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BLURB: They say, "Those who failed to learn from history are doomed to repeat it..." In a world where powerful martial masters can come back to life, Rhodes Therion is born again with hardly any memories of his old life, not knowing who he really is. And although he struggles with recalling his memories, Rhodes finds out he's inherited something strange from his past: the Final Gambit System. Driven by the pain of his past death, Rhodes decides to get stronger to avoid going through that again. He also sets out to uncover his past and figure out who he used to be. But little does he know, someone who knows a lot about his past is watching him from the shadows...

Chapter 1 Accessing the system

Late at night, the library of Hope Grove, the city's biggest clan, still had lights on. Inside, a six-year-old boy was busy reading thick books all by himself.

That boy was Rhodes Therion, one of the legitimate sons of the Therion clan. His father was an important person in the clan, but he had many sons and daughters, some born within marriage, others not.

Usually, kids born outside marriage had fewer rights in the clan, unless they were perfect at something and got recognized. But they could still live in the clan until they grew up. After that, they might become servants or lose the right to stay in the clan's territory.

Rhodes's mother was one of his father's official wives, and people said there was real love between them. But she died when Rhodes was born. Since then, his father never showed any kindness to him. He hardly ever even saw his father, except during official clan events.

So, even though the clan didn't treat him badly, and he was better off than the illegitimate kids, it wasn't a big difference. Some of his half-siblings even disliked him and tried to bother him. But Rhodes liked reading and learning, so he spent most of his time in the library or his room, places the other kids couldn't go to.

If Rhodes were like most six-year-olds, he would have had a tough time with his mother gone and his father ignoring him. But Rhodes wasn't like most kids. He remembered things from before he was born, like memories from his past life.

Compared to others with this ability, Rhodes didn't remember much. But even the little he remembered set him apart from the other kids. He knew what it was like to die, and he didn't want to experience that again. His past life had been easy, but it ended painfully. Rhodes didn't remember all the details, but he knew it was bad.

So, he worked hard. Not to get strong physically, but to get smart. His memories told him that knowledge is power. He didn't want to be ignorant like he was in his past life, so he learned to read and write faster than the other kids.

The people who took care of him were surprised by how smart and hardworking he was. But they didn't know about his memories. They just thought he was a smart kid who didn't get much love and buried himself in books.

Rhodes didn't care what the other kids thought of him. They were just kids, and he couldn't change his situation. Plus, the laws protected kids like him until they turned ten. So, he focused on his goal: unlocking something special he got from his past life. He knew it was the only way to succeed in his future, and he wanted to do it as soon as possible.

He found out about this special thing on his fourth birthday. A voice in his head told him it was called the Final Gambit System, created by his past self's last wish. To unlock it, he needed to learn a lot of things.

Rhodes was shocked at first, but he knew it wasn't his imagination. Even though he didn't remember his past wish, he felt like the Final Gambit System was important.

From that day on, Rhodes studied even harder. He spent most of his free time in the library, reading as many books as he could. And as he learned more, he noticed it became easier to remember things. He was sure the Final Gambit System was the key to his success.

The library had some sections anyone could read in, but there were also restricted areas with special conditions. Rhodes knew those books could help him with the Final Gambit System, but he couldn't access them.

He could ask his father for help, but his father didn't want anything to do with him. He didn't like that Rhodes spent all his time reading. His father believed men should be tough and use their fists, not their brains.

Rhodes kept up this routine until one night, when he stayed in the library past midnight for the first time. He felt like he was close to unlocking the Final Gambit System, so he kept reading without realizing how late it had gotten.

Rhodes had read a lot of books for a six-year-old, but no one knew just how many. When he finished reading one thick book that night, the Final Gambit System finally reacted.

"The conditions have been fulfilled; the Final Gambit System is now unlocked," echoed a voice within Rhodes's mind.

"Final Gambit System is launching; please wait," announced the system.

A progress bar materialized in Rhodes's thoughts, completing it in just two minutes.

"Final Gambit System launch finished successfully; Rhodes Therion registered as the system's user. You can start using the Final Gambit System," the voice declared.

Excitement bubbled within Rhodes, but before he could act, the system posed another question.

"Do you want to start the Final Gambit System tutorial?" it asked.

Uncertain of the system's abilities, Rhodes responded loudly, "I want!"

Yet, the system remained unresponsive. Rhodes tried again, raising his voice, "I want to start the tutorial!"

Still, the system did not budge. Rhodes fell silent, realizing the lateness of the hour and the emptiness of the library. He had been fortunate; had anyone been present, he would have faced reprimand, and worse, the revelation of the system's existence.

Rhodes understood the system's value and the danger it posed if discovered. Resolving to keep it secret, he vowed to find ways to conceal its existence from prying eyes.

"User didn't need to worry; no one can detect the existence of the Final Gambit System if you don't reveal it," the system reassured him, responding to his unspoken fears.

Surprised by the system's telepathic response, Rhodes tried again, this time in his mind. "Tutorial starting..."

To his relief, it worked. Rhodes realized he only needed to think about using the system; his earlier outburst had been unnecessary. Redirecting his focus, Rhodes turned his attention to the system tutorial.

"The Final Gambit System has two main functions: the Database Search and the Quest Menu," the system explained. "The Database Search allows the user to access any information stored in the database, including personal data synchronized with your body and soul. Additionally, all the knowledge required to unlock the Final Gambit System is available for consultation at any time."

Rhodes's spirits lifted at the prospect. Despite his sharp memory, he struggled to retain every detail from his readings. The Database Search would provide him with instant access to a wealth of information whenever he needed it.

However, it was the system's mention of scanning his body and soul that intrigued him. Before he could dwell on it further, the system continued.

"As the user is interested, relevant information extracted from body and soul will now be summarized in two new auxiliary functions: the Stats Menu and the Innate Talent Menu."

Rhodes's curiosity was piqued as the system unveiled two new functions, doubling its original capabilities. While he was unfamiliar with the Stats Menu, the promise of the Innate Talent Menu captured his attention.

"Innate Talents are something one is born with, and one can't acquire more," Rhodes mused. "If I can access my Innate Talents now, it could give me a significant advantage over others, especially at my age."

Lost in contemplation, Rhodes was jolted back to reality as the system introduced the Stats Menu.

"Name: Rhodes Therion | Age: 6 (World's law protection) | Body Level: 0 | Mind Level: 0"

"Vitality: 3 | Strength: 1 | Agility: 1 | Intelligence: 10 | Wisdom: 10 | Dexterity: 7"

Rhodes's brow furrowed at the revelation of his status. While his intelligence and wisdom scores delighted him, his minimal strength gave him pause.

"I may not be physically strong, but with intelligence and wisdom like mine, I should focus on becoming a Magus," Rhodes reasoned.

As the system elaborated on the significance of Stats, Rhodes understood the path laid before him. With nearly four years until he could begin training in earnest, he resolved to improve his Stats and uncover his latent talents.

Finally, as the system transitioned to the Innate Talent Menu, Rhodes's heart raced with anticipation, eager to discover what secrets lay hidden within his soul.

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