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Flames of desire

Flames of desire



Forbidden Love in the Underworld delve into the depths of a dark and alluring romance between a dangerous mafia boss and a young woman caught in the crosshairs of his world. This enthralling novel explores themes of power, desire, and the blurred lines between right and wrong in the face of forbidden love. [Warning: Matured Content] **He pulled her closer to himself deepening the kiss. It was more passionate than anything they had shared before and she moaned against his lips as he began caressing her sides, waist, hips and even down to her knees. Her nails dug into his shoulders while he held her firmly in place by her waist. "Moan for me. Moan with me." His words came out low, his breathing heavy as his mouth tasted every inch of hers. She gasped again and again at his actions but then his hand cupped her other breast and she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat. It wasn't long after she started moaning that he pulled away from her only to slowly slip his hand between their bodies until it reached its destination. He squeezed gently around the nipple until she was gasping and begging him to do more. Then he released her breast from his grip and moved his mouth to cover her left one instead. She could feel the warmth of his tongue on her skin making it tingle all over. "Oh God," she whimpered against his neck. She couldn't remember ever feeling so consumed by a single person. He pulled her closer to himself deepening the kiss. It was more passionate than anything they had shared before and she moaned against his lips as he began caressing her sides, waist, hips and even down to her knees. Her nails dug into his shoulders while he held her firmly in place by her waist. "Moan for me. Moan with me." His words came out low, his breathing heavy as his mouth tasted every inch of hers. She gasped again and again at his actions but then his hand cupped her other breast and she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat. It wasn't long after she started moaning that he pulled away from her only to slowly slip his hand between their bodies until it reached its destination. He squeezed gently around the nipple until she was gasping and begging him to do more. Then he released her breast from his grip and moved his mouth to cover her left one instead. She could feel the warmth of his tongue on her skin making it tingle all over.**

Chapter 1 A Father's debt

Sofia stared out the window as her father paced below, already drunk even though it was only midday. Ever since he had lost his job months ago, he had degraded into an angry, bitter shell of the man he once was. And now their debts were rising to a dangerous level, owed to the most ruthless man in the city - Luca Romano, head of the local mafia.

When the pounding on the door started, Sofia froze, dreading what was to come. Her father threw open the door to reveal two of Luca's enforcers. "The boss wants to see you, Enzo. Now." Sofia slowly descended the stairs as her father grabbed his jacket. Two other faces peeked out from an upstairs room - Sofia's sisters Bianca and Chiara, whispering to each other in fear.

At Luca's lavish estate, Enzo was greeted coldly. "You're further in debt than I realized," Luca said calmly. "I'm losing patience with you, Enzo. You better have a good way to make this up to me." Enzo glanced at Sofia, his least favorite daughter, the product of his numerous affairs. "Take her," he told Luca gruffly. "She can work for you, do whatever you want. Just give me more time on the debt."

Sofia felt her heart shatter. Her own father, trading her likecurrency to this monster. When she found the courage to speak, her voice trembled. "Please, there must be another way. Don't do this to me, Papa!" But the decision was made. Enzo only sneered at her tears. Luca smiled slowly, eyes raking over Sofia's body in a way that made her shudder. She was now his property, at his mercy in this dark new world she was being forced into against her will.

As Sofia sobbed brokenly, begging her father not to abandon her this way, Enzo replied harshly in their native Italian tongue, thinking Luca would not understand.

"If you don't do as he says, he will hurt your madre. She is too frail for more stress. Do you want her death on your hands, you worthless ragazza?"

Sofia froze, glancing fearfully at Luca. But to her surprise, he replied smoothly in perfect Italian, "Do not make threats in my presence, Enzo. The well-being of the girl's mother is no concern of mine. You agreed to the terms; your debt is owed."

His command of their language clearly unsettled Enzo. Luca watched their exchange with keen interest, taking note of Sofia's desperation and love for her sick mother. It was information that could someday be useful as leverage, should he need to ensure her obedience.

For now, he dismissed Enzo with a flick of his ring-adorned hand. "Leave us. I would like to speak to the girl alone." Sofia trembled as her father departed without a second glance. Under Luca's piercing gaze, she felt completely at his mercy in this new strange world she had been so cruelly cast into against her will.

Luca gazed calmly at Sofia as she shuddered under his intense stare. "Do not be afraid, "Bella". No harm will come to you here," he said in a silky voice. But his reassurances did little to ease her nerves.

She swallowed hard before finding her voice. "Why have you done this? What do you want from me?"

A sly smile curled the edges of his mouth. "I am a businessman. Your fathert owes me a debt, and you are...collateral, shall we say. But I believe everyone deserves a choice. So I offer you one - you can serve me willingly as repayment for what is owed. Or I can send you back to your miserable life, and your family will face the consequences of their debt another way."

Sofia knew all too well what "another way" meant. Torture, violence, even death were constant threats in Luca's world. But to surrender herself to this man who frightened and intrigued her so? It was unthinkable.

And yet, when she pictured her sick mother suffering the wrath of Luca's men, or her sisters being dragged into this living nightmare, she realized she had no choice at all. Her family's safety depended on her willingness to submit to Luca's control, whatever he required of her. With trembling lips, she gave her answer.

Sofia took a shaky breath. "I agree to work for you, on one condition - you must promise not to harm my family or touch me against my will."

Luca threw back his head and laughed, a cruel chuckle that sent a chill down Sofia's spine. "Oh Sophia, I'm afraid you don't understand who sets the rules here." He leaned in closer, his eyes flickering with danger and desire. "You are mine now, to do with as I please. But..." He paused, raising a hand to gently brush a lock of hair from her face. "I admit, I find your spirit intriguing. Perhaps in time, with your cooperation, we can come to...an understanding."

Sofia trembled at his predatory gaze and rough caress, feeling utterly trapped. She could only nod silently, surrendering herself to whatever fate this man had in store. Luca grinned, clearly enjoying the power he held over her. "Good girl. Now come, I have much to teach you about your new place in my organization." He extended a hand, and with dread in her heart, Sofia placed her trembling one in his grasp and suddenly he grabs her head and kisses her roughly and bites her lips .It hurts like hell, she screams as he continues to kiss and bite her cheeks.

Her mouth is wide open, eyes watering, panting for breath,her eyes blaming him for lying, desperately hoping for a saviour to interrupt this moment,As Luca's grin widened, soaking in Sofia's fear, a sharp knock came at the study door. He called out in annoyance, "Enter."

The large oak door swung open to reveal Angelo, Luca's imposing right-hand man. "Boss, we've got a situation at the docks," Angelo rumbled in his gravelly voice. "Salvio's crew had a run-in with the Ferrettis. Looks like it's gonna get ugly."

Luca sighed irritably as his attention was pulled away. "Can't those imbecili never resolve their disputes civilly?" He turned back to Sofia, his eyes regaining their cold focus. "It seems business calls. We'll continue our...discussion later, little one."

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