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Angel, as her name implies, doesn't befit her. She do always curse at herself for being an ugly one and an orphan, she really got bullied especially by Adrian while she was in highschool and later got expelled by an unknown reason. Hunger became her best friend and she accepted the offer to work at the Jordan's mansion without thinking twice, and that seems like the easiest way to revenge. Then, Meet Adrian Jordan who was a cold psychopath that loved drilling every hole that's under the skirt, a bully who inflicted pains on Angel while they were in highschool. He suddenly became an extrovert, and along the lines he started falling for the girl he had once raped and bullied. Fate happened to brought them together again but Adrian got to meet a pretty and a crazy Angel instead. Will love bloom in between them or will they forever becomes foes?

Chapter 1 (first encounter after years we're cute)



Angel could be seen sleeping on the comfy bed with her hair scattering beautifully despite the fact that the alarm is ringing, angel never ceases to open her eyes. Guess she is in another world already.

"Angel!!!!" yelled Mary, her best friend who furiously opened the door, marched towards her then spanked her butt so hard and Angel jolted from her sleep

"Ouch! That hurt" Angel whined

"Huh is it morning already" She asked as she pout her lips

" Nah it's 2AM dummy head! Seems you badly want to to get fired at your workplace" Mary mumbled and she left her room.

Angel sat up immediately and gazed at the wall clock.

"F**k boss won't listen to my pleads this time around" She thought sadly.

She then hurriedly head to the bathroom, after some minutes she rushed out applying her skin care and got her clothes worn immediately.

Like a flash angel ran out of her room heading to the entrance door knob when Mary's voice stopped her abruptly.

"Don't tell me you won't eat" Mary said

"No Mary, I'm late you know" Angel replied with a pleading for eyes as she opened the door immediately and she ran off

"How dare she! Cooking for her is a waste of time" she said and hissed

"Uhmm let me just visit my baby instead, I can't stay at home all day" She added running upstairs.


Angel could be seen hurrying out of the cab after she quickly tipped the driver and entered the restaurant.

"Hey is boss around" Angel asked Avery her co-worker who is also a chef.

" Seriously angel? Where the heck did you slept at ? Avery lamented.

As Angel wanted to reply her Ma'am Becky walked in looking furious like a wounded lion and she pointed her index finger to Angel.

"You! You're fired" Ma'am Becky said

Angel rolled her eyes funnily and fainted.

Ma'am Becky started panicking.

"Oh my goodness, this fool will surely be the end of me but I won't allow that to happen" She stated firmly.

"Avery get me some water please" she added stomping her foot on the ground.

Few minutes later Avery came in with a very big bowl of water, ma'am Becky took the bowl from her and pour all the content on Angel.

Angel opened her eyes looking at ma'am Becky and Avery as if they're ghost. Realization hit Angel and remember why she fainted and she stood up.

"Geez just pardon me one more time I'll never come late again" she please as she went on her knees immediately and started crying.

"I can't be moved by your tears miss, you're fired once more, you never added any value to my restaurant despite the fact that you have that endowed body" she said with a voice laced with hatred and she exit the kitchen.

Avery moved closer to Angel embracing her in a soothing hug.

*Outside the Restaurant*

Angel could be seen walking absentmindedly on the road as she take a slow stride, she didn't noticed an upcoming vehicle that was moving towards her.

"Why is my life so messed up like this, my best friend has always been the one giving me shelters, can I even survive without her" she thought and tears started rolling down her eyes.

"F**k! Can't she walk on the road prope... before the driver can complete his statement, he had swiftly collided with Angel and the car tumbled with a loud thud...

"OMG! Are they dead already?" One of the passer-by exclaimed in horror and the rest quickly rushed towards the spot.


Two patients could be seen sleeping on the hospital bed, one of the patients was Angel, her head was wrapped with a bandage, her too and her wounded right leg have been cleaned with an antiseptic.

The door opened swiftly and Mary rushed in.

*Omg! My pretty witch " she exclaimed as she placed in Angel's face in her palms.

"Is she gonna be fine? How the heck did she got into an accident?" She asked and got no answer.

"Shhhh you're making noise Mary" Angel said and tried to sit up but ended up wincing in pain.

"Huh you're awake " Mary's eyes glint with happiness.

"Your drama woke me up even if I wanna die you can't let me die in peace" Angel replied and rolled her eyes

"What if my head fall off as you were holding it" she added.

"Sorry girlfriend, I was just been worried you know" Mary said with a pouted lips.

Angel placed her palm on her head as if she was lost in thought and she suddenly screamed.

"Mary!!! Did my face got burnt again? Don't tell me I looked ugly like my past self again" she said impatiently as her eyes scanned the hospital ward looking for a mirror.

"Will you calm down? You're good for real, your face got no scratch, just your head which was blessed with a bandage" Mary replied and started laughing immediately.

" Oh great" Angel sighed in relief and finally sat up.

"Mary your girl is hungry" she pressed further.

"Would you love to have Cobb salad or sausages " Mary asked.

"I will go for Cobb salad with iced tea please" angel answered with a puppy eyes.

"Fine I'll go and get that for you" Mary said and started walking towards the door. She reached the door knob and turn back swiftly.

" Angel you can interact with partner whenever he's awake, heard from the murmurings that he was the driver that hit you. Bye!!!" She quickly said and exit the ward.

*Few minutes later*

Angel have been dozing off already when some painful groan started piercing into her ears.

"Who the f*ck is making that sound huh can't I sleep in peace again" she whispered.

"Seriously my head got bandaged, my hands too , oh wait hope my legs are still functioning " the second patient keep blabbing and he tried to stretch his legs when an excruciating pain strike his right leg.

"Damn!" He cursed loudly, surprisingly the pain left immediately.

Angel has been watching the whole patient's drama and she got lost in thought.

"Goshh why is his side view so cute" she blurted out without realizing, the man sat up completely and face her . Angel eyes widen in its socket as she saw that the man sitting here is her worst nightmare... Adrian Jordan.

"Is he gonna start bullying from here again ? Nah! I'mma blow his balls instead, ain't the old angel anymore but a new one with a pretty face" she thought and started laughing out hysterically.

"Hello Miss" he yelled and wanted to tap her shoulder but ended up palming her butt.

"Huh huh Adrian" she stuttered scratching her head funnily.

"Really! Miss pretty knows my name, am I that popular ?" He asked flaunting his short like a girl.

Angel almost laugh again but she held herself.

"Tsk tsk such a Lucifer" she thought glaring daggers at him.

"Adrian are you a twin? Did you hit your head on something? " She asked in a rush.

"Did you attend Diamond college" she quickly added before Adrian could answer.

"Yes, I attended Diamond college, am ain't a twin and I'm having an amnesia " he shrugged looking at Angel curiously.

"Oh great time to have my revenge, gonna make you fall for since you're crushing on me already and break your heart into tiny pieces " she thought with a gritted teeth and smile afterwards making Adrian to frown slightly.

"Baby, we look so cute with our bandaged heads and hands we could pass for the best couple of the year" Adrian said as he smiled sheepishly.

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