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The Alpha's Promise

The Alpha's Promise



When Haley's father died, she and her mother had to live on the edge of the pack, pushed away as outsiders. No Alpha wanted her as a Luna, so they felt alone and unprotected. Then, Gerrard showed up. Gerrard radiated hope like a comforting fire on a cold night – a sturdy Alpha with a tender core, extending solace and shield to Haley and her frail mother. Their bond in marriage shimmered like a lifeline in the storm of their struggles. Yet, beneath Gerrard's charming exterior lay a shadowy secret, casting doubt on their shared sanctuary. Unbeknownst to Haley, she had unwittingly bound herself to a wicked man. Gerrard's promises of security masked a darker agenda, plunging Haley into a nightmarish existence of servitude and oppression. With no allies to turn to and trapped in a web of manipulation, Haley found herself at the mercy of her supposed savior turned tormentor. Haley crossed paths with Ace, Gerrard's once loyal confidant turned bitter adversary.

Chapter 1 The Rescue

"What is this?"

I stood at the alter with my head looking down. The man pointing at me was an Alpha designated to be my mate.

"She's weak, her aura is faint, can she even transform?"

The insults kept coming. Each one felt an arrow piercing through my chest.

"I, Alpha Marcus reject this worthless thing as my Luna," he spat. "She's a cursed child. What could I possibly want with a cursed child?"

That's right. I am the unluckiest werewolf alive.

My father, Alpha Henry died 5 years ago. He was killed by a group of rouge wolves.

Mother and I had always been each other's unwavering pillars of support, standing tall against the storms of life that threatened to engulf us. Together, we weathered every trial and tribulation, our bond forged in the fires of adversity.

Yet, fate is a fickle mistress, and last year, she dealt us a cruel blow. My mother, my rock, suddenly fell ill, her once vibrant spirit dimmed by the insidious grasp of the Wolf's bane disease. It was a diagnosis that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest among us, an incurable malady that left its victims ravaged and helpless.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I watched helplessly as the disease waged its relentless assault on her fragile form. Each passing moment was a painful reminder of the cruel hand fate had dealt us, each labored breath a silent plea for mercy in the face of inevitable despair.

Even the Alpha, revered and feared in equal measure, could offer no solace in the face of such relentless suffering. The whispers of fear and uncertainty that echoed through the halls of our home served as a stark reminder of the fragility of life itself, a harsh truth that we were forced to confront with each passing day.

And yet, amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf us, there flickered a spark of hope—a glimmer of light that refused to be extinguished. For as long as there was breath in our bodies, as long as our hearts beat with the rhythm of life, we would fight. We would fight for each precious moment, for each fleeting memory, for the bond that bound us together in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Together, we would defy the odds, standing as testament to the power of love and resilience in the face of despair. For in the depths of our darkest hour, we would find strength in each other, drawing courage from the unbreakable bond that bound us as mother and daughter.

She wanted to have me mated to an Alpha before she draws her last life. But even that proved difficult.

"She's the cursed child of Alpha Henry, I'm sorry, but I reject this union."

The next Alpha to approach me had a similar response.

That was my faith- my mother would die and I'll live out the rest of my life alone.

And so, the moon festival ended yet again with me all alone.

Everybody left as I stood in the same spot, tears gushed down my eyes like a waterfall.

Suddenly, I heard howling. It sounded like it was close by.

Before I knew it, I was surrounded by three Giant wolves.

My knees caved from in and I plopped to the floor, my heart raced, it felt like it could explode.

"Rouges?" I barely muttered.

The wolves were intimidating in ever way, their sharp fangs dripped with their saliva. To them, I was their meal.

Just as they werw ready to pounce. A blur moved past me knocking the largest wolf out.

I blinked profoundly with my jaws hanging.

The blur was a man.

"Are you alright?" He looked at me. His eyes were crimson red signifying that he was an Alpha.

I nodded in response.

"Good," said the Alpha as he turned his attention towards the other rouges.

"Now, I'll be giving you lot a choice, run away. Or I'll break your necks like I did to your leader over there."

I gasped covering my mouth. I thought he only knocked the wolf out, to think he broke his neck in a fraction of a second. Just who is this man?

The sudden retreat of the other wolves sent a ripple of relief coursing through the air, their departure a silent acknowledgment of the Alpha's authority. With tails tucked between their legs, they vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the echo of their fading footsteps.

Alone in the aftermath of the confrontation, I found myself trembling, my senses still reeling from the adrenaline-fueled chaos that had unfolded mere moments before. And then, like a beacon of calm amidst the storm, the Alpha approached, his presence a reassuring anchor in the sea of uncertainty.

Offering me his hand with a gesture of quiet reassurance, he spoke in a voice as steady as the beating of my own heart. "Can you stand?" His words were a lifeline, a soothing melody that washed over me like a gentle wave, banishing the lingering specter of fear that had gripped me in its icy embrace.

