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The Alpha's Promise

Chapter 4 The Betryal

Word Count: 3417    |    Released on: 09/03/2024

er in my mind. I didn't know what

id you do!? That

" He cut

s. "Y-you have t

hat sent a chill down my spine. His correction hung in the silence, a stark reminder of the darkness

rtyard. I could feel the tendrils of fear creeping in, coiling around my heart like icy tendrils. Gerrard's trans

ing through the assembled throng. His words hung in the air, a grim reminder of the depths to w

the encroaching darkness. For though Gerrard may have succumbed to the curse that plagued our kind, I refused to abandon hope

w the glint of madness, the spark of a soul consumed by the fires of vengeance. And though my heart ached fo

st the swirling mists and the chilling winds, our fate hung in the balance. And though the road ahead may be fraught with per

, Gerrard vanished fro

I felt a light tap on my

They're stronger than w

my life - She looked hopeless. Her eyes were de

uld only be carried out under it, with its disapp

Tears blurred my vision, mingling with the darkness that enveloped us like a suffocating shroud. His chest felt h

he haze of my anger, his tone mocking and cold. His fingers toyed with my hair, a cruel

derstanding in the face of overwhelming despair. I searched his eyes for a glimmer of

words heavy with disappointment and betrayal. "I

ferent," he declared, his voice dripping with arrogance and defiance. "I am much stronger and fast

In his quest for power, Gerrard had forsaken everything that once made him noble and true. He

ard may have turned his back on the light, I refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to engulf us al

light that shines brightest, a beacon of hope that will guide us through the storm. And though the night may be long, I will not rest unt

n. No - this was who he was originally, the pas

the magnitude of everything. "From th

other that's not cursed, everything else is the same. I had lost all hope in survival due to the rarity of the curse but boy was I surprised when I learn

art was stabbed by

es unable to contro

believe in love, made me believe that I coul

crack that shattered the tension like glass. Gerrard staggered back, his hand flying to his mouth wher

eavy in the air like a thundercloud. Her eyes blazed with righteous fury, a firestorm

dripping with arrogance and contempt. But before he could utter another word, my moth

the blow sending him reeling backwards. The sound of his tooth hitting the gr

where a red mark now bloomed like a crimson flower. For the first time since his transformation, I saw a flic

that moment, she had struck a blow not just against Gerrard, but against the darkness that threatened to consume

w that the battle for our souls was far from over. But with my mother by my side, her strengt

falter in my quest for redemption. And together, we would face whatever darkness lay ahea

e a monster, no, you're worse than a monster. You


othing, it was the most diabolical and

eing weakened by the curse and standing at a crossroad

round. Time seemed to slow as I watched in horror, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and rage. The sound of her body

her struggling to sit up, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she coughed up blood. The sight sent a wave o

om?" I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. But even as I spoke, I knew that the answer was wri

body, Mom," I urged, my heart aching with the weight of my helplessness. But even as the words left my lips, I

that moment, he embodied the very essence of the alpha, a predator driven by instinct an

urked within the recesses of his soul. In his quest for power, he had forsaken everyt

of hope still burned bright within me. For though Gerrard may wield the power of an a

the heart of the night, amidst the swirling mists and the chilling winds, the battle for our souls raged on. And though the road ahead may be fraught with peri

ramp interrupted me," Gerrard tugge

the title of Luna, as long as you don't overstep your lines

o the dungeon, she will spend the rest of her sho

il I reached his legs and held onto him. "Please don't hurt her. She has already gone through alot. She

rged him to sp

me a look. "I might reconsider sparing her pathetic li

lpha after making a declaration. Should they g

lly the only way I ca

he slave of

I even

r me like a suffocating blanket. Gerrard's power loomed over us like a dark cloud, casting a shadow that seemed to stretch endl

ght of standing against his betas filled me with a sense of dread, their strength and ferocity unmatched by any opponent I had ever fa

could not simply stand idly by and watch as the darkness consumed us. I could not bear th

hat lay dormant within me. I had made my resolve, a silent vow to protect my mother at al

le again, to see the light return to her eyes once more. For in the face of darkness, it is the bond

ight for the light that still burned bright within our hearts. For though the road ahead may be fraught with peril,

er and carry out all your comman

He bit his finger and forcefully jabs it into my

uld barely speak.

ou for protecting me... I Want you to live the rest of your life knowing that you did a great job. Don't

settled over me like a heavy shroud. I watched helplessly as they began to lead her awa

final moments of our time together slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. The weight of regr

ut my name with a sense of urgency and longing. "Haley! Haley! Haley!" Her cries

n the face of unimaginable adversity. And though I longed to reach out to her, to reassure her that every

t within me. For though the night may be long and the road ahead may be fraught with peril, I would

ones I loved. For in the heart of the night, amidst the swirling mists and the chilling winds, the battle for our souls raged on. And though th

e but that was the price I had to pay for her safety. With t

ead. "Oh that's right, there's one more

umb you are for not solving this puzzle for so many years. The ye


was now burnt to ashes. I was swirling with

y kill one. They take their stre

sten to me, I wanted to stand but my legs wo

t his heart, and I ate it. Your father was a great meal. So I

s br

l maniac, I'd laugh it off as a silly joke. But now, it

ood person when it truth, I

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