborn for his own good.

“Ok, let’s bet then. If this one performer catches your eye you will arrange for a movie night for me. With Jana,” Lucius says with a huge smile and a wink.

Diaz could never understand what was it about Jana. She was absolutely beautiful, that was a well known fact that nobody could deny but seeing how whipped his brother and Lucius were for him only left him confused.

He understood the lust his men showed every time Jana decided she was too sleepy to wear anything to the kitchen but a robe, yet, he didn’t understand why Lucius would put himself through all the misery of being in love with a married woman.

Lucius looks at Diaz expecting an answer. He is about to shake his head in annoyance when a thought pops in his head.

“Deal! But if he doesn’t you will have to take charge of all trading with Nathaniel.”

“No fair! I will get killed by Nathaniel once he rages about you not being there!”.

“Keeping my annoying brother away from his Jana for a night could end up with me in the same situation,” Diaz rebuts with a cute pout.

After that the argument ends because Lucius can never deny anything from him when he pouts. As they hold hands to seal the deal the music gets slightly louder but so is the public around the stage.

Both men turn their heads to the stage where previously only the three women were moving around and are met by a blue light shining on the curtain.

Dear clients, please welcome onto the stage our new angel who just came into our family a couple months ago but has already stolen the hearts of many.

The pure, innocent and ethereal Althea! The curtain opens revealing the most beautiful creature Diaz has ever seen. She is wearing a white shirt adorned by a vest of diamond incrusted chains that clinks every time she sways her hips, along with a pair of black trousers and a pair of black patent leather shoes.

On her back she carries a pair of gold feathered wings which flutter slightly as she walks to the middle of the stage.

Despite the wings looking so heavy, she walks with such grace it seems she is floating. The white lights reflect from the sparkles on her platinum blonde hair and her skin, drawing an ethereal picture.

It’s her.

“You should close your mouth, kid,” someone shouts in Diaz’s ear against the noise of cheering.

Diaz turns to look at his guard and hitman Ronan standing next to him. He closes his mouth annoyed at the fact that he didn’t realise when he opened it and just points to his empty whiskey glass and the empty bottle in the middle of the table.

The older gets the message and scurries through the crowd to the bar. With a deep breath to bring himself back in control, he returns his gaze back to the stage and is left baffled.

Althea is gliding across the stage with no difficulties, her body moving perfectly with the music never missing a beat and never looking tired.

“Beautiful,” He exhales in defeat.

“What was that, Diaz?” Lucius asks sliding closer to hear him.

With another sigh and a last look at the stage he says: “I want her.”





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