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The Cursed Alpha King And His Little Redeemer.

The Cursed Alpha King And His Little Redeemer.

Racheal Dennis.


No female wolf wants to be mated to a cursed Alpha King who loses every of his mates once they're four months pregnant. But what would Ara do when she found out this cursed Alpha King is her mate?

Chapter 1 EP 1

Arabella's point of view.

Legends creation college, Beverly hills.

The whole school is in a total mess, as every girl I walked past was having a serious conversation about the fast approaching selection parade.

The selection parade takes place every five years, it's an occasion where girls who have come of age, from 18 years to 25 years, from different species (werewolves, vampires, witches, elves, and dragons) are chosen and taken to the king's palace.

Although we don't know the reason, they do it because all the girls who were taken there always comes back losing their memories -they don't remember and can't say what happened or what they saw there.

Another five years has come, and it's putting all the eligible girls on hot seats, sadly I'm one of those eligible girls this time.

Every girl is walking on their toes now because the selection parade is fast approaching and everyone is scared -honestly, I'm scared too.

Not wanting to hear any more words about the selection parade, I hastened my pace and rushed towards the direction of my first class for today.

I have not seen the king yet, but I believe these girls are kind of exaggerating -although I know for sure that he's old and ugly.

"Hey, Ara" someone called me from behind.

I stopped and looked behind only to see Daphne (my best friend since diapers) jogging towards me, with a bright smile on her face -as usual, she was dragging Dante (her twin brother) along.

"Let go of me, you beast" Dante cursed her and tried to get away from her.

"Let go of you?" Daphne scoffed. "In your dreams, not until you refund my money. Every penny!" she screamed in his ear, making him winced.

I stifled a laugh at Dante's expression, well, I can't blame him because his sister always seems to forget we're werewolves, and we've got super hearing.

"I didn't force you to give me your money, in fact, you begged me to accept it" Dante said.

They've stopped in front of me by now, but I didn't stop them from arguing because I wanted to watch some drama and have a good laugh.

Besides, with all these talk about the selection parade going on right now, I think having Dante around would set my mind at ease.

"...wanted to reject your money, but you desperately begged me to accept it"


"You were crawling after me, crying that I accept your money" Dante said in a mocking tone.

Daphne slapped his shoulder as hard as she could, but it didn't seem to do any harm to him.

"You're exaggerating things here, also, you tricked and lied to me"

"I didn't lie" he defended himself.

"You lied"

"I didn't"

"You lied"

"I said I didn't"

"I said you lied"

"I didn't"

Alright, I guess it's time for me to cut in, or they are gonna keep on arguing all day. I cleared my throat.

"I didn't..."

"Dolphin" I cut in and they both turned to face me.

Dolphin, my nickname for Daphne because it kind of sounded like her original name -Daphne, dolphin -haha.

"What did Dante promise to do for you?" I asked her.

"He promised he'd stay over at grandma's tonight and take care of her for two days, but now he's taking back his words" she explained.

I looked at Dante, but he quickly looked away from me and started whistling, which meant he's guilty.

I closed my eyes briefly and puffed out some air, then massaged my temples softly.

"Dante isn't to be trusted with money, why do you always believe his words and fall prey to his scams?" I scolded Daphne.

"Hey, I'm not a scam" Dante quickly defended himself.

Daphne and I both raised our brows at him, he chuckled lightly and nodded.

"I'm just intelligent" he said.

"Mr. smart pants, you're just too lazy to work for your money" I retorted.

He released a tight smile, he grabbed Daphne's shoulders and pushed her to me.

"Sorry to disappoint you ladies, I just got myself a job last night, and it's at the king's palace"

"What?!" Daphne and I exclaimed at once.

He grinned widely, nodding his head.

"Oh, yeah" he replied.

"Are you crazy? Why did you go look for a job at the palace? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Daphne asked worriedly.

Dante shrugged his shoulders, he shoved his left hand in his pocket and waved at us.

"I'm off to class, my mate's waiting" then he ran off.

Daphne closed her eyes and pulled her hair in frustration.

"My dad's never going to agree to this, wait, I should mind-link him and inform him of Dante's craziness" she said.

Her eyes glazed almost immediately, I patiently waited until she's done, and we started walking again.

"What did your dad say?" I asked.

"He's going to have a word with Dante, he sounded angry, and I believe that talk will involve his fist" she laughed evilly.

I shook my head, she must have done this gossip to get back at Dante for taking her money -she and her brother can be so childish every so often.

"Did you watch the news?" Daphne asked.

She threw her right arm around my shoulder, and we headed towards our class -we both have the first class together.

"You know I hate watching the news, it adds nothing to my life" I said.

"It adds nothing to your life, but it makes you aware of the things happening around you"

I scoffed.

"We're wolves, we don't really need news or whatsoever"

"Of course we do" she replied.

I sighed softly.

"What about the news?" I asked, I don't want her to continue preaching in my ears.

She looked around shortly, pulled me closer to her, even though we're already close enough.

"A body was found last night at the wizardry forest" she said in a low voice.


"Yeah, rumors had it that he was killed by the beast King" she whispered even lower than before.

"Rumors?" she nodded. "It shouldn't be rumors anymore, we all know he's the one behind all the killings" I said.

Daphne nodded slowly in agreement with me.

"I don't understand why they'd make a killer our king, he should be removed"

I gave her a daring look.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Aren't I saying the truth?"

