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Accidental Marriage With Arrogant Billionaire

Accidental Marriage With Arrogant Billionaire

Blue sky


Keyla had made a mistake with her boyfriend Johan, so she got pregnant. But Keyla was very disappointed because Johan did not want to take responsibility and did not want to marry her. Keyla's father found out that Keyla was pregnant; he was furious and had misunderstood Kevin, Keyla's boss and Johan's older brother. Because of this misunderstanding, Kevin was forced to marry Keyla and take responsibility for what his younger brother did. After their marriage, facts and secrets began to come to light. Johan has started to regret his decision. Will Keyla keep her marriage to Kevin? Or will she choose to go back to Johan?

Chapter 1 A night full of passion

A beautiful woman dressed in a knee-length dress was standing in an apartment unit. It could be seen from her face that she was holding back her irritation. The woman was Keyla; she was in front of her lover's apartment. She had been standing there for a long time, but there was no sign of the landlord opening the door.

The 24-year-old woman chuckled and reached into her bag, looking for her cell phone. Trying to contact her boyfriend.

"Tsk, where the hell is Johan? Is he not at the apartment? Should I just leave?" The woman with shoulder-length hair was talking to herself.


Just as Keyla was about to walk away, the apartment door opened. Bringing out a tall man who had a perfect face, the man smiled with a wistful look.

Johan Bragantara is Keyla Auristela's boyfriend. They have been in a relationship for almost a year, and both of them love each other. They also often spent time together when they were off work.

"Oh my God, Johan! Are you drunk again? Let's go inside!" Keyla screamed in surprise at Johan's messy condition.

Keyla led Johan inside, inviting him to sit on the sofa in front of the TV. She was a little annoyed that Johan hadn't listened to her not to drink alcohol to the point of intoxication, but she saw that Johan was drunk and was babbling. Keyla resisted the urge to get angry.

"Johan! Are you still sober? I want to ask, Why are you drunk like this? I told you not to get drunk again," Keyla said relentlessly.

A semi-conscious Johan smiled, gently stroking the top of Keyla's head. "You know, the problems at the office are getting more complicated. Kevin told me to take responsibility alone," he said, like a typical drunk.

Keyla sighed. Kevin should be responsible for his own company. She couldn't keep relying on her older brother, Kevin. The siblings were indeed entrepreneurs and young billionaires, but Kevin was superior when it came to the company. Because all this time, Kevin's life was only spent working and taking care of his company.

"Yes, I know, but it's not like this either. You should be able to be independent without Kevin," Keyla said softly, afraid that Johan's temper might explode at any moment.

"You're defending Kevin?" snapped Johan, pushing Keyla roughly.

Keyla shook her head, looking down silently, not daring to look at Johan. Nearly two years into their relationship, Keyla was still afraid of Johan's temper, which wouldn't go away. It was not uncommon for Keyla to be treated badly when Johan was emotional. Keyla did not know why she could survive with Johan until then. The answer was only because of love.

"M-sorry, Johan, I didn't mean it like that. I just--"

"Shh, shut up, come here." Johan interrupted Keyla, his hand on her thigh.

Keyla, who understood Johan's gesture, immediately sat on her boyfriend's lap. Her back was to Johan. "Why?" she asked with an innocent wink.

Instead of answering, Johan just kept quiet while wrapping his arms around Keyla's waist. Not forgetting his nose and sniffing the neck of his lover. Meanwhile, Keyla just stayed where she was, not daring to resist or rebel, even though she felt uncomfortable.

"Keyla," Johan called in his husky voice.


"I want to play with you, can I?" asked Johan right next to Keyla's ear, as his position was still submerged in Keyla's neck.

Keyla's skin crawled as she felt Johan's breath on her neck. Keyla gulped hard. She felt Johan's hand starting to slip under her dress.

Keyla stopped the movement of Johan's hand, turning her head 45°. Her eyes saw a look on Johan's face that was difficult to interpret. "Johan, but we only did it yesterday. I'm afraid I'll get pregnant if I keep doing it." Keyla wasn't lying; although Keyla was innocent, she and Johan did have sex often. Even then, it was originally because of Johan's coercion.

Johan seemed to shut off his hearing, and his hand continued to grope Keyla's dress-clad thigh. "I won't, Keyla; you just need to take the morning pill I gave you. Please, honey," he replied lightly, as if he hadn't committed a grave sin.

Keyla was still frozen, and somehow hearing Johan's words just now made her heart feel tight. But what could Keyla do? She could never refuse her lover just because of the word love. Keyla nodded her head, whether it was out of love or stupidity.

Seeing Keyla's agreement, Johan immediately launched into action by brutally crushing her lips. Keyla was almost out of breath. Not only that, his hands also continued to touch Keyla's intimate body parts.

Johan, who was starting to be overcome by lust, immediately picked Keyla up without letting go of her lips. Stepping slowly up to her room after setting foot in the room. Johan laid Keyla down on the bed. Keyla looked so adorable when her face started to turn red. Johan can't wait to devour her.

Without further ado, Johan crushed Keyla's mouth with his mouth. What started out as a clinging, but a second later became lustful.

Keyla could only surrender; trying to rebel was useless because her hands were locked by Johan. Not only that, Johan started to go down to Keyla's neck. His lips began to touch her body sensually.

"Ahhhmm, J-Johan, but slow down." A smooth sigh came from Keyla's tiny mouth; she couldn't help but sigh. Her body began to fall into Johan's touch.

Johan stopped his activity for a moment. "We've done it a few times; it won't hurt anymore. Remember, you're not a virgin."

Keyla's heart ached when she heard the painful words coming out of Johan's mouth. Keyla was helplessly silent. Meanwhile, Johan was even more consumed with lust when he saw Keyla's dress slightly lifted to reveal her long legs.

"But Johan."

"What else?"

"You promised to marry me, right?" Keyla asked hesitantly. She didn't want to lose Johan because he had taken her virginity.

"Yes, baby, I promise."


Not wanting to hear any more of her lover's ramblings, Johan immediately crushed Keyla's lips. His hands didn't stay still; he was busy touching all of Keyla's limbs. One by one, the clothes attached to the woman's body were removed. Johan's lust intensified when he saw his lover's body not covered by a single cloth.

Keyla could only surrender and close her eyes, following the flow of her lover's game. Occasional sighs escaped her mouth as Johan began to touch both of her mounds. Once satisfied with Keyla's body, Johan began to insert his own object into Keyla's.

"Ahhhh baby." A sigh escaped Johan's mouth.

Johan was enjoying his game, while Keyla was still struggling with her thoughts. Keyla was only afraid if Johan wasn't her soul mate, even though she had given her virginity to him.

"I love you, Johan, ahhh."

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