With his hand clasped firmly in mine, I felt a surge of newfound strength coursing through my veins, a quiet resolve that defied the chaos that had threatened to consume us. In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of our shared ordeal, I knew that I was not alone—that together, we would weather whatever trials lay ahead, bound by the unbreakable ties of pack and kin.

And as we stood there, hand in hand, I felt a flicker of hope ignite within me—a glimmer of light that pierced the darkness, illuminating the path forward with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

For in the presence of the Alpha, I found not only solace, but also the unwavering certainty that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, united in purpose and resolve.

"Yes," I held his hand. It was smooth yet hard.


"Don't mention it," He replied with a grin. "You shouldn't be out here at this time. I'll take you home."

And with that, he escorted me to my house.

"Haley!" My mother embraced me as we entered the living room. "Where were you? The festival ended hours ago?"

"I'm okay mom," I reassured her. It was then that she noticed the man.


"Luna Terasa, what a pleasant surprise."

My jaws dropped. "Hold up." I interjected, "You two know each other?"

Mother nodded her head. "He was your father's Beta. Seems you're an Alpha of your own now."

Gerrard smiled, "Alpha Harold was a great leader, I strive to be half as good as he was."

I honestly didn't know what to make of the situation. Mother insisted Gerrard has dinner with us after learning about what happened.

I sat across him at the dinning. I checked him out as he chatted with mother.

He was tall, dark and handsome. I lost myself admiring his bisceps.

I was in a trance unaware that his lips were moving. It wasn't until a hand appeared in front me and literally snapped me back to reality.

"Huh, what?"

Slowly, I pivoted toward the direction of the commanding hand, my gaze meeting the stern visage of my mother. Her arms crossed in disapproval, a silent reprimand that spoke volumes without uttering a word.

"Haley, it's rude to ignore the Alpha when he's talking," she admonished, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a gentle reminder of the importance of respect and decorum in our society.

Caught in the whirlwind of my own thoughts, I realized with a start that I had been lost in a reverie, oblivious to the Alpha's inquiry. A flush of embarrassment tinged my cheeks as I scrambled to regain my composure.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, bowing my head in a gesture of contrition. The sincerity in my apology was palpable, a silent plea for forgiveness that hung in the air like a fragile promise.

"Please forgive my daughter's carelessness, that was very rude of her," my mother, Melissa, interjected, her voice a soothing balm to the tension that crackled between us. Her words were a shield, a barrier against the judgment of others, as she sought to smooth over the awkwardness of the moment with grace and diplomacy.

Alpha Gerrard waved his hand. "Please ma'am, it's alright. I wasn't even offended, I trust Haley didn't mean any harm."

"I heard your pack is one of the big 3 in the country." Mother asks.

"It is, and having heard about Haley's predicament. I can't help but feel bad. The nerves of some people is just absolutely disgusting."

Mother had told Gerrard about my rejections.

"Its not your fault." I muttered. "Its good to know there are other decent and kind Alphas like Father."

Gerrard smiled at me, "Thankyou for the complements." He turned his attention back to mother.

"If I won't be crossing a line, will you give me your blessings to take your daughter as my Luna?"

The unexpected turn of events left both my mother and me speechless, our jaws dropping in unison as we struggled to process the Alpha's abrupt departure. Before either of us could find the words to respond, he glanced at his watch with a sense of urgency, his departure imminent as he rose from his seat with purpose.

"I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid we'll have to do this another time," he explained, his tone tinged with regret as he addressed the pressing matters that demanded his attention. The weight of his responsibilities hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the delicate balance between duty and obligation that defined his role as Alpha.

My mother nodded in understanding, her expression a mask of grace and diplomacy as she extended her well wishes to our departing guest. "Of course, Alpha. I hope you do reach out. Please take care of yourself," she offered, her words a gentle reminder of the importance of self-preservation in the face of adversity.

"You take care as well," he replied, his voice tinged with warmth and sincerity as he returned her sentiments in kind. With a final nod of acknowledgment, he turned to leave, his departure marking the end of our brief but eventful encounter.

As he made his way to the door, I offered to escort him, a silent gesture of respect and gratitude for his presence in our home. Walking beside him, the weight of my earlier indiscretion heavy on my conscience, I seized the opportunity to offer a heartfelt apology.

"I'm really sorry for earlier," I murmured, the words tumbling from my lips in a rush of sincerity and regret. Opening the door for him, I watched as he stepped out into the night, his silhouette fading into the darkness beyond.

In that moment, as the door closed behind him, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store—for him, for us, and for the fragile bonds that bound us together in a world fraught with uncertainty. But one thing was certain: our paths would cross again, and when they did, I vowed to seize the opportunity to make amends and forge a new beginning built on a foundation of understanding and respect.He smiled at me, his smile was enchanting in every way. "I told you, it's fine. Please stay safe, I'll send word for you soon. Thankyou for the dinner."

"No, you're doing a great job protecting your pack and territory, an Alpha's work is never easy."

