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Dear Alpha, Your Rejection Made Me Stronger.

Dear Alpha, Your Rejection Made Me Stronger.

Racheal Dennis.


Willa's life is turned upside down when she discovers that Alpha Dylan, the man she loves, has a dark and twisted plan for her. As she tries to escape, she is confronted by a mysterious figure who might hold the key to her freedom. But can she trust this stranger, or will his secrets be her undoing? Is Willa trapped in a web of lies, or is there hope for a future she never thought possible?

Chapter 1 Ep 1


Just when I thought I'd drop dead from the unbearable boredom feasting slowly at me, I heard a tap on the door. I wasn't sure what the time was but I guessed it was past sundown.

I jumped off the uncomfortable bed and half ran to the door. It was Sabrina, the maid assigned to me. She walked into the room and gave me a stern look. She was always serious but occasionally she could be friendly.

"What are you still doing here!" She shrieked. "You were supposed to be at the dinner hall half an hour ago."

Panic squeezed my innards and I felt like I was going to be sick. The Alpha King hated delay just as much as he hated inefficiency and somehow I'd managed to do both.

A shimmer of joy reached me from the realization I was going to see him. The Alpha King. The love of my life and my one true mate.

He treated me badly because he didn't know we were mates yet but all that was going to change when he realized I was his mate.

"What are we waiting for?!" I gasped excitedly. "Let's go."

"We aren't going anywhere with you dressed like that." She said, shaking her head.

"Why not?"

"You look like you got dragged out of a zoo," Sabrina said with a look of disapproval.

I ran to the mirror and shrieked when I saw the messy state I was in. She was right. I couldn't go looking like that.

My body kicked into action as I quickly changed into my fairest dress. My hair was a mess but I ran my fingers through the short uneven strands until I was satisfied it looked presentable. I turned to Sabrina waiting for her final verdict.

"How do I look?" I asked nervously.

She studied me for a moment, her cat-like eyes taking in everything all at once. Her face remained expressionless as she said, "Let's go. This will do."

Sabrina pulled me out of the room without warning, almost yanking my arm out of its socket. We went through the passage that smelled of rotting flesh and death. The smell came from the dungeon which was at the other end and even though I'd gotten used to the foul smell, the screams haunted me at night.

I felt butterflies in my belly as we turned the corner leading to the dining room. Containing my excitement seemed an impossible task. My feelings were all over the place and I couldn't wait to see him. To sit across from him and stare into his beautiful gray eyes. To be in his presence.

The large dining hall was cold and quiet as I scurried to the seat directly across from the Alpha King. My heart slammed so hard against my chest, I thought I would burst into dust any minute.

I looked at the Alpha King as I moved toward the table. He's the most handsome man I've ever seen, I thought as my body reacted to his overwhelming aura. The frown on his face made him look irresistibly dangerous-what a deadly combination. I loved him too much to fear him like everyone else did and I couldn't bring myself to hate him no matter what he did. After all, he's my mate.

I felt like I was walking on clouds and about to step into paradise as I pulled out the chair. It was too good to be real. It had to be a dream.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He demanded in a voice that shook the entire room and made my body turn to stone.

I flinched and my smile froze. "I was -"

"Are you dumb? You have guts I'll give you that. To think you can keep me waiting and still disrespect me." He said with malevolence, his eyes glinted with irritation.

"I'm-I," I took a breath to ease my frayed nerves. "I'm sorry."

"I don't need you to be sorry. I need you to be smart and do what you're supposed to. to. Now kneel before me!"

I jumped forward almost tripping but I regained balance. I went down on my knees without hesitation. His anger hurt more than a whip to the back and I had to do everything to make him satisfied. The alternative was unthinkable.

"Much better." He snorted. It was apparent he had no compassion for me but I didn't mind.

He edged forward in his seat, his eyes burning intensely. "Now I'd like to know why you are yet to produce an heir for me."

"I- I di,"

"Did I make a mistake?" His voice grew harsh.

"No. No-"

"Then what is it? It's not me." His eyes glowed.

I tried to find the right words to say but I knew I was only going to make it worse. My heart banged heavily till it was the only sound I could hear.

I bowed, unable to look into his eyes. "It's not that. I just-"

"I don't plan on feeding an inefficient breeder like you forever. You have just one task. A task you seem unable to fulfill."

The harshness of his words was like an executioner's whip. I flinched as it hit me hard in my core.

His eyes flashed with barely concealed hatred. "What is that ridiculous thing you're putting on? Come closer."

I knew not to rise without him saying I could rise so I crawled on my knees till I was close enough.

"What are you wearing?" He sneered. Even in his infuriated state, he was still incredibly handsome.

What he said next destroyed my spirit. It shook my world and decimated my universe.

"Why are you dressed like a street urchin? I don't ask much from you but when you're in my presence look your best! How hard can that be?" He slammed his heavy fist on the table.

His words cut into my soul, scarring me to the depths of my being. It was the worst feeling in the world.

He eyed me with a look of disgust and turned away. "Take her food away." He gestured to Sabrina standing in the corner. "I can't share a meal with this- thing."

Without a word, Sabrina hurried forward to pack up the plates.

I tried to hang on to the joy I had felt just minutes ago. I tried to salvage the situation even though I knew it was hopeless. "Please I'll -"

"Shut up, you wrench!" He yelled just as he tossed an empty plate close to where I knelt. It missed by an inch and smashed against the marble floor.

I got up fast without thinking and approached the Alpha King. My safety was secondary, his safety came first. I stepped on broken pieces of ceramic in an attempt to examine his hand looking for cuts he might have sustained.

The Alpha King pushed me away violently and I landed carelessly on the sharp pieces. The cuts on my elbow and calves burned but I ignored the pain and resumed my kneeling position.

"Who do you think you are? Touching me!" He was furious. The rage in his eyes sizzled my flesh.

I bowed my head hiding my teary eyes from his view. The pain I was feeling wasn't from the cuts. "I'm so sorry, your Majesty."

"I've had enough of your shit. You can't do anything right. I should get rid of you now while I can."

The tears in my eyes struggled to break free but I held them back, fighting to make my nerves become steel. My body shook so much that I was having a hard time keeping the tremors to a minimum.

"Get up! You better not get blood on my floor." He said, his voice slightly raised. "Falling on broken ceramic. How clumsy can one person be?"

One day we are going to be so much in love along with our baby boy that when we look back at moments like this one, we'll laugh about it, I thought as I struggled to my feet. We'll laugh about this.

The cut on my elbow was bleeding slowly but I noticed it wasn't deep. My legs had red marks and were bloody. I wiped at it with my dress while the Alpha King watched me like I was nothing but a discarded piece of paper.

"You will do what you're here for. You will give an heir or consider your days here numbered."

I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. "I understand."

I want to have a baby with you. There's nothing I want more. Why can't I have this one thing? Why? I wondered.

I couldn't hate him for what he did or said. No matter what he did, my love for him was so complete, so absolute that I was always going to see him as a special being. He's worth it. He's worth it all.

I was sure everything would change immediately after I got pregnant with our child. Our strong beautiful child. I was going to do everything possible to give him an heir. I would give him everything he wanted.

"Get out of my sight. The Physician is going to stop by later with an herbal drink. Don't come to my room tonight dressed like-that." His words were harsh. "Get him to check your cuts while he's around."

I listened without saying a word, nodding absently from time to time, and when he was done he dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

I walked away with a blank empty look on my face.

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Dear Alpha, Your Rejection Made Me Stronger.

Chapter 1 Ep 1
