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★PROLOGUE★ Ever heard of a billionaire playboy? A billionaire is supposed to be someone that devotes all his time to his work right? But that's not entirely the case of ALFRED CARTER. Just like his name depicts, he has an angel_like feature, but inside his heart lays a crazy hatred for his father. He has long silky hair, perfectly sculpted nose, sharp jawline, sexy pink lips, tall and an athletic body, but most importantly he's a big time playboy but been a playboy didn't stop him from handling his company the way it should be. He's a successful model and the heir of CARTER CONGLOMERATE. CARTER CONGLOMERATE is the largest conglomerate in the USA owned by BERNADO CARTER with hundreds divisions across the globe. CARTER ENTERPRISES, CARTER TECHNOLOGY, CARTER ELECTRONICS, CARTER HIGHSCHOOL, CARTER COLLEGE, CARTER AUTOMOBILES, CARTER INVESTMENT, CARTER HOTEL and many more. ALFRED CARTER handles most of the divisions while some were left for his elder sister, CINDY CARTER. Despite been a playboy, he was highly respected by everyone, his workers and even business associates. His usual word is “I DONT DO LOVE”. Then everything took a huge turn around when ARIANA CAMPBELL came into the picture. Ariana was a cute girl of 20 who grew up with her uncle after her parents died in a car crash when she was 10, been someone who lost her parents to the accident at a young age, she started having trust issues and changed from the good girl everyone knew her as. Then suddenly, one day, her uncle informed her she's getting married and not to any guy but the popular billionaire playboy ALFRED CARTER What happens when she finally finds out that her marriage with Alfred was for her uncle to merge contracts with the CARTERS? What's gonna happen when Alfred finds out that the father he hates so much wants him to get married? Why does he hates his father so much? What if there's more to Alfred playboy lifestyle? What happens when Ariana finds out the death of her parent has more to it? What if she isn't able to cope with Alfred's exes/ sluts after getting married to him? What's gonna happen when Alfred and Ariana both find out they have something in common? There are so many dramas ahead Ride with me on this amazing masterpiece.


[Love changed me]

THEME: A change of heart






Fleets of cars suddenly swerved in front of the company and Alfred carter came out of a brand new Lamborghini looking dashing in his Navy blue suit with a white t shirt worn inside, then a black tie and lastly black shoes.

He looked around and passed his bag to a guard beside him before walking inside the company and his guards followed suit. Immediately he walked in, his secretary joined him and walked with him while the guard he passed his bag too gave his bag to his secretary.

He doesn't ride with anybody except his driver and personal guard that's why his secretary has her own car. She has to come to work before him and wait for him at the entrance of the company so they walk to their office together.

Immediately his workers saw him, they stopped all what they were doing immediately and bowed respectfully while some stylishly raised their head up to look at his face. Immediately he left there, they started their gossips.

★Gosh!! I will pay any amount to look at his face everyday.

★He's extremely hot.

★I just want to touch him once.

They all murmured but kept quiet immediately they saw the manager coming.

He walked to the elevator and entered with his secretary while the guards used the second elevator. They all got out at the same time and he walked to his office with Stella while the guards stopped at the entrance.

Alfred walked to his seat and sat on his chair revealing the plaque on the large table with his name boldly inscribed on it. His office is very large, there are two cushions available at the right side and a centre table making it look more like a living room.

Stella, his secretary walked to the kitchen in his office and made him a cup of coffee and walked backed to him putting the coffee on a tray and dropped it beside the laptop on the table.

“Thank you” he said and sipped a little before dropping it back on the table.

“What are my schedules for today?” he asked moving his laptop to himself. Stella grabbed her iPad and clicked on some folders before calling out his schedules for him.

★You have an interview with J.J STUDIOS.

★You also have a meeting with SUMMIT ENTERPRISES.

★Miss Cindy also invited you to give a speech at CARTER HIGHSCHOOL.

★You also have to check on CARTER AUTOMOBILES.

