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The Girl Who Feared Love

Chapter 4 A New Name!

Word Count: 1466    |    Released on: 20/03/2024

been harsh on her skin, and now this stranger is trying to

you want in return for

contact info,” Rowan said a

a asked with a straight face. Rowan handed over his phone to her. She typed her

for me” Rowan said

sa said, roll

it, Dora sou

of the people she doesn't want in her life, not someone who made her feel like she can't lo

ll her at night. Isa was relieved to be out of his sight. S

abe, why aren't you picking?” Allan's

erse choose a day like this

ve the opportunity to check my phone,” Isa sai

wearing?” Allan asked, pointing to

as broken loose

alary to purchase that dress, and you won't let me buy them for you. Now start t

t so you know, we are not going to the club today. Som

” Allan asked, eye

shifted into a sitting position. Isa used her hand to caress he

oday. Remember I told you I have p

ith me to the cinema,” Allan confirmed

t happened to Allan, who eru

d should have flowed forward, not backward, so I could see it,”

o cover you really got me. Are you guy

d' would have worked fine, not him acting like my

lan asked, fanning her fac

ou serious right now

wing that guy to touch you without removing his tee

o throw a fist. Moreover, he's not the type to do s

The fact that he's rich count

your dreams,”

own when he offered to have y

med off to the store with the constant reminder that I don't know how to take care o

know you. But you are ungrateful. Just look at the way you are talk

ther person would, and a more sensible one at t

ho helped you,” Allan said, following Mia to t

ere,” Isa ro

to the club with me

y fault,” M

ng you stay indoors,” Sandy said, going b

up to you next time. I prom

and rest,” Sandy waved goodb

le Collins worked as a personal assistant for Megatech company, and her uncle travelle

blet, ready to sleep the weekend away. The sound of her phone made her turn over to

eling better?” a deep

ce, Mia caressed her forehead as

s for today, though,” Mia said,

. I hope you aren't feeling mu

trying to picture how he

s Rowan. Don't mind my manne

Mia mu

u're going to s

ly going to b

ought the name sounded good and

that cold attitude. T

d attitude. Good night,” Isa

ght. She switched off


s asked, pouring cha

today,” Rowan r

s, right?” Davis said, poin

o such, and she's differen

ady. She must have a great

e her again” Rowan looked at his phone, tempted to

and he wished to be drown by this feeling.

s do. How did you tw

had a book section to go to, then I saw her standing t

act like you own her or her body, for you to go acting like a

s just something I couldn't get off my mind. I know I'm a bit

ssue you have on the ground,” Davis said, en

ying her, and that's final,” Rowan

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