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Whatever occurs in a timeline where werewolves rule the world? Daciana, a nineteen-year-old human girl, is one of the human toys ripe enough to be bought by the rulers of the earth-werewolves. Unlike before, fate demands Alpha Alaric Howling is in need of a human toy, although when he met Daciana, something strung inside him. She had the face of his lost love. An incarnation, perhaps. When Daciana is bought by Alpha Alaric Howling, she faces lots of difficulties, and Alpha Alaric, on the other hand, has mixed feelings for her, which, in turn, she suffers for. Hurt by her own mate, she manages to see past it and still bear his child. However, what would happen when an uprising occurs because Alpha Alaric is a hybrid (more of a wolf than a vampire) and Daciana has a mission to give birth to a child who's purely a werewolf, although it's now impossible because she realized she wasn't just an incarnation but a witch, too? A tribrid, would their son be? And what is Daciana to do to give back the rights of humans in such a world?

Chapter 1 Alternate timeline. The 22nd century.

Alternate timeline. The 22nd century.

Whatever happens in a world where werewolves rule the world, over humans?

Antarctica is ruled Alpha Arnou. He is a vicious man, who's known to spread peril wherever he goes. He is rumoured to bath in slaves blood. His kingdom is meant for bleeders and he eats slave's livers for breakfast.

Africa accommodates Alpha Kurt. He isn't known by much, but they do say that every year he buys lots of new human pets, and each ones from the previous year are never heard of again. It is said that once you are taken into his kingdom, you'd never come out again. Never.

Alpha Farkas rules South America. He is titled the cold-hearted king and nothing more. He is just purely cold. They say his beauty locks you such that you are mesmerized to serve him either in pain or in pleasure, and I can tell it is always pain. He is the stepbrother of the Alpha of all Alphas, so no wonder he receives such fitting title.

Alpha Conall: he is the Alpha of North America. He's the most brutal of the Kings after the Alpha of all Alphas. He is known to go to the Alpha of all Alphas to learn new tactics of how to torture human pets. He sees us a nonliving thing he should play with. His kingdom is the most feared.

Asia: Alpha Zev, a man of silence. No one knows anything about him. He's always keeping to himself and acting like he is an air that can't be seen. However, he is rumoured to never buy any human slaves. He's probably something close to kind if any of the Alphas are to be subjected to the world.

Europe is ruled by Alpha Connor, a man who uses his slaves as either mistresses or man power in agriculture. His Kingdom is one place any human who wishes to survive this world wishes they are sold to. He uses human slaves for sex and farming.

Australia: Alpha Ernouf. What level of sadism do one have to reach to turn his kingdom into a slavery sportsplex? He's literally the most sadistic and barbaric Werewolf ever. His kingdom is always lively for the cruel ones like himself where they bet on human lives, using them as games in their live tournament.

I am a legal property of another species- werewolves. According to history, it has been centuries since the human race was enslaved by Werewolves.

On our twentieth birthday, we are sold to these creatures for them to use according to the label we are given. For me, I am a breeder, and my academy, where I am being taught how to be the perfect slave, is located in Mexico, South America.

Today, the other students and I celebrate our upcoming twentieth birthday. Anyway, I wouldn't know if I am cursed or enlightened, as I would never allow any creature to own my body, and I have suffered a lot for it.

I am patted on the back by my best friend, Lyra, who just joined me at the cafeteria. In front of us are the kinds of food that give a slave enough energy to satisfy their master, as always.

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Lucinda fought long and hard for her happiness before she finally threw in the cold towel, she gave up when her father left her in the cold and dirty world to strive and survive on her own. He had been her sole protector and fighter, especially against the harsh treatment from her step mother and sister, but when he died few weeks to her mating ceremony she lost interest In life generally, knowing fully well That her step mother and step older sister had every chance and power to frustrate her excessively, now that no one is around to protect her. Although it’s not like anyone had been there to protect her generally from them, her father was always outdoors to fend for them, but at least he came home most times to yell and warn them to stay away from her. It felt like hey planned his death, instantly they took her mate from her on the mating ceremony by turning him against her before she even met him, they had taken space in his life and in her presence he announced her step sister as his queen and rejected her ridiculously in public, turning her into an ordinary maid. “You are a whore and you can never be my queen, a hag like you is tainted and wretched! ..Get her out of my sight!!” Her mate's furious and bitter voice filled her dreams every night, his tune as he bellowed at her on the first night of their meeting took on a life of its own and turned into a daily nightmare for her. She wondered how gullible he must be to easily take the words of her step mother and sister for it, without bothering to hear from her, she was so sad and dissapionted in him. The one person she thought would carry her on his shoulder and carry her to safety away from her enemies. Lucinda closed her heart to any form of love or freedom but when a knight in shining armour came in the form of her prisoner and buyer, the scary, crazily wealthy and famous hybrid king with the vampire and werewolf breed, Lucinda almost didn’t believe it. From buying her to be an ordinary sex slave and blood bag where he could feed from and satisfy his pleasures in his bed, she became his queen and wife embedded with wealth and authority. What will happen along the way and how will her step mother and sister take the news of her new found luck and love? Will Lucinda give in to her prisoner and allow the raging wind of love and attraction between them break the barrier of coldness, fear and heartbreak in her heart? Will she go back to her mate when he comes running and begging her for forgiveness? Can she and the hybrid king find a happy ever after or will his coldness and superiority scare her away and deny the intense attraction and pure raging romance between them?

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