★You also have to do the same with CARTER HOTEL.

★“And lastly, a shoot with SILVER GLOW” she concluded.

“Stella, do you want to kill me?” he asked with widened eyes.

“Come on, don't be lazy” she chuckled and he glared at her. Stella is someone that is very close to him and he takes her as his sister since she's the same age with his sister.

“I'm sure if it's about f**king someone right now, you will gladly do it” she said.

“Of course, that's my priority in this life.....“he answered”.

“Are you ever gonna change?” she asked.

“Never” he answered firmly.

“What's up with the automobile company?” he asked.

“I think they have some problem with loss of clients and lack of some certain equipments, I don't really know much about it though but you will know better when you get there” she replied.

“Okay, what about the hotel” he asked again.

“Huge drop in sales” she replied and showed him their sales dashboard.

“Why I'm I just hearing about this now” he asked still checking it.

“They thought they could handle it, so when they found out they couldn't, they had to talk to you about it” she replied.

“Let's check up on CARTER HOTEL first then” he said standing up and Stella closed her iPad carrying his bag and followed him out and the guards followed suit. He walked into the elevator with Stella and the guards used the second elevator just the same way they came in. They got out at the same time and walked out of the company not without giving his workers a cold face.

One thing he hates is getting distracted during working hours and he makes sure to sing it into their ears everytime to always pay attention during working hours .

The door to the Lamborghini was opened for him and he got in while Stella decided to ride with one of the guards. Minutes later, the car stopped at CARTER HOTEL and he stepped out after the door was opened by a guard, he walked in with Stella by his side and some guards at their back.

The manager known to be Mr Nelson suddenly walked over to him after learning that he was around.

“Welcome Mr Alfred” he said and bowed respectfully.

“Gather everyone to the boardroom immediately” Alfred ordered and walked away.

“Yes sir” Mr Nelson bowed and called a worker to inform the other directors to come to the boardroom.


Ariana walked down the stairs in a white joggers and black crop top walking to the dining room to join her uncle.

“Good morning uncle” she greeted before sitting down and a maid came to serve her breakfast.

Her uncle, Albert Campbell was her dad's brother, his wife and children are in the states, so when her parents died, he wanted to send her to the States but she declined so she has been living with him since then.

“Thank you” she said to the maid.

“How are you?” her uncle asked her.

“I'm fine” she answered and started eating.

“Uncle, you have not been around for some time now, are you busy with something?” she asked.

“Yeah, I'm working on something and it's for your own good, when I'm done with it, I will make sure to tell you about it” he replied smiling.

“For my own good?” she asked.

“Yeah” he answered.

“Okay, I wish you success” she said and he nodded.


Alfred was sitting on a single chair with Stella standing beside him. He was facing the directors, some were at his left hand side while some were at the right.

He picked up a remote and pressed a button and it showed the sales dashboard on the projector.

“What happened?” he asked.

“We promise we are gonna work something out” one of them answered.

“If you had told me earlier, it won't have gotten to this” he snapped.

“We will do our best” they all chorused.

“Which you haven't done so far?” he asked sacarastically and they looked down.

“We are sorry sir” they chorused again.

“It's not about been sorry, what's your plan?” he asked looking at everyone of them.

“We plan on pushing the sales more so that none of the guests leave the hotel empty handed” another said.

“So you are planning on doubling the sales compared to now?” he asked.

“Yeah” another answered.

“Inform the chefs making the dishes to change their old recipe and make new dishes before this week and work on doubling the sales also, I think it should work out that way” Alfred said.

“Yes sir” they all chorused and he stood up walking out of the boardroom with Stella.

“He truly deserves been the heir of CARTER CONGLOMERATE” one said and they all smiled.

Alfred walked out of the hotel with Stella and his guards

“You really did well in there, I'm glad you don't only use that brain to f**k” Stella said.

“What!!” Alfred exclaimed glaring at her.

“Well I'm not called ALFRED CARTER for nothing” he said proudly.

