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Adorable Five Years Old Davis And His Mummy

Adorable Five Years Old Davis And His Mummy

Racheal Dennis.


Jasmine Reinle found out she was pregnant for her secret boyfriend just a few days to her highschool graduation and elder sister's wedding to her mysterious fiancee, but unfortunately for Jasmine, her boyfriend left town before she could tell him about the pregnancy, and she had no clue where he went. To protect their family's reputation, her father gave her two options; abort her baby or leave the family. Not willing to abort her baby, Jasmine decided to leave the family. Five years later, her secret boyfriend came back to her but with a very shocking reality; he's her elder sister's mysterious husband.

Chapter 1 Congratulations, you're pregnant Miss Reinle.

Jasmine''s pov

Mexico city... 17th august, 2016!

A smile played on my lips, as I stared at the sheet of paper in my hands.

"Congratulations, you're eight weeks pregnant, miss Reinle!" The doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor" I replied.

My eyes scanned the result one more time, I'm pregnant.. I'm soon going to be a mother.

Though, I'm just 18 but I'm happy to be a mother, because my boyfriend is very responsible.

He's not like those shitty guys, that'll abandon their girls because she's pregnant.

I don't feel any regrets, he's promised to marry me after he graduates and I'm sure he'd be happy to hear this news!

"Miss Reinle, I'm not trying to be a busybody, but I'd advise you don't keep this pregnancy" the doctor said.

I stopped smiling immediately he said that, I lifted my head.

"Not keep this pregnancy?" He nodded. "Why?" I asked.

"Based on what I noticed, your body isn't ready to be a mother yet"

I just stared at him silently. Does he knows what he's saying? My body isn't ready to be a mother?

"If my body isn't ready to be a mother, why am I able to get pregnant?" I asked.

"It's better you listen to me, you can't bring this baby to life"

Leaning back on the chair, I crossed my arms on my chest, frown lines appeared on my forehead.

"What's gonna happen if I decide to keep this baby?"

"It'll be very dangerous, your chance of surviving will be very slim.. 70-50!" He said.

Shivers.. bad shivers ran down my spine, when he said those words.

I got up slowly and picked my backpack off the ground.. and flung it over my shoulder.

"You're spouting nonsense" I turned to the door.

I grabbed the handle and pulled it open, but his words stopped me.

"You should abort it, your parents wouldn't be happy if they heard about this"

I turned back to him.

"You're not speaking about this to my parents, I'll discuss with my boyfriend first!" I said and stepped out, slamming the door hard.


My hair flew as I walked down the streets, with the wind whistling past my ears harshly.

I looked up at the sky, the clouds are gathering up and turning dark.. it seems as if it's gonna rain soon.

Instinctively, I increased my pace, praying I should arrived at Thanatos (my boyfriend) apartment in time.. before it rains.

In a few minutes, I reached Thanatos apartment.

I stepped into the porch and quickly reached for the doorbell, I pressed it with a smile on my face.

"I can't wait to share this news with Thanatos!" I said to myself.

How would he react to this news? I just can't wait to find out!

Continuously, I pressed on the doorbell but got no response.. maybe he's not home.

My eyes moved to the flower pot, where he normally hides his spare key.. I searched it but didn't find the key.

"Where did he go?" I wondered aloud.

The it occured to me, today's Wednesday and he'd be in class.. in fact, I'm supposed to be in class.

But I had to skip today, since I'm feeling sick and stuff.. I reached for my phone to give him a call.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

His phone kept ringing, but he didn't pick up.. I redialed again and the same thing happened.

"Hey! Jasmine!" I heard a familiar voice called me.

I turned with a smile, hoping Thanatos is also with him, but I met disappointment.


"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I'm looking for Thanatos, have you seen him today?"

He shoved his hands in his pants pockets and sighed, he looked away from me and whistled.

"Why are you whistling?" I asked.

He just continued whistling, avoiding to meet my gaze at all cost.. my brows drew together at his expression.

"Where's Thanatos?"

Clark met my gaze this time, he sighed once more.

"Thanatos.. he left" he said.

"He left?" I'm confused by his meaning of *left*

He nod, making me even more confused.

"Left? What do you mean by.. he left?" I asked again.

"I mean, he left, Jasmine! He left mexico!"

He left mexico?! Why would he leave mexico? He's not done with his schooling yet!


I blinked twice and stared at him, waiting for him to burst into laughter.. waiting for him to tell me he's joking.

"You're serious?"

"Yes, he really left!" He replied.

"When is he coming back? And where did he go?"

"He didn't tell me when he's coming back. And I don't know where he went"

Why am I hearing a sound in my heart? Why do I feel like someone is drumming in my chest?

"How come you don't know where he went? Isn't he your best friend?"

"I don't know where he went, he just called me and said he's leaving"

Clark is lying, I can feel it that he's lying.. he knows very well where Thanatos went.

"Jasmine, if I were you, I'd just forget about him" he said.

"Forget about him?" I released a dry laugh.

Forget about him.. what about our child? I'm carrying his child, what should I do with it?

"Go home, it's gonna rain soon" Clark said and left.

I staggered back as his words replayed in my head.

Thanatos left?! Why didn't he tell me about it?!

I quickly redialed his number.. his phone kept ringing but just like the first time, he didn't pick up.

Thanatos left?! Where did he go without telling me? Or is he mad at me?

Right at that moment, my ringing tone blares loudly. A smile spread on my face, it must be Thanatos.

But the smile left just as it came, it's not him, it's my mom calling. Reluctantly, I received the call.


"Jasmine Reinle, get your butts home now!" Was all she yelled and disconnected the call.

I sighed and keep my phone in my pocket, I looked up and saw the dark cloud still moving.. I wonder when it's finally gonna rain.

Well, I better start going home before it rains, I'll call Thanatos later and tell him about the pregnancy.

I stepped away from the porch and walked to the road, I boarded the first taxi I saw.

"Reinle resident!" I said.

"Yes, ma'am!" The driver replied.

Reinle resident.. very popular around here, we're the richest family here and I'm the second lady of the family.

Many of the people here envy us, but what's there to envy, they don't know what happens behind closed doors!

They just see the happy and perfect family my father wants them to see... I sighed and rest my head against the window.

Let's forget about my family, I don't like talking about them.

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