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The Girl Who Feared Love

The Girl Who Feared Love

Vickie Thoria


Isadora Nightshade, age 23, has spent the last twelve years burning with hatred for her father, who she blames for her mother's death. Hence, she has lived far away, out of his life and sight, for fear of being choked to death by his presence. Isadora is driven by a desire to avenge her mother's death and live an independent life. Rowan Duncan, age 28, a cold-hearted business tycoon, sees Isadora as a way to escape from his overbearing mother, who wants him to marry Magnus Ravensong's daughter. As their relationship grows, the stakes become higher, and the tension between them mounts. Will Isadora and Rowan find a way to overcome the challenges that stand in their way, or will their relationship be doomed by the forces working against them? Will Isadora be able to find justice for her mother's death, or will she be consumed by her quest for vengeance? Will Rowan be able to break free from his mother's control, or will he remain trapped in her web?

Chapter 1 Marriage Proposal

“No mom, that is not happening, there's no way in heaven's name that I will get married to Alicia Machado, it is a no” Rowan thundered walking down the stairs angrily skipping some.

“Oh really, Alicia is the best woman who suits you, she is in the same caliber as you even though we are richer than they are,” Martha Rowan's mom said, following her son into the spacious sitting room painted in a golden color.

“Best woman you say, I can't believe you are saying this. You and I know what kind of woman Alicia is, and I'm no Hosea that will get married to Gomez" Rowan said, sitting in the master chair.

Martha felt frustrated thinking of a better way to convince her so “that is a wrong thing to say about someone, she is just in her prime, and probably she wants to enjoy it to the fullest”

Rowan scoffs “by going wild and uncultured, really mom, I seriously can't believe you are saying this right now so you prefer to sell me out to Alicia because of caliber”

“Stop being dramatic okay, you know Alicia loves you, so I don't know what you are saying” Martha said.

“I am the one getting married to her, not your mom, it will be a life commitment with her, and I'm not ready to gamble it on anything, not even for you” Rowan said, looking out the window to check if the driver is ready.

“She will change” Martha said in a patronizing tone.

“That is just an illusion, no one has the power to change anyone except God and if for anything. Alicia is not the answer to my prayer for a good wife” Rowan said, pacing up and down.

“Jeez! What's this noise all about? It is too early to be on each other's throat” Abby rubbed her eyes sleepily as she walked into the large sitting room still in her pink nightwear.

“Mom is proposing that I marry Alicia Macha...” Rowan was saying.

“Alicia Macha... What?” Abby screamed cutting him off.

Rowan shrugged at his sister's reaction, even her sister wouldn't advise him to get married to someone like that. What was their mother thinking. If for money, they had more than enough.

He wouldn't miss this life opportunity to choose a wife for himself without anyone's help. Why rush into a marriage that is bound to crumble when you can make the right choice from the start.

“I've had enough of this conversation. I'm not getting married to Alicia, and that's final. If you want a daughter-in-law that much then I will introduce you to one” Rowan said, dismissing the topic.

“You don't even have a girlfriend, not to talk of introducing a daughter-in-law to me. Are you going to hire someone to be your girlfriend and then daughter-in-law” Martha replied with a horror look on her face.

What if they woke up one day, and they had to escape with their life savings. Sold the house and everything in it. Martha thought dryly.

“Mom, you are thinking too far, this is no movie. I will find my rib by myself. One who fits in perfectly” Rowan headed towards the door after biding his family goodbye even though his mother had given him a disapproving look.

“Mom, how could you suggest such a terrible idea to him, have you not seen how Alicia flies from one man to another just like a mosquito sucking it prey's blood with no mercy? I thought mothers are supposed to have the best interest of their children at heart and not the other way around” Abby said in a disappointing tone before heading to her room to prepare for work.

“Whatever, that rib of your rib won't put food on your table. We have to be practical here” Martha said to no one in particular.

What in heaven's name was his mother thinking of, have him marry Alicia, who has no iota of any good in her. Not even in his life.

Alicia was becoming too handful these days, and he tried his best to avoid her.

Rowan got off the car as his driver packed into the company's parking lot designed for him alone.

Thank God it was Friday and not Monday and there's nothing much to do on days like this.

He stepped into the company, everyone glued to their computer busy deciphering one code or building one. Megatech has been known for it popularity and technical know how in the coding world.

Heads turned to greet him as he walked towards the elevator for his office.

His staff often wondered how one can be godly and yet threatening at the same time. What endeared him most to people, especially the women, was his simple lifestyle. He doesn't have to dress heavily before he can be recognized. He has the face of a heroic savior, which makes the women drool over him.

Opening the door of his office, he met Davis, his best friend, sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee at hand.

“Today can't be any better” Rowan thought, running his fingers through his hair.

“You came late today” Davis noted.

Who is he to complain about his lateness, this is his office, not his.

“Don't mind me, just one of my mom's tantrums ” Rowan said, sitting on his chair which has an inscription of CEO at the table connected to it.

“It's been long I saw her. So what's up with her” Davis said, sipping his coffee.

“She suggested I get married to Alicia Machado” Rowan said, arranging the files on his table, trying to create space for today's work.

“You are joking, right?” Davis said with his coffee cup hang in his mouth.

“Does it look like something I would joke with” Rowan replied in irritation.

“And what's your response” David asked, staring at Rowan, trying so hard to suppress the laughter building up in him.

“Are you being serious right now, even a sane man will refuse that offer straight up” Rowan squeezed a paper and threw it at his friend's face.

“You are being dramatic, anyone will fall for it as long as the money is involved,” Davis said, grinning.

“Certainly, not me, bro. Why are you here, by the way?” Rowan asked, connecting his computer to the Wi-Fi.

“Nothing much, just feel like seeing you” Davis said, downing the remaining coffee.

“You and I know that you don't just drop from the sky. So tell me what is it already” Rowan said, his eyes fixed on his computer.

“Let's go clubbing this night, it's Friday, and it won't be nice to waste away such a beautiful day as this. Everything about today is just perfect” Davis said in a cozy tone.

“You know what my answer is already, why bother to come all the way here when you can ask with a phone call” Rowan said staring at his friend.

“Don't give me that look. You and I know that you wouldn't agree” Davis said, standing up to take his leave.

“Your presence won't make me change either” Rowan said, dismissing him.

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