"That's right, you can thank your father for that. The late Alpha Henry was a great man, I wanted to learn alot from him before he died."

I smiled faintly, "Still, you and father are the only two Alpha's I knew that were this kind."

Gerrard laughed. "I always believe that having power isn't a reason to oppress the weak. I want to be a model leader like Alpha Henry."

"You already are."

With that, Alpha Gerrard bid me farewell and entered his car. I closed the door and retreated to the living room where mother awaited.

"So...?" She asked unable to hide her curiosity.

"I like him ma, he's kind and gentle unlike most Alpha's."

Mother smiled. She was still as beautiful as ever despite slowly dying.

"I'm having a good feeling about this, those other Alphas don't know what they were talking about." She holds my face and kisses my forehead. "My daughter is not a curse, she's a blessing, the greatest blessing I've ever received from the Moon goddess."

We shared a warm embrace and I retreated to my room. I excitedly waited for Alpha Gerrard's call.

A week later, and we haven't heard from him. I began to worry recalling he mentioned an encounter with some rouges.

"An Alpha is always busy my dear. Especially one with a pack as large as his. He has a lot of people to look after. It's only been a week, let's be patient."

My mother's wisdom resonated through the cozy confines of our living room, her words a soothing balm to my restless soul. The gentle flicker of the fireplace cast dancing shadows against the walls, adding to the tranquil atmosphere that enveloped us like a warm embrace.

"Okay ma, I understand," I replied, my voice a soft murmur that echoed through the room. The weight of her guidance settled over me like a comforting cloak, grounding me in the certainty of her counsel.

We lingered in the living room, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the curtains, when the shrill ring of my mother's phone shattered the tranquil silence. With a fluid motion, she reached for the device, her movements graceful and sure.

The conversation that followed was a flurry of whispered words and fleeting exchanges, the urgency palpable in the air. Each syllable carried a weight of its own, a secret message hidden beneath the surface of polite discourse.

"Hello? Yes, yes. Alright, I'll be sure to let her know," my mother murmured, her voice a melodic cadence that hung in the air like a delicate melody. With a final click, she placed the phone back on its resting place, her gaze turning to meet mine, her eyes alight with a spark of anticipation.

"That's Alpha Gerrard," she revealed, her words hanging in the air like a veil of mystery waiting to be lifted, "he invited us to his castle to discuss the mating ceremony." The gravity of her announcement settled over us like a tangible presence, casting a spell of excitement and intrigue that danced in the air between us.My jaws dropped, I even though we were both hoping to hear good news. I mentally prepared myself for another dissapointing rejection.

Later in the day, I was in my room, getting ready to leave. I wore a long blue dress that complimented my eyes, I dropped my long silver hair, it stretched all the way to my lower back.

"Haley!" Mother called for me from downstairs. "Alpha Gerrard sent his beta to pick us up! I hope you're done!"

"Yes ma!" I yelled. "Coming down now." I rushed downstairs and we went outside to find a Red Mercedes parked in front of our house. A man wearing an expensive looking suit was standing beside the car.

The man approached us. He took a bow and greeted, "Good evening, I am Daniel, the right hand of Alpha Gerrard. I was tasked to bring you two safely to the castle."

"That's lovely," I responded with a smile.

As we stepped into the waiting car, the smooth leather seats cradled us in comfort, cocooning us from the outside world. The engine hummed to life, a soothing symphony of mechanical prowess that promised us a journey into the unknown. The anticipation hung thick in the air, swirling around us like a gentle mist, as we embarked on our hour-long odyssey to the castle.

The road stretched out before us like a ribbon of asphalt, winding its way through verdant hills and lush forests. Despite the passing time, the traffic conspired against us, slowing our progress to a languid crawl. Each minute felt like an eternity, each second a precious gem slipping through our fingers, until finally, we arrived at our destination: the majestic castle.

As the imposing gates swung open, a chorus of welcome greeted us, the servants lining the path with deferential bows and eager smiles. Daniel, our gracious guide, led us through the grand entrance, where the opulence of the interior surpassed even the grandeur of the castle's facade.

Every corner of the castle whispered tales of luxury and refinement, from the intricate tapestries adorning the walls to the gleaming marble floors that seemed to shimmer in the soft glow of the chandeliers above. Each step we took echoed through the halls, a testament to the grandeur of our surroundings.

At last, we found ourselves in the heart of the castle: the dining area, where a sumptuous feast awaited us. The tables groaned under the weight of their bounty, the tantalizing aromas of exotic spices mingling with the rich scent of freshly baked bread.

At the head of the table sat the man who would soon be my mate, his presence commanding attention and respect. His eyes sparkled with warmth and welcome as he greeted us with a smile that lit up the room.

"Welcome to my home," he said, his voice a melodic blend of authority and kindness. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and hospitality of our host, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. This, I realized, was the beginning of a new chapter in my life—a chapter filled with promise and possibility.

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