"Of course you are, but telling me can change nothing...why not go talk to the twelve elders about it" I suggested calmly with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, thanks" she said, shuddering as if she were just thought of something unpleasant.

Well, hearing of the twelve elders is truly something unpleasant, they are the least people you'd want to cross paths with -they are second in command after our beast King.

"I wish my mate would just show up, and I wouldn't need to go to the palace" she sighed. "I would rather not see the beast king's ugly face" she cringed.

I laughed and stopped in front of our classroom, I turned to face her and patted her shoulders.

"Don't worry, you won't remember his ugly face even if you see it" I told her.

I was indirectly reminding her of every girl who comes out of the palace won't have any memories of what they saw or what happened in there.

"Hmm, you're right" she agreed.

"Let's forget about the beast King, it's time for class" I nodded at our class.

She tilted her head and took a peek, then gasped.

"Mr. Clovis is already in, what should we do now?"


"I don't want him to scold me today again, he's going to tell my dad I came late to class and my dad's gonna..."

"Daphne" I interrupted her. "Breath"

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"We're taking the backdoor" I said, pointing at the backdoor.

Daphne smiled, then gave me a thumbs up.

"You're so wise"

"Of course, I know that" I replied cockily.



A voice shouted, and my eyes snapped open as I sprang up immediately, then I heard a series of laughter.

I looked around with a frown until I realized I'm still in the classroom, I looked to the front and saw Mr. Clovis glaring daggers at me.

Uh-oh, guess I've been caught.

In case you don't know what's going on, I accidentally fell asleep in class.

"Arabella Humphrey, you always fall asleep in my class!" Mr. Clovis shouted.

I twisted my lips nonchalantly.

"That's because your lectures are boring" I grumbled.

But unfortunately for me, everyone in my class are supernatural creatures, and we all have super hearings -they heard me perfectly clear and roared into loud laughter.

"What did you say?" he asked in an outraged tone.

"Nothing" I answered quickly.

Mr. Clovis' face grew red from anger, he banged on the table and stormed towards me, waving his forefinger at me.

"You think this is funny, right?" he growled.

He stopped in front of me and glared at me.

"Detention for you"

"Detention?" I asked.


"Mr. Clovis, we're no longer high school students, you know that, right?"

"Well, you're behaving like a high school student right now" he replied to me.

My mouth parted slightly as I wanted to argue, but he didn't let me speak.

"You're leaving this school premises by 8pm!" he said, leaving no room for arguments.

I sighed and quietly nodded my head, it's inappropriate to sleep off while the lecture was going anyway.

"Good" with that he stormed out.

I sat down and glared maliciously at Daphne, who's laughing like the rest of the class.

"His face was hilarious" she said, banging on the desk.

"And that earned me a detention, ha-ha" I laughed sarcastically.

"Oh, right"

"Hm" I hummed.

We started packing up our books, getting ready to head to our second classes -we have different classes for second period.

"I would have love to stay in detention with you, but I have to go over to my grandma's after school" Daphne said.

"Excuses, I understand you, though"

She grinned.

"You know I love you" she leaned forward and kissed my cheeks.

"I love you too"


The rest of the day went by in a blur, and before I knew it, it's already closing time.

I rushed straight to Mr. Clovis' office immediately after my classes, I didn't want any more of his nagging.

But unfortunately, he had already gone home when I arrived, I wouldn't have come to the detention had I known he won't be here.

So, I took it upon myself to sleep throughout the detention period -after all, I might work overtime tomorrow because of this stupid detention.

Finally, it's time to go home, I gathered my things and rushed out of the school. Everywhere was quiet, since all the students of Legends creation has all gone home.

My stomach growled loudly, urging me to make it home in time and get something in my stomach. - but unfortunately, from the school to my home is quite far, the only shortcut to my home is... The wizardry forest.

*Yeah, it's shortcut but least safe* I heard Amy, my sassy wolf nag in my head.

I rolled my eyeballs.

"Why do you easily get scared?" I asked.

*I'm not easily scared, I just avoid what's going to cause me trouble* she replied.

I scoffed and smirked wickedly.

"It's decided then, we're taking the woods" I said, referring to the wizardry forest.

What can I say, I love opposing Amy because she gets on my nerves every so often.

*You're very stubborn and...*

I shut her out and headed towards the forest, I'm too hungry and couldn't wait to get home.


Being the only living soul walking in this lifeless, wizardry forest is quite scaring, and I swear I could hardly move my legs -but I'm already in, and I must get out quickly -so, I pushed myself to keep on moving.

I felt a gush of an eerie breeze blew past my ears, it sounded as though someone just ran past at a great speed and I shivered.

It's very dark everywhere, but since I'm a werewolf I can still see clearly -I saw goosebumps growing on my arms and I hugged myself.

Then it dawned on me, Daphne said a dead body was found around this area last night, could it be the killer is still lurking around?

"It's late" I heard a very deep, frightening voice say near my ear.

I jumped back and couldn't help the shriek that left my mouth, but before I could grasp what was going on or even get a glimpse of who just spoke in my ear.

A hand wrapped around my neck, lifted me off the ground and slammed my back on a tree I didn't take notice of earlier -I closed my eyes and grunted in pain.

If I wasn't a werewolf, I'm sure my backbone would have broken from the impact my back had with the tree.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, struggling to get away from the person, which was impossible because of his stronghold.

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