“We should go to the automobile company next right?” Stella asked.

“Yeah” he said and entered the car already opened by a guard for him and the cars drove into the road. Minutes later, they got to CARTER AUTOMOBILES and he stepped down from the car walking inside the company and the workers bowed respectfully.

He walked directly to the manager office with Stella and Stella knocked.

“Who's that?” the manager asked and Stella opened the door without replying. Immediately the manager saw him, he spranged up from his seat.

“Good morning sir” the manager said.

“Meet me with everyone at the boardroom” Alfred said and walked out.

“What's your plan” stella asked.

“I will have to meet up with clients myself and work things out with them” he replied walking to the boardroom with Stella and met everyone sitting already. They all stood up when he walked in and bowed respectfully.

“How did we lose so many clients?” he asked but nobody answered and he sighed.

“What's your plan?” he asked again.

“We will do our best sir” one said.

“Set up meetings with some of the clients, I will talk to them myself” he said referring to Stella.

“Okay sir” she said.

“And work on getting new equipments to work on our new project” Alfred said and stood up walking out.

“Yes sir” they all chorused.

Alfred walked out of the company with Stella and his guards.

“What's next?” he asked.

“Should we go for the meeting with SUMMIT ENTERPRISES next?” she asked.

“Okay, where are we supposed to meet” he asked.

“KING HOTEL, I think he wants to work with you” stella replied.

“I will know by then, let's go” he said and entered the car.


Alfred walked in with Stella by his side and Stella went to meet the receptionist to ask where SUMMIT ENTERPRISES made a reservation.

“He's at the VIP room, room 105” stella said and walked there with Alfred.

She pressed the doorbell and Mr Summit opened up.

“Welcome Mr Alfred” he said and Alfred nodded his head before walking in.

He sat down on the cushion available and Mr Summit sat opposite him.

“Why did you ask to see me?” Alfred asked.

“I have a project coming up and I decided to see if we could join hands together and work on it together” he said.

“What's our profit on it” Alfred asked.

“60/40” he replied.

“50/50” Alfred said.

“But....” he argued.

“No buts, you in or not” Alfred asked.

“Okay” he sighed.

“Guess that's the end right?” Alfred said already standing up.

“Yeah, it was nice working with you” Mr summit said stretching his hand for a shake.

“Same here” Alfred said taking his hand shake before walking out of the room with Stella.

“I didn't know you were gonna agree to it, what do you plan on doing?” Stella asked.

“You know about the new project in the automobile company we planned on working on, we can just work together on it and we split the profit in half” Alfred answered walking out of the hotel.

“Hmmm....you sure it's gonna work?” she asked.

“Trust me” Alfred replied.

“Let's....” Alfred was still saying when his ringing phone interrupted him. He removed it from his suit pocket, when he saw his father as the caller ID, his smiling face suddenly changed, he swiped it to the green icon and raised it to his ear.

“Alfred” his father called.

“Hello” he said.

“Can you come over to the house today?” his father asked.

“Why?” Alfred asked.

”I just want to see you” he said.

“I've heard you” he said and cut the call before his father even said anything.

“You okay?” Stella asked.

“Shift all my schedules to tomorrow” Alfred said entering the car and the car zoomed off leaving Stella with the other guards.


A car suddenly drove in and Alfred stepped out walking into the house. He doesn't like coming here cause it reminds him of his moment with his mum but he just had to come to see why his father called him.

He walked into the house and saw his father sitting on a couch in the living room.

“Come here son” Bernardo said.

“Why did you call me here?” Alfred asked.

“Sit down” he said.

“I'm not here to sit” Alfred said.

“When will you ever forgive me Alfred?” Bernado asked with a sad voice.

“When you bring my mother and little sister back” Alfred answered and his father looked at him.

“But they are dead” his father said.

“Yeah, that's what I'm saying, I can never forgive you” Alfred said and walked out of the house.

To be continued.......

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