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Lucinda fought long and hard for her happiness before she finally threw in the cold towel, she gave up when her father left her in the cold and dirty world to strive and survive on her own. He had been her sole protector and fighter, especially against the harsh treatment from her step mother and sister, but when he died few weeks to her mating ceremony she lost interest In life generally, knowing fully well That her step mother and step older sister had every chance and power to frustrate her excessively, now that no one is around to protect her. Although it's not like anyone had been there to protect her generally from them, her father was always outdoors to fend for them, but at least he came home most times to yell and warn them to stay away from her. It felt like hey planned his death, instantly they took her mate from her on the mating ceremony by turning him against her before she even met him, they had taken space in his life and in her presence he announced her step sister as his queen and rejected her ridiculously in public, turning her into an ordinary maid. "You are a whore and you can never be my queen, a hag like you is tainted and wretched! ..Get her out of my sight!!" Her mate's furious and bitter voice filled her dreams every night, his tune as he bellowed at her on the first night of their meeting took on a life of its own and turned into a daily nightmare for her. She wondered how gullible he must be to easily take the words of her step mother and sister for it, without bothering to hear from her, she was so sad and dissapionted in him. The one person she thought would carry her on his shoulder and carry her to safety away from her enemies. Lucinda closed her heart to any form of love or freedom but when a knight in shining armour came in the form of her prisoner and buyer, the scary, crazily wealthy and famous hybrid king with the vampire and werewolf breed, Lucinda almost didn't believe it. From buying her to be an ordinary sex slave and blood bag where he could feed from and satisfy his pleasures in his bed, she became his queen and wife embedded with wealth and authority. What will happen along the way and how will her step mother and sister take the news of her new found luck and love? Will Lucinda give in to her prisoner and allow the raging wind of love and attraction between them break the barrier of coldness, fear and heartbreak in her heart? Will she go back to her mate when he comes running and begging her for forgiveness? Can she and the hybrid king find a happy ever after or will his coldness and superiority scare her away and deny the intense attraction and pure raging romance between them?



The coldness of the night oozed into my thin fabric and blew my hair wildly around my face, my long and very thick hair blew into my mouth but I immediately spat it out, shivering before we even got to the mating ceremony, my step mother didn't allow me to take a sweater along as she was rushing me to get dressed.

Now, standing in front of my angry mate who had been ranting and yelling in my face for over an hour, I realised why she wanted me here.

I was beyond surprised when she agreed with me about going out tonight to find my mate. She didn't want happiness for me and I wondered why she didn't put up a fight or warn me not to leave the house.. , But standing in front of my mate trying to stay emotionless to his ranting, I suspect why.

"You are just a whore! A piece of rag! And a cheap prostitute!!... Do you ever think I will settle for a liar and foolish person like you... ? your step mother and sister already exposed you and I reject you this instant!" His cold voice reached my inner brain, I circled around to look at my gloating step sister.

"Alpha Eric... please ... at least listen to my side of the story, you can't conclude without an investigation... at least ... please..", I was begging hysterically, holding the leg left of my mate. At that moment my fear of losing the only person that I had hoped would save me filled my thinking.

I would Roll on the floor if I had to, I would worship him forever if he would just have me now. My wailing increased when I sighted my step sister from the corner of my swollen red eyes. She wrapped her hand around my mate's neck and he smiled back at her.

My step sister was grinning from ear to ear, they were having an affair even before he met me, and he had the guts to call me cheap and a cheater, because he needed something to send me off with, he chose to listen to whatever rumour he heard about me.

Rossy finally spoke out, smirking as she did, "My darling ... throw this dirty thing out. She doesn't deserve you!" Other pack members around us who had also attended the mating ceremony to find their mate, were staring at us and the look of pity on their faces towards me was annoying and repelling.

"I won't throw her out! She will stay here and work as an ordinary maid, I will make sure she suffers for sleeping with other men!...." With that said, he ordered for his guards and two of them rushed toward me, yanking me away from him.

"Please.... I'm not that type of person, my step mother and sister are lying against me... you can ask my friends about me" my eyes landed on my two friends, abigeal rushed after the guards with me, while Isabella stood still and frozen. Maybe the shock was too much for her.

Before I knew what was happening I was locked up in my mate's prison, my stepmother's victorious laughter kept ringing loud and heavy in my ears, the glare she sent my way while the guards dragged me out was an unforgettable & Stomach turning one, "I told you I would ruin you" type of glare.

I couldn't stop crying all through the night, my life is a shit hole but I didn't dream of ending up in a prison let alone of being placed there by my own mate, the one person I thought would save me?.

"Get ready to meet your mate ... it's tonight and I need you there very early!" My step mother's voice seeped into my thoughts again, now I realise why she was so concerned and impatient about me meeting my mate tonight. It's because she wanted to see me in pain.

"Ahaaa... my neck!" I cried out, rubbing my stiff and red neck, Alpha Eric had choked my neck, while screaming at me, he called me all sorts of degrading names, The thought of everything that happened spanned over in my head repeatedly, hot tears kept flowing from my already tired eyes, I hugged my trembling body to comfort myself.

"I miss you fa... father, This life is nothing without you... I want to die!" I muttered to myself, the loss of my father punching harder on my gut at that moment, The realisation that my father is no longer alive to cuddle me and tell me everything will be okay shook me more than my mate's rejection, the fact that I had no one on my side.

He even kissed my step sister in my presence, I would never be able to love any man after what I have been through tonight. The guards stationed in front of my prison gate snorted loudly at me before they resumed their mocking conversation.

"She's just so unlucky ... I would have married them both if I were in our Alpha's shoes ... This one is more beautiful with highlighted curves..." one of the guards was telling the other three who weren't there when the whole thing happened.

I swallowed my sobs with my nose and ignored them, they were the least of my problems right now, they can say any gibberish they want to, my worry right now is how my life will proceed, Especially now that I'm my step sister's servant.

The same step sister and mother who promised to make life a living hell for me?I wasn't really surprised about the stunt they pulled, Only shocked about how my mate agreed with them and took my sister as his Luna in my place!.

"You believe all their lies and deceit over what I want to say to you? Over my own story?" I had asked him but I was rewarded with a hot slap instead. remembering the sting from the slap, I tut my teeth together and reached for my red face. The ache from my face forced me to jerk my hand away.

Tonight is a bad dream and I hope to wake up from it. Had I known what was before me I would have ran fast into the bush to evade tonight, "a night that was supposed to be my night of joy ... why me!... Even abigeal found her mate tonight!". I complained to myself in anguish and sadness.

The next day I was given the maid cloth to wear and my step sister in her highly expensive designer bag, shoe and cloth couldn't stop mocking my condition. My mate got her a car too, he had started to spoil her with his money just to spite me.

"Why did I open my heart to love? ... I should have realised that I'm unfortunate and ill fated...!" I cried to abigeal, she had sneaked into the maid quarters to see me.

As expected, rossy; My step sister, had warned both of my friends to stay away from me or receive unforgettable punishment, yet Abigeal came without thinking twice.

She held my hands and allowed me to express myself, "Abi...Abiiigeal!.. These people have been after my happiness since I stepped my legs in my fathers' house, and now that he's dead ... ohooo... I'm in serious trouble! They will kill meeee!" I expressed my fears to abigeal.

Abigeal said nothing, she held me closer to her heaving chest and consoled me, I could feel her chest heaving rapidly by the seconds, she was almost ready to cry with me. I smiled at her In appreciation and held her tighter for comfort.

"You will not die ... Lucinda, don't talk like that.. I'm here, I will involve my parents if I have to? You cannot die here... we will find a solution, she assured me while raising her burrow for more emphasis.

But the solution didn't come soon. Who were abigail's parents in the presence of Alpha Eric? Of course they came for me, to rescue me, but he threw them out unceremoniously. My step mother and sister turned me into their punching bag.

All through my ordeal, I almost slit my hand one night but stopped once my fathers voice reached deep in my mind. On his deathbed he made me promise to fight for my life and happiness.

My mate joined my enemies in taunting me everyday , "you will die here in your maid quarters ... I won't let you go to another man and I will spite you with your step sister, I will destroy your life" he threatened me with a horrific growl while I served his dinner one night, sinking his hand into my waist and causing immense pain for me.

I winced and rushed away from his side, the deadly glare in his eye was enough to express his hatred towards me clearly.

His threats shook me to my bones, caught my step sister grinning wickedly at me, she was definitely enjoying every bit of my discomfort, I don't know what they told him that made him so bitter and furious toward me but I will definitely find out.

"My darling, an idea came to me right now and I think I know what we can do with this cheap slot!" My sister remark got my attention at once, unconsciously accelerating my heart beat due to the malicious desire in her